
Garoth is a Town and Tehsil in Mandsaur District of Madhya Pradesh. In India, a tehsil is a sub-division of a district that is responsible for the administration and revenue collection of a particular area within the district. It is an important part of the local governance structure, and plays a crucial role in the development and administration of its local community.

According to census 2011 information the sub-district code of Garoth Block (CD) is 03494. Total area of garoth tehsil is 617 km² including 616.29 km² rural area and 0.52 km² urban area. Garoth tehsil has a population of 1,35,181 peoples, out of which urban population is 15,122 while rural population is 1,20,059. Garoth has a sex ratio of approximately 963 females for every 1,000 males. Garoth tehsil has a population density of 219.2 inhabitants per square kilometre. There are about 28,880 houses in the sub-district, including 2,954 urban houses and 25,926 rural houses.

When it comes to literacy, 57.98% population of garoth tehsil is literate, out of which 70.78% males and 44.71% females are literate. There are about 105 villages in garoth tehsil, which you can browse from garoth tehsil villages list (along with gram panchayat & nearest town information) below.

List of Villages in Garoth Tehsil

#Village NameGram PanchayatNearest Town
1Aakli Dhabla Mohan Garoth (35 km)
2Akya Kunwarpada Akyakuwarpada Garoth (10 km)
3Anandipura Udlya Khedi Garoth (35 km)
4Baloda Baloda Garoth (40 km)
5Bamni Bamni Garoth (12 km)
6Banjari Banjari Garoth (9 km)
7Banyakhedi Khadawda Garoth (20 km)
8Baradiya Istmurar Bardiya Istmurar Garoth (10 km)
9Bardiya Amra Bardiya Amra Garoth (5 km)
10Barkheda Ambekha Kotdabujurg Garoth (22 km)
11Barkheda Gangasa Barkheda Gangasa Garoth (8 km)
12Barkheda Loya Barkheda Loya Garoth (3 km)
13Barkhedi Mitthu Kurlasi Garoth (12 km)
14Barrakhedi Barkheda Loya Garoth (3 km)
15Barrama Barrama Garoth (26 km)
16Basgon Basgoan Garoth (11 km)
17Bawdikheda Barkheda Loya Garoth (3 km)
18Bhamakhedi Bhamkhedi Garoth (35 km)
19Bhilkhedi Banjari Garoth
20Bhojpur Baloda Garoth (40 km)
21Bhunki Udlya Khedi Garoth (35 km)
22Boliya Bolia Garoth (19 km)
23Borkhedi Pipliya Jati Garoth (5 km)
24Chachawada Chachawada Pathari Garoth (35 km)
25Chandkhedi Khurd Chandkhedi Garoth (22 km)
26Chandrapura Basgoan Garoth (10 km)
27Chaplyakhedi Semrol Garoth (16 km)
28Chikanya Chikniya Garoth (11 km)
29Chukni Dhakni Garoth (9 km)
30Dasoriya Dasoriya Garoth (10 km)
31Deoriya Devriya Garoth (27 km)
32Dethali Buzurg Dethli Bujurg Garoth (16 km)
33Dethalikhurd Dethli Khurd Garoth (15 km)
34Dhaba Aeriya Garoth (11 km)
35Dhabla Mohan Dhabla Mohan Garoth (33 km)
36Dhakni Dhakni Garoth (9 km)
37Dhalmu Dhalmu Garoth (25 km)
38Dhamanya Jhali Piplia Raja Garoth (14 km)
39Dholadi Pipliya Mitthesha Garoth
40Didor Kundaliya Charandas Garoth (8 km)
41Eriya Aeriya Garoth (12 km)
42Farasali Farasli Shamgarh (8 km)
43Farnyakhedi Chandkhedi Garoth (22 km)
44Gajakhedi Bardiya Amra Garoth (5 km)
45Gariyakhedi Dhalmu Garoth (25 km)
46Garoth Kasba Barkheda Loya Garoth
47Ghatya Pipliya Mohammad Garoth (7 km)
48Gopalpura Banjari Chandwasa Garoth (15 km)
49Guradiya Mata Guradiya Mata Shamgarh (5 km)
50Guradiya Narsingh Guradiya Narsingh Garoth (12 km)
51Haripura Vishniya Garoth (19 km)
52Hatai Ralayti Shamgarh (25 km)
53Hingoriya Akyakuwarpada Garoth (10 km)
54Jassakhedi Pipliya Jati Garoth (5 km)
55Jhiranya Dhakni Garoth (10 km)
56Jhobra Baloda Garoth
57Jodma Kundaliya Charandas Garoth (7 km)
58Jodmi Kundaliya Charandas Garoth (7 km)
59Junapani Pawati Nalkheda Garoth (15 km)
60Kachhaliya Ranayra Garoth (5 km)
61Kalakheda Kharkheda Garoth (15 km)
62Kanpura Barrama Garoth (24 km)
63Kanthariya Bamni Garoth (12 km)
64Karadiya Molakhedi Bujurg Garoth (25 km)
65Khadawada Khadawda Garoth (15 km)
66Khajuri Doda Khajuri Doda Garoth (5 km)
67Khajuri Runda Khajuri Runda Garoth (11 km)
68Kharkheda Kharkheda Garoth (20 km)
69Kherkheda Surjana Juna Garoth (25 km)
70Kothada Buzurg Kotdabujurg Garoth (20 km)
71Kothada Khurd Kharkheda Garoth (20 km)
72Kothadi Bhamkhedi Garoth (37 km)
73Kundalya Charandas Kundaliya Charandas Garoth (5 km)
74Kurlasi Kurlasi Garoth (12 km)
75Lakhakhedi Phoolkheda Garoth (5 km)
76Lakhamakhedi Bhamkhedi Garoth (36 km)
77Lambikhedi Khajuri Doda Garoth (10 km)
78Lasudiya Lasudiya Garoth (30 km)
79Manki Pipliya Mohammad Garoth (10 km)
80Molakhedi Buzurg Molakhedi Bujurg Garoth (25 km)
81Narayani Dethli Khurd Garoth (15 km)
82Panwadi Panwadi Garoth (18 km)
83Pawti Pawti Garoth (8 km)
84Phoolkheda Phoolkheda Garoth (7 km)
85Pipaliya Mittesha Pipliya Mitthesha Garoth (5 km)
86Pipaliya Mohammad Pipliya Mohammad Garoth (8 km)
87Pipaliya Raja Piplia Raja Garoth (15 km)
88Pipalkheda Pipalkheda Garoth (21 km)
89Piplyajati Pipliya Jati Garoth (7 km)
90Punyakhedi Lasudiya Garoth (28 km)
91Ralayati Ralayti Shamgarh (25 km)
92Ranayara Garda Garoth (7 km)
93Raoti Khajuri Doda Garoth
94Ratikhedi Khajuri Doda Garoth (8 km)
95Rojya Bamni Garoth (12 km)
96Ruppura Pipliya Mitthesha Garoth (16 km)
97Rupra Khadawda Garoth (2 km)
98Sakariya Khedi Borkhedi Redka Garoth
99Sapanya Chikniya Garoth (9 km)
100Sathkheda Sathkheda Garoth (15 km)
101Semli Rupa Sathkheda Garoth (17 km)
102Semrol Semrol Garoth (15 km)
103Udalyakhedi Udlya Khedi Garoth (33 km)
104Umariya Baloda Garoth (40 km)
105Varni Bardiya Amra Garoth (3 km)

Population of Garoth Tehsil

Particulars Rural Urban Total
Total Population 1,20,059 15,122 1,35,181
Male Population 61,102 7,731 68,833
Female Population 58,957 7,391 66,348
Population Density 195 / km² 29,081 / km² 219 / km²

Households in Garoth Tehsil

Particulars Households
Rural Households 25,926
Urban Households 2,954
Total Households 28,880