
Leh is a Town and Tehsil in Leh District of Jammu & Kashmir. In India, a tehsil is a sub-division of a district that is responsible for the administration and revenue collection of a particular area within the district. It is an important part of the local governance structure, and plays a crucial role in the development and administration of its local community.

According to census 2011 information the sub-district code of Leh Block (CD) is 00010. Total area of leh tehsil is 171 km² including 147.05 km² rural area and 24.01 km² urban area. Leh tehsil has a population of 93,961 peoples, out of which urban population is 45,671 while rural population is 48,290. Leh has a sex ratio of approximately 660 females for every 1,000 males. Leh tehsil has a population density of 549 inhabitants per square kilometre. There are about 15,497 houses in the sub-district, including 7,004 urban houses and 8,493 rural houses.

When it comes to literacy, 73.27% population of leh tehsil is literate, out of which 82.02% males and 60.01% females are literate. There are about 63 villages in leh tehsil, which you can browse from leh tehsil villages list (along with gram panchayat & nearest town information) below.

List of Villages in Leh Tehsil

#Village NameGram PanchayatNearest Town
1Anlay Anlay Leh (270 km)
2Bazgoo Basgo Leh (40 km)
3Changa Martselang Leh (35 km)
4Chemrey Chemray Leh (40 km)
5Chiling Sumda Rumbal Leh (70 km)
6Chuchat Yakma Chuchot Yokma Part I Leh (15 km)
7Chuchoot Gongma Chuchot Gongma Part I Leh (15 km)
8Chuchot Shama Chuchot Shamma Part I Leh (13 km)
9Chuglamsar Choklamsar Part I Leh
10Chumathang Chumathang Leh (41 km)
11Chushul Chushul Leh (208 km)
12Demjok Koyul Leh (135 km)
13Durbok Durbuk Leh (110 km)
14Fiang Phyang Leh (26 km)
15Gia Gia Leh (75 km)
16Hamis Martselang Leh (40 km)
17Himya Hemya Leh (94 km)
18Igoo Igoo Leh (50 km)
19Kargyam Chushul Leh (133 km)
20Karzok Korzok Leh (55 km)
21Kerey Skitmang Leh (181 km)
22Kharnak Kharnak Leh (180 km)
23Kharoo Chemray Leh (35 km)
24Koyul Koyul Leh (83 km)
25Kumgyam Kungiam Leh (98 km)
26Langokor Igoo Leh (55 km)
27Likir Likeer Leh (65 km)
28Liktse Liktsay Leh (70 km)
29Man Pangong Maan Pangong A Leh (170 km)
30Manser N/A Leh (85 km)
31Mathoo Matho Leh (25 km)
32Matselang Martselang Leh (38 km)
33Meroo Gia Leh (64 km)
34Mood Nyoma Leh (7 km)
35Nang Nang Leh (30 km)
36Ney Ney Leh (45 km)
37Nimo Nimoo Leh (35 km)
38Nyoma Nyoma Leh (184 km)
39Phey Spituk Leh (15 km)
40Phuktse Shara Leh (70 km)
41Rambir Por Rambirpur Leh (24 km)
42Rumbak Rumbal Leh (35 km)
43Saboo Saboo Leh (9 km)
44Sakti Sakti Leh (55 km)
45Samad Rakchan Samad Rokchan Leh (55 km)
46Shachokol Shachukul Leh (130 km)
47Shang Martselang Leh (44 km)
48Shara Shara Leh (65 km)
49Sharnose Shara Leh (61 km)
50Shey Shey A Leh (20 km)
51Skitmang Skitmang Leh (55 km)
52Skiumarkha Rumbal Leh (90 km)
53Spituk Spituk Leh
54Stakna Stakna Leh (25 km)
55Stok Stok Leh (18 km)
56Tagste Tangtse Leh (118 km)
57Tarchit Hemya Leh (75 km)
58Taroo Taru Leh (25 km)
59Teri Kungiam Leh (84 km)
60Thiksey Thiksay A Leh (22 km)
61Tukla Liktsay Leh (73 km)
62Umla Taru Leh (30 km)
63Upshi Gia Leh (49 km)

Population of Leh Tehsil

Particulars Rural Urban Total
Total Population 48,290 45,671 93,961
Male Population 26,037 30,560 56,597
Female Population 22,253 15,111 37,364
Population Density 328 / km² 1,902 / km² 549 / km²

Households in Leh Tehsil

Rural Households
Urban Households
Total Households

Sub-District Overview
Sub-District (Hindi) : Leh
District : Leh
State / UT : Jammu & Kashmir
Total Area : 171 km²
Sex Ratio (2011): 660
Total Population (2011) : 93,961
Density : 549/km²
Total Villages : 63
Total Population Villages in Leh Tehsil
less Than 200 10
200 - 499 21
500 - 999 13
1000 - 1999 11
2000 - 4999 4
5000 - 9999 1
10000 and above N/A

Related Pages
List of Tehsils in Leh
List of Districts in Jammu & Kashmir

* All survey data is based on Office of the Registrar General & Census Commissioner, Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India, 2015 ( Open Government Data Platform India.