
Ater is a Town and Tehsil in Bhind District of Madhya Pradesh. In India, a tehsil is a sub-division of a district that is responsible for the administration and revenue collection of a particular area within the district. It is an important part of the local governance structure, and plays a crucial role in the development and administration of its local community.

According to census 2011 information the sub-district code of Ater Block (CD) is 03391. Total area of ater tehsil is 447 km². Ater tehsil has a population of 1,39,378 peoples. Ater tehsil has a population density of 311.8 inhabitants per square kilometre. There are about 24,368 houses in the sub-district.

When it comes to literacy, 65.46% population of ater tehsil is literate, out of which 73.62% males and 55.84% females are literate. There are about 104 villages in ater tehsil, which you can browse from ater tehsil villages list (along with gram panchayat & nearest town information) below.

List of Villages in Ater Tehsil

#Village NameGram PanchayatNearest Town
1Adhurjpura Kyari Pura Bhind (26 km)
2Ahrolighat Ahroli Ghaat Bhind (38 km)
3Ahrolikali Ahroli Kali Bhind (37 km)
4Akon Akoun Bhind (32 km)
5Andhapura N/A Bhind (13 km)
6Anurudhapura Daipura Bhind (20 km)
7Arjunpura Udotgarh Bhind (42 km)
8Ater Ater Bhind (28 km)
9Badapura Badapura Bhind (19 km)
10Baderi Gadha Bhind (22 km)
11Badhpura Badpura Bhind (25 km)
12Badhpuri Badpura Bhind (25 km)
13Balarpura Balar Pura Bhind (28 km)
14Bamanpura Gohdupura Bhind (10 km)
15Barkapura Rama Bhind (24 km)
16Bhagtuapura Manepura Bhind (29 km)
17Bhagwantpura Madhaiyapura Bhind (22 km)
18Bhimpura Matghana Bhind (15 km)
19Bijora Bijora Bhind (42 km)
20Bindwa Vindwa Bhind (26 km)
21Biragwan Rani Viragwa Rani Bhind (12 km)
22Budhanpur Ahroli Kali Bhind (40 km)
23Chachar Gadha Bhind (24 km)
24Chhidiyapura Surpura Bhind (22 km)
25Chhounda Moghna Bhind (44 km)
26Chilonga Chilonga Bhind (40 km)
27Chitawali Kishupura Bhind (35 km)
28Chomho Chomho Bhind (35 km)
29Daipura Daipura Bhind (15 km)
30Dangsarkar Khipona Bhind (35 km)
31Datawali Manepura Bhind (28 km)
32Dulhagan Dulhagan Bhind (25 km)
33Gader Ahroli Kali Bhind (35 km)
34Gadha Gadha Bhind (25 km)
35Gajna Gajna Bhind (26 km)
36Ghinochi Ghinochi Bhind (28 km)
37Gohdupura Gohdupura Bhind (20 km)
38Hamirapura Pariyaya Bhind (25 km)
39Hetpura Madhaiyapura Bhind (20 km)
40Himmatpura Maghera Bhind
41Hulapura Pratap Pura Bhind
42Jalpura Gohdupura Bhind (22 km)
43Jalpuri Gohdupura Bhind (22 km)
44Jaluapura Surpura Bhind (29 km)
45Jamhora Jamhoura Bhind (23 km)
46Jamsara Jamsara Bhind (30 km)
47Janora Janoura Bhind (17 km)
48Jori Ahir Sakraya Bhind
49Jorikotwal Jouri Kotwal Bhind (23 km)
50Kachhpura Kachhpura Bhind (46 km)
51Kadora Kadoura Bhind (27 km)
52Kalyanpura Kyari Pura Bhind (25 km)
53Kamai Kamai Bhind (19 km)
54Kanera Kanera Bhind (42 km)
55Karekapura Gohdupura Bhind (18 km)
56Kasahapura Naripura Bhind (13 km)
57Khaderi Khaderi Bhind (38 km)
58Khadit Khadit Bhind (45 km)
59Kharika Niwari Bhind (21 km)
60Kheda Ater Moghna Bhind (45 km)
61Kherat Nawli Brandawan Bhind (34 km)
62Kheri Khipona Bhind (32 km)
63Khipona Khipona Bhind (32 km)
64Kisupura Kishupura Bhind (32 km)
65Koshath Kosad Bhind (35 km)
66Kyaripura Kyari Pura Bhind (28 km)
67Madhaiyapura Madhaiyapura Bhind (22 km)
68Madhopura Para Bhind (10 km)
69Maghora Maghera Bhind (35 km)
70Maharajpura Jamhoura Bhind
71Manepura Manepura Bhind (30 km)
72Matghana Matghana Bhind (16 km)
73Modhana Moghna Bhind (44 km)
74Mora Sora Bhind (45 km)
75Nakhloli Nakhlouli Bhind (32 km)
76Naripura Ghinochi Bhind (27 km)
77Nawali Brindawan Nawli Brandawan Bhind (31 km)
78Nawalihar Tarsokhar Bhind (30 km)
79Niwari Niwari Bhind (35 km)
80Pali Naripura Bhind (20 km)
81Para Para Bhind (10 km)
82Pariyaya Pariyaya Bhind (27 km)
83Pratappura Pratap Pura Bhind (20 km)
84Rama Rama Bhind (25 km)
85Rampura Kamai Bhind (20 km)
86Ramta Ridouli Bhind (14 km)
87Ranipura Vindwa Bhind (26 km)
88Ratnupura Khipona Bhind (25 km)
89Repura Ghinochi Bhind (27 km)
90Ridouli Ridouli Bhind (13 km)
91Rohinda Kachhpura Bhind (48 km)
92Sakaraya Sakraya Bhind (17 km)
93Salimpur Vindwa Bhind (28 km)
94Sanglitor Janoura Bhind (25 km)
95Saura Sora Bhind (48 km)
96Shukalpura Shuklpura Bhind (45 km)
97Soyee Soyee Bhind (13 km)
98Surajpura Nakhlouli Bhind (32 km)
99Surpura Surpura Bhind (27 km)
100Tarsokhar Tarsokhar Bhind (32 km)
101Torkapura Badpura Bhind (25 km)
102Udannkheda Daipura Bhind (20 km)
103Udanpura Gadha Bhind (20 km)
104Udotgarh Udotgarh Bhind (45 km)

Population of Ater Tehsil

Particulars Rural Urban Total
Total Population 1,39,378 N/A 1,39,378
Male Population 75,380 N/A 75,380
Female Population 63,998 N/A 63,998
Population Density 312 / km² N/A 312 / km²

Households in Ater Tehsil

Rural Households
Urban Households
Total Households

Sub-District Overview
Sub-District (Hindi) : Ater
District : Bhind
State / UT : Madhya Pradesh
Total Area : 447 km²
Sex Ratio (2011): 849
Total Population (2011) : 1,39,378
Density : 312/km²
Total Villages : 104
Total Population Villages in Ater Tehsil
less Than 200 N/A
200 - 499 16
500 - 999 30
1000 - 1999 36
2000 - 4999 16
5000 - 9999 2
10000 and above N/A

Related Pages
List of Tehsils in Bhind
List of Districts in Madhya Pradesh

* All survey data is based on Office of the Registrar General & Census Commissioner, Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India, 2015 ( Open Government Data Platform India.