
Dantewada is a Town and Tehsil in Dakshin Bastar Dantewada District of Chhattisgarh. In India, a tehsil is a sub-division of a district that is responsible for the administration and revenue collection of a particular area within the district. It is an important part of the local governance structure, and plays a crucial role in the development and administration of its local community.

According to census 2011 information the sub-district code of Dantewada Block (CD) is 03369. Total area of dantewada tehsil is 822 km² including 770.98 km² rural area and 51.22 km² urban area. Dantewada tehsil has a population of 94,351 peoples, out of which urban population is 35,068 while rural population is 59,283. Dantewada tehsil has a population density of 114.8 inhabitants per square kilometre. There are about 22,233 houses in the sub-district, including 8,555 urban houses and 13,678 rural houses.

When it comes to literacy, 43.17% population of dantewada tehsil is literate, out of which 51.78% males and 34.62% females are literate. There are about 59 villages in dantewada tehsil, which you can browse from dantewada tehsil villages list (along with gram panchayat & nearest town information) below.

List of Villages in Dantewada Tehsil

#Village NameGram PanchayatNearest Town
1Badegodre Netapur Dantewada (13 km)
2Badekameli Badekameli Bade Bacheli (14 km)
3Bainpal Padhapur Bade Bacheli (4 km)
4Balood Chitaloor Dantewada (8 km)
5Balpet Balpet Dantewada (10 km)
6Basanpur Kamaloor Bade Bacheli (14 km)
7Behnar Nerli Bade Bacheli (5 km)
8Bhairamband Balpet Dantewada (4 km)
9Bhansi Bhansi Bade Bacheli (11 km)
10Bhogam Bhogam Dantewada (8 km)
11Chandenar Chandenar Bade Bacheli (12 km)
12Chhotegodre Netapur Dantewada (16 km)
13Chitalanka Chitalanka Dantewada (1 km)
14Chitaloor Balood Dantewada (11 km)
15Cholnar Dugeli Bade Bacheli (15 km)
16Dabpal Kawadgaon Bade Bacheli (24 km)
17Degalras Tudparas Dantewada (3 km)
18Dhurli Dhurli Dantewada (15 km)
19Dugeli Dugeli Bade Bacheli (12 km)
20Dumam Kawadgaon Bade Bacheli (26 km)
21Fulnar Phulnar Dantewada (12 km)
22Gadapal Gadapal Bade Bacheli (17 km)
23Gamawada Gamawada Dantewada (14 km)
24Ganjenar Ganjenar Bade Bacheli (18 km)
25Gondpal Pandewar Dantewada (15 km)
26Jaram Jaram Dantewada (18 km)
27Jharalawa Bhansi Bade Bacheli (22 km)
28Jhirka Pandewar Dantewada (24 km)
29Kamaloor Kamaloor Dantewada (15 km)
30Karnjener Kumharras Dantewada (5 km)
31Kawadgaon Kawadgaon Bade Bacheli (23 km)
32Kawalnar Kawalnar Dantewada (8 km)
33Keshapur Keshapur Dantewada (10 km)
34Kuhchepal Molasnar Bade Bacheli (15 km)
35Kumharras Kumharras Dantewada (6 km)
36Kundeli Kamaloor Dantewada (12 km)
37Kuper Mangnar Dantewada (5 km)
38Mangnar Mangnar Dantewada (13 km)
39Masenar Masenar Bade Bacheli (101 km)
40Matenar Matenar Dantewada (12 km)
41Mendoli Jaram Bade Bacheli (20 km)
42Metapal Metapal Bade Bacheli (22 km)
43Midkulnar Keshapur Dantewada (10 km)
44Molasnar Molasnar Bade Bacheli (15 km)
45Murki Matenar Dantewada (5 km)
46Muskel Phulnar Bade Bacheli (15 km)
47Nerli Nerli Bade Bacheli (4 km)
48Netapur Netapur Bade Bacheli (17 km)
49Padhapur Padhapur Bade Bacheli (32 km)
50Pandewar Pandewar Dantewada (14 km)
51Pinabacheli Padhapur Bade Bacheli (6 km)
52Pondum Pondum Dantewada (11 km)
53Porokameli Bhansi Bade Bacheli (8 km)
54Purantarai Upet Dantewada (5 km)
55Rewnar Bhogam Dantewada (12 km)
56Teknar Teknar Dantewada (7 km)
57Toylanka Toyalanka Bade Bacheli (25 km)
58Tudparas Tudparas Dantewada (5 km)
59Udela Molasnar Bade Bacheli (15 km)

Population of Dantewada Tehsil

Particulars Rural Urban Total
Total Population 59,283 35,068 94,351
Male Population 28,640 18,384 47,024
Female Population 30,643 16,684 47,327
Population Density 77 / km² 685 / km² 115 / km²

Households in Dantewada Tehsil

Rural Households
Urban Households
Total Households

Sub-District Overview
Sub-District (Hindi) : Dantewada
District : Dakshin Bastar Dantewada
State / UT : Chhattisgarh
Total Area : 822 km²
Total Population : 94,351
Density : 115/km²
Total Villages : 59
Total Population Villages in Dantewada Tehsil
less Than 200 2
200 - 499 14
500 - 999 19
1000 - 1999 13
2000 - 4999 8
5000 - 9999 N/A
10000 and above N/A

Related Pages
List of Tehsils in Dakshin Bastar Dantewada
List of Districts in Chhattisgarh

* All survey data is based on Office of the Registrar General & Census Commissioner, Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India, 2015 ( Open Government Data Platform India.