
Bamebari is a Town and Tehsil in Kendujhar District of Odisha. In India, a tehsil is a sub-division of a district that is responsible for the administration and revenue collection of a particular area within the district. It is an important part of the local governance structure, and plays a crucial role in the development and administration of its local community.

According to census 2011 information the sub-district code of Bamebari Block (CD) is 02838. Total area of bamebari tehsil is 422 km² including 411.17 km² rural area and 10.83 km² urban area. Bamebari tehsil has a population of 56,271 peoples, out of which urban population is 7,482 while rural population is 48,789. Bamebari has a sex ratio of approximately 955 females for every 1,000 males. Bamebari tehsil has a population density of 133.3 inhabitants per square kilometre. There are about 12,750 houses in the sub-district, including 1,820 urban houses and 10,930 rural houses.

When it comes to literacy, 43.52% population of bamebari tehsil is literate, out of which 53.17% males and 33.43% females are literate. There are about 61 villages in bamebari tehsil, which you can browse from bamebari tehsil villages list (along with gram panchayat & nearest town information) below.

List of Villages in Bamebari Tehsil

#Village NameGram PanchayatNearest Town
1Badkalimati Badakalimati Joda (20 km)
2Baitarani R F Palasa Joda (43 km)
3Balabhadrapur Andhari Khaman Malda Kendujhar (42 km)
4Balada Balada Joda (17 km)
5Bandhuabeda Jajanga Joda (10 km)
6Basantapur Basantapur Joda (25 km)
7Belda Palasa Joda (18 km)
8Bhandaridiha Palasa Joda (20 km)
9Bholabeda Jajanga Joda (15 km)
10Biringadihi Malda Kendujhar (30 km)
11Bramhanidihi Nayagarh Joda (28 km)
12Bramhanjhari Kutugaon Joda (12 km)
13Champadihi Kutugaon Joda (19 km)
14Chipinda Kutugaon Joda (23 km)
15Deojhar Nischintpur Joda (14 km)
16Dhanurjayapur Dhanurjayapur Barbil (12 km)
17Dhatika Malda Kendujhar (37 km)
18Dobuna Badakalimati Joda (22 km)
19Godatopa Malda Kendujhar (33 km)
20Guruda Balada Joda (22 km)
21Gurutuan Jajanga Joda (9 km)
22Handibhanga Badakalimati Joda (25 km)
23Hatidari Kutugaon Joda (18 km)
24Jadibahal Jalahari Joda (12 km)
25Jaganathapur Palasa Joda (19 km)
26Jaipur Kutugaon Joda (30 km)
27Jajanga Jajanga Bamebari
28Jalahari Jalahari Joda (7 km)
29Jalapaposi Nayagarh Joda (25 km)
30Jamardihi Malda Kendujhar (41 km)
31Jamirita Jajanga Joda (25 km)
32Jamunaposi Palasa Joda (20 km)
33Jamupani Badakalimati Joda (23 km)
34Jaroli Jalahari Joda (8 km)
35Joda Palasa Kendujhar (41 km)
36Kaijoda Basantapur Joda (27 km)
37Kaliapal Malda Kendujhar (30 km)
38Kamalpur Jajanga Joda (21 km)
39Kanakana Nischintpur Joda (23 km)
40Kasia Malda Kendujhar (40 km)
41Katupali Nayagarh Joda (25 km)
42Khadabandha Jalahari Joda (11 km)
43Khajuridihi Badakalimati Joda (26 km)
44Kotagaon Kutugaon Joda (25 km)
45Kundaposi Balada Joda (16 km)
46Malada Malda Kendujhar (35 km)
47Naibuga Basantapur Joda (25 km)
48Namira Palasa Joda (17 km)
49Naupani Kutugaon Joda (20 km)
50Nayagarh Nayagarh Joda (25 km)
51Nungadia Malda Kendujhar (40 km)
52Palasa Palasa Joda (15 km)
53Patuakudar Malda Joda (41 km)
54Pidhapokhari Badakalimati Joda (24 km)
55Purunadihi Badakalimati Joda (24 km)
56Purunapani Nayagarh Joda (27 km)
57Sankalimati Malda Kendujhar (37 km)
58Saradhapanka Nayagarh Joda (26 km)
59Sreejoda Balada Joda (23 km)
60Tadapani Balada Joda (18 km)
61Unchabali Palasa Joda (18 km)

Population of Bamebari Tehsil

Particulars Rural Urban Total
Total Population 48,789 7,482 56,271
Male Population 24,796 3,978 28,774
Female Population 23,993 3,504 27,497
Population Density 119 / km² 691 / km² 133 / km²

Households in Bamebari Tehsil

Rural Households
Urban Households
Total Households

Sub-District Overview
Sub-District (Hindi) : Bamebari
District : Kendujhar
State / UT : Odisha
Total Area : 422 km²
Sex Ratio (2011): 955
Total Population (2011) : 56,271
Density : 133/km²
Total Villages : 61
Total Population Villages in Bamebari Tehsil
less Than 200 7
200 - 499 16
500 - 999 21
1000 - 1999 11
2000 - 4999 4
5000 - 9999 N/A
10000 and above N/A

Related Pages
List of Tehsils in Kendujhar
List of Districts in Odisha

* All survey data is based on Office of the Registrar General & Census Commissioner, Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India, 2015 ( Open Government Data Platform India.