
Anuppur is a district in the Madhya Pradesh State of India. Total area of Anuppur is 3,747 km² including 3,543.81 km² rural area and 203.19 km² urban area. As per 2011 stats, Anuppur has a population of 7,49,237 peoples, out of which urban population is 2,05,241 while rural population is 5,43,996. Anuppur has a sex ratio of approximately 976 females for every 1,000 males. The district has a population density of 200 inhabitants per square kilometre. There are about 1,70,715 houses in the district, including 43,864 urban houses and 1,26,851 rural houses. When it comes to villages, there are about 562 villages in anuppur district.

The Anuppur district is further divided in to Tehsils / Blocks / PS / Community Development Blocks (C.D.Blocks) for administrative purposes. In India, the Block or C.D.Block is often the next level of administrative division after the tehsil. It is important to note that, In some states of India C.D.Blocks are equal to tehsils.

For those who don't know, the C.D.Block is a rural area earmarked for administration and development in India. The area is administered by a BDO (Block Development Officer). A C.D.Block covers several gram panchayats, local administrative unit at the village level.

Pushparajgarh is the largest tehsil in anuppur district by area while Anuppur is the largest tehsil by population. Jaithari is the smallest tehsil in anuppur district by both area and population. There are 4 tehsils in Anuppur district. Here is the list of all Anuppur Tehsils / Blocks / C.D.Blocks along with area & population information.

List of CD Blocks / Tehsils in Anuppur District

#Tehsil (CD Block)Area (km²)Population (2011)

Population of Anuppur District

Particulars Rural Urban Total
Total Population 5,43,996 2,05,241 7,49,237
Male Population 2,72,030 1,07,084 3,79,114
Female Population 2,71,966 98,157 3,70,123
Population Density 154 / km² 1,010 / km² 200 / km²

Households in Anuppur District

Particulars Households
Rural Households 1,26,851
Urban Households 43,864
Total Households 1,70,715