Tamlia Amdanda

Block / Subdivision → Boarijor

District → Godda

State → Jharkhand

About Tamlia Amdanda

According to Census 2011 information the location code or village code of Tamlia Amdanda village is 356187. Tamlia Amdanda village is located in Boarijor subdivision of Godda district in Jharkhand, India. It is situated 60km away from sub-district headquarter Boarijor (tehsildar office) and 35km away from district headquarter Godda. As per 2009 stats, Devipur is the gram panchayat of Tamlia Amdanda village.

The total geographical area of village is 111 hectares. Tamlia Amdanda has a total population of 140 peoples, out of which male population is 67 while female population is 73. This results in a sex ratio of approximately 1089 females for every 1,000 males. Literacy rate of tamlia amdanda village is 38.57% out of which 46.27% males and 31.51% females are literate. There are about 34 houses in tamlia amdanda village.

Boarijor is nearest town to tamlia amdanda village for all major economic activities.

Google Map of Tamlia Amdanda

The Map data on this website is provided by Google Maps, a free online map service one can access and view in a web browser.

Population of Tamlia Amdanda

Total Population 140 67 73
Literate Population 54 31 23
Illiterate Population 86 36 50

Connectivity of Tamlia Amdanda

Public Bus Service
Available within 10+ km distance
Private Bus Service
Available within 10+ km distance
Railway Station
Available within 10+ km distance

Nearby Villages of Tamlia Amdanda

Tamlia Amdanda - Village Overview
Gram Panchayat : Devipur
Block / Subdivision : Boarijor
District : Godda
State : Jharkhand
Pincode : N/A
Area : 111 hectares
Sex Ratio (2011): 1089
Population (2011): 140
Households : 34
Nearest Town : Boarijor
Villages in Devipur Gram Panchayat
Androcharpahar Arajori Pokhar
Badem Bara Chatampur
Bara Patma Bara Patma Masahara
Barbe Baridih
Bhagamakra Borbe
Chatma Bedo Chatma Joka
Chengro Chhota Chatampur
Chhota Patma Daria Pahar
Debipur Deodanrpahar
Deonapur Dhamnijor
Dhunigora Donigoda Bedo
Ejgoga Gamari
Goari Godam
Harla Bathan Itkro Bedo
Jania Pahar Jani Bedo
Jani Maqo Jaria
Jola Jonia
Jullo Juniya Tola
Kajro Karag
Karampahar Kariam
Karji Katal
Katalpahari Katar Pahar
Khatangi Kilo
Kilo Bedo Kilo Maqo
Kombita Kuro Maqo
Kuspisa Kuspiso
Kutam Kutni
Letragoda Letra Tola
Lilabhita Madomasi
Manko Marchi
Marni Pahar Matubera
Matubera Masaharpahar Pandeni
Perkuria Puro Bedo
Puro Maqo Pusurkuriya Bedo
Pusurkuriya Joka Rajapokhar
Rajapokhar Jagir Rajapokhar Jagir
Rajapokhar Jagir Ratanpur
Rohra Sijua
Talbona Tamilgoda
Tamlia Amdanda Telaibera
Tesro Tetarganji Pahar
Tetaria Tisro
Todmari Tokam
Tokkuriya Borwa
Jogimarna Karag
Kero Kuriya

Related Pages
List of Villages in Boarijor
List of Subdivisions in Godda
List of Districts in Jharkhand

* All survey data is based on Office of the Registrar General & Census Commissioner, Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India, 2015 ( Open Government Data Platform India.