
Sanku is a Town and Tehsil in Kargil District of Jammu & Kashmir. In India, a tehsil is a sub-division of a district that is responsible for the administration and revenue collection of a particular area within the district. It is an important part of the local governance structure, and plays a crucial role in the development and administration of its local community.

According to census 2011 information the sub-district code of Sanku Block (CD) is 00014. Total area of sanku tehsil is 60 km². Sanku tehsil has a population of 40,548 peoples. Sanku tehsil has a population density of 670 inhabitants per square kilometre. There are about 5,144 houses in the sub-district.

When it comes to literacy, 53.98% population of sanku tehsil is literate, out of which 64.27% males and 42.53% females are literate. There are about 36 villages in sanku tehsil, which you can browse from sanku tehsil villages list (along with gram panchayat & nearest town information) below.

List of Villages in Sanku Tehsil

#Village NameGram PanchayatNearest Town
1Achambur Kochik Kargil (78 km)
2Barsoo Barsoo Kargil (50 km)
3Barto Bartoo Kargil (36 km)
4Chosker Suru Panikhar Kargil (61 km)
5Farona Faroona Kargil (20 km)
6Gund Mangl Pur G M Pore A Kargil (22 km)
7Gyaling Purtikchay Kargil (53 km)
8Itchoo Bartoo Kargil (75 km)
9Kanor Kanore Kargil (21 km)
10Karchey Khar Karchy Khar Kargil (45 km)
11Kargi Tai Suru Kargil (63 km)
12Karpo Khar Purtikchay Kargil (50 km)
13Khandi Tiket Kargil (67 km)
14Khows Khawos Kargil (52 km)
15Kochik Kochik Kargil (55 km)
16Lankarchey Lankerchay Kargil (35 km)
17Nagmakusar Nangma Kussar Kargil (30 km)
18Namsuru Nam Suru Kargil (45 km)
19Panikhar Panikhar Kargil (70 km)
20Parkachik Parkachik Kargil (52 km)
21Pranti Panikhar Kargil (67 km)
22Purtikchy Purtikchay Kargil (55 km)
23Rangdum Parkachik Kargil (130 km)
24Saleskot Salikote A Kargil (22 km)
25Sangra Sangrah Kargil (40 km)
26Shergandi Bartoo Kargil (30 km)
27Stakpa Stakpa Kargil (44 km)
28Tai Suru Tai Suru Kargil (50 km)
29Tambis Tambis A Kargil (20 km)
30Tangol Tangole Kargil (56 km)
31Thang Dumbur Thang Dumbur Kargil (40 km)
32Thasgam Thaine Thasgam Thuina A Kargil (30 km)
33Thuls Pursa Kochik Kargil (74 km)
34Tres Pone Trespone A Kargil (20 km)
35Umba Umba Kargil (52 km)
36Yuljuk Youljuk Kargil (60 km)

Population of Sanku Tehsil

Particulars Rural Urban Total
Total Population 40,548 N/A 40,548
Male Population 21,346 N/A 21,346
Female Population 19,202 N/A 19,202
Population Density 670 / km² N/A 670 / km²

Households in Sanku Tehsil

Particulars Households
Rural Households 5,144
Urban Households N/A
Total Households 5,144