
Tendukheda is a Town and Tehsil in Narsimhapur District of Madhya Pradesh. In India, a tehsil is a sub-division of a district that is responsible for the administration and revenue collection of a particular area within the district. It is an important part of the local governance structure, and plays a crucial role in the development and administration of its local community.

According to census 2011 information the sub-district code of Tendukheda Block (CD) is 03638. Total area of tendukheda tehsil is 457 km² including 423.93 km² rural area and 33.03 km² urban area. Tendukheda tehsil has a population of 94,919 peoples, out of which urban population is 13,077 while rural population is 81,842. Tendukheda has a sex ratio of approximately 918 females for every 1,000 males. Tendukheda tehsil has a population density of 207.7 inhabitants per square kilometre. There are about 22,615 houses in the sub-district, including 2,762 urban houses and 19,853 rural houses.

When it comes to literacy, 63.36% population of tendukheda tehsil is literate, out of which 70.89% males and 55.16% females are literate. There are about 105 villages in tendukheda tehsil, which you can browse from tendukheda tehsil villages list (along with gram panchayat & nearest town information) below.

List of Villages in Tendukheda Tehsil

#Village NameGram PanchayatNearest Town
1Andiya Nainwara Tendukheda (20 km)
2Awanriya Gundrai Kareli (35 km)
3Badiya Rampura Tendukheda
4Badiya Ghat Chawarpatha Kareli (21 km)
5Bamhori Lolri Tendukheda (18 km)
6Bandha Bandha Tendukheda (15 km)
7Bandhi Bandhi Tendukheda (10 km)
8Bans Kheda Bijora Tendukheda (12 km)
9Bareli Madanpur Tendukheda (6 km)
10Barha Karhaiya Barha Tendukheda (19 km)
11Barkunda Khairi Kala Tendukheda (15 km)
12Bhama Bhama Tendukheda (12 km)
13Bharkheda Dhigsara Kareli (24 km)
14Bhounra Bhounra Tendukheda (6 km)
15Bichuwa Umarpani Tendukheda (3 km)
16Bijora Bijora Tendukheda (10 km)
17Bikor Bikor Tendukheda (12 km)
18Bilguwan Bilguwan Tendukheda (11 km)
19Bilhara Bilhara Narsimhapur
20Bilthari Bilthari Gadarwara (16 km)
21Bira Gundrai Kareli (35 km)
22Bramhi Marawan Tendukheda (8 km)
23Charguwan Gundrai Tendukheda (24 km)
24Chauki Gundrai Kareli (30 km)
25Chawarpatha Chawarpatha Kareli (20 km)
26Chhatarpur Chhatarpur Tendukheda (16 km)
27Chilka Imaliya Bandha Tendukheda (16 km)
28Damohiya Mahguwan Tendukheda (16 km)
29Deori Deori Tendukheda (16 km)
30Dhigsara Dhigsara Kareli (25 km)
31Dhilwar Dhilwar Tendukheda (3 km)
32Dobhi Dobhi Tendukheda (10 km)
33Dubkheda Rampura Tendukheda (8 km)
34Gangai Gangai Tendukheda (10 km)
35Ghughari Rampura Tendukheda
36Gundrai Gundrai Kareli (30 km)
37Gutori Gutori Tendukheda (11 km)
38Guwari Guwari Tendukheda (11 km)
39Hathni Rampura Tendukheda (12 km)
40Hirapur Hirapur Tendukheda (18 km)
41Imaliya Imaliya Bandha Tendukheda (13 km)
42Imjhira Imjhira Tendukheda (4 km)
43Imjhiri Dhigsara Kareli (24 km)
44Inguwa Khamariya Tendukheda
45Ishurpur Ishwarpur Tendukheda (6 km)
46Jagannathpur Gundrai Kareli (34 km)
47Jaitpur Umarpani Tendukheda
48Jamuniya Gutori Tendukheda (14 km)
49Jhikoli Bilhara Narsimhapur
50Jhiri Karhaiya Barha Tendukheda (18 km)
51Juda Piparpani Tendukheda (15 km)
52Jujhari Piparpani Tendukheda (12 km)
53Kacharkona Kacharkona Tendukheda (6 km)
54Kalhedi Simariya Kalan Tendukheda (16 km)
55Kanheri Khamariya Tendukheda (7 km)
56Karhaiya Karhaiya Barha Tendukheda (18 km)
57Karondi Bikor Tendukheda (15 km)
58Kashi Kheri Kashi Kheri Tendukheda (20 km)
59Katangi Bilhara Narsimhapur
60Kathai Bilthari Gadarwara (15 km)
61Keshli Nainwara Tendukheda (22 km)
62Khairi Bijora Tendukheda (9 km)
63Khairi Khurd Nainwara Tendukheda (17 km)
64Khairuwa Umarpani Tendukheda (4 km)
65Khakredi Marawan Tendukheda (7 km)
66Khamariya Khamariya Tendukheda
67Khumer Kheda Nadiya Tendukheda (15 km)
68Kohani Bilhara Narsimhapur
69Kotkheri Rampura Tendukheda
70Kukwara Bilguwan Tendukheda (11 km)
71Kunda Umarpani Tendukheda (2 km)
72Linga Nainwara Tendukheda (18 km)
73Lolri Lolri Kareli (25 km)
74Madanpur Madanpur Tendukheda (6 km)
75Mahguwan Gundrai Narsimhapur
76Mahua Kheda Marawan Tendukheda (63 km)
77Manakpur Bijora Tendukheda (14 km)
78Mankapur Mankapur Tendukheda (11 km)
79Marawan Marawan Tendukheda (10 km)
80Mehda Khairi Kala Tendukheda (10 km)
81Mehka Bilguwan Tendukheda
82Mudhapar Bilguwan Tendukheda (10 km)
83Nadiya Nadiya Tendukheda (25 km)
84Nainwara Nainwara Tendukheda (19 km)
85Nourangpur Imaliya Bandha Tendukheda (13 km)
86Padam Nainwara Tendukheda (18 km)
87Padariya Padariya Tendukheda (14 km)
88Parasiya Rampura Tendukheda
89Piparpani Dhilwar Tendukheda (6 km)
90Piparwani Piparpani Tendukheda (12 km)
91Rajgadha Piparpani Tendukheda (13 km)
92Rampura Rampura Tendukheda
93Ronsara Lolri Tendukheda (16 km)
94Rukwara Nainwara Tendukheda (12 km)
95Sagra Bilhara Narsimhapur
96Sarra Bandhi Tendukheda (9 km)
97Simariya Padariya Tendukheda (13 km)
98Simariya Kalan Simariya Kalan Tendukheda (19 km)
99Simariya Khurd Simariya Kalan Tendukheda (19 km)
100Sukha Dhigsara Dhigsara Kareli (27 km)
101Sunheti Bhounra Tendukheda (5 km)
102Tekapar Tekapar Tendukheda (8 km)
103Umaha Imjhira Tendukheda (6 km)
104Umarpani Umarpani Tendukheda (2 km)
105Vishnupur Chawarpatha Kareli (23 km)

Population of Tendukheda Tehsil

Particulars Rural Urban Total
Total Population 81,842 13,077 94,919
Male Population 42,675 6,808 49,483
Female Population 39,167 6,269 45,436
Population Density 193 / km² 396 / km² 208 / km²

Households in Tendukheda Tehsil

Particulars Households
Rural Households 19,853
Urban Households 2,762
Total Households 22,615