
Jhumpura is a Town and Tehsil in Kendujhar District of Odisha. In India, a tehsil is a sub-division of a district that is responsible for the administration and revenue collection of a particular area within the district. It is an important part of the local governance structure, and plays a crucial role in the development and administration of its local community.

According to census 2011 information the sub-district code of Jhumpura Block (CD) is 02840. Total area of jhumpura tehsil is 159 km² including 155.62 km² rural area and 3.27 km² urban area. Jhumpura tehsil has a population of 46,936 peoples, out of which urban population is 6,064 while rural population is 40,872. Jhumpura has a sex ratio of approximately 993 females for every 1,000 males. Jhumpura tehsil has a population density of 295.4 inhabitants per square kilometre. There are about 10,607 houses in the sub-district, including 1,323 urban houses and 9,284 rural houses.

When it comes to literacy, 57.02% population of jhumpura tehsil is literate, out of which 65.49% males and 48.49% females are literate. There are about 55 villages in jhumpura tehsil, which you can browse from jhumpura tehsil villages list (along with gram panchayat & nearest town information) below.

List of Villages in Jhumpura Tehsil

#Village NameGram PanchayatNearest Town
1Andharikhaman Arsala Jhumpura (6 km)
2Arsala Arsala Kendujhar (23 km)
3Ashoki Khuntapada Jhumpura (7 km)
4Asuria Khuntapada Champua (22 km)
5Baghianasa Nahabeda Joda (19 km)
6Balabhadrapur Arsala Jhumpura (6 km)
7Balibandha Balibandha Jhumpura (7 km)
8Baliposi Padua Champua (20 km)
9Barakhandia Khuntapada Champua (31 km)
10Bhaluka Jhumpura Kendujhar (23 km)
11Bishnupur Jhumpura Kendujhar (23 km)
12Chingudiposi Balibandha Jhumpura (8 km)
13Dhaulipat Nahabeda Joda (22 km)
14Dudhakundi Balibandha Jhumpura (12 km)
15Durgapur Arsala Jhumpura (4 km)
16Fakirpur Khendra Joda (20 km)
17Ghuntapasi Nischintpur Joda (29 km)
18Ghuntaposi Nahabeda Jhumpura (8 km)
19Gobindapur Badadumuria Champua (30 km)
20Gumura Gumura Champua (17 km)
21Jamudapal Gumura Joda (18 km)
22Jansonpur Nahabeda Jhumpura (8 km)
23Jhumpura Jhumpura Jhumpura
24Kanjipani Nahabeda Joda (22 km)
25Kankadajodi Nahabeda Joda (21 km)
26Kasipal Balibandha Jhumpura (10 km)
27Katalposi Balibandha Jhumpura (8 km)
28Khendra Khendra Jhumpura (6 km)
29Khuntapada Khuntapada Jhumpura (8 km)
30Kulhadihi Balibandha Jhumpura (10 km)
31Laxmiposi Badadumuria Champua (21 km)
32Madhupur Chauthia Champua (15 km)
33Mahadevpur Khuntapada Jhumpura (12 km)
34Manada Chauthia Champua (20 km)
35Manibandha Balibandha Jhumpura (8 km)
36Murusuan Balibandha Jhumpura (10 km)
37Nahabeda Nahabeda Joda (20 km)
38Nischintapur Nischintpur Joda (27 km)
39Nuapadmakesharpur Nahabeda Joda (18 km)
40Padmakesharpur Nahabeda Joda (21 km)
41Parbatipur Khuntapada Jhumpura (13 km)
42Patbilla Khendra Jhumpura (8 km)
43Rajabasa Balibandha Jhumpura (9 km)
44Ramachandrapur Parasala Joda (22 km)
45Ramchandrapur Alias Balabhadrapur Naradpur Joda (21 km)
46Sanhundala Nischintpur Joda (21 km)
47Sarasposi Gumura Joda (23 km)
48Sijukala Parasala Joda (19 km)
49Siriabahal Balibandha Jhumpura (12 km)
50Solagoda Khuntapada Champua (35 km)
51Srirampur Jhumpura Kendujhar (23 km)
52Sundhimurusuan Arsala Jhumpura (5 km)
53Teliarsala Arsala Kendujhar (24 km)
54Tolakabahal Gumura Jhumpura (15 km)
55Trilochanpur Nischintpur Joda (23 km)

Population of Jhumpura Tehsil

Particulars Rural Urban Total
Total Population 40,872 6,064 46,936
Male Population 20,394 3,153 23,547
Female Population 20,478 2,911 23,389
Population Density 263 / km² 1,854 / km² 295 / km²

Households in Jhumpura Tehsil

Rural Households
Urban Households
Total Households

Sub-District Overview
Sub-District (Hindi) : Jhumpura
District : Kendujhar
State / UT : Odisha
Total Area : 159 km²
Sex Ratio (2011): 993
Total Population (2011) : 46,936
Density : 295/km²
Total Villages : 55
Total Population Villages in Jhumpura Tehsil
less Than 200 5
200 - 499 15
500 - 999 19
1000 - 1999 12
2000 - 4999 2
5000 - 9999 N/A
10000 and above N/A

Related Pages
List of Tehsils in Kendujhar
List of Districts in Odisha

* All survey data is based on Office of the Registrar General & Census Commissioner, Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India, 2015 ( Open Government Data Platform India.