
Hatod is a Town and Tehsil in Indore District of Madhya Pradesh. In India, a tehsil is a sub-division of a district that is responsible for the administration and revenue collection of a particular area within the district. It is an important part of the local governance structure, and plays a crucial role in the development and administration of its local community.

According to census 2011 information the sub-district code of Hatod Block (CD) is 03541. Total area of hatod tehsil is 456 km² including 418.34 km² rural area and 37.52 km² urban area. Hatod tehsil has a population of 99,313 peoples, out of which urban population is 28,161 while rural population is 71,152. Hatod has a sex ratio of approximately 957 females for every 1,000 males. Hatod tehsil has a population density of 217.9 inhabitants per square kilometre. There are about 18,911 houses in the sub-district, including 5,421 urban houses and 13,490 rural houses.

When it comes to literacy, 60.18% population of hatod tehsil is literate, out of which 71.46% males and 48.41% females are literate. There are about 61 villages in hatod tehsil, which you can browse from hatod tehsil villages list (along with gram panchayat & nearest town information) below.

List of Villages in Hatod Tehsil

#Village NameGram PanchayatNearest Town
1Agra Agra Depalpur (12 km)
2Ahir Khedi Ahirkhedi Depalpur (13 km)
3Ajnda Ajanda Betma (7 km)
4Ajnoti Jamburdi Sarvar Hatod (10 km)
5Akasoda Akasoda Depalpur (15 km)
6Alwasa Alwasa Hatod (10 km)
7Amba Khedi Sikandri Hatod (14 km)
8Arniya Arnya Hatod (11 km)
9Atawada Atavada Betma (13 km)
10Badarkha Badarkha Hatod (6 km)
11Badodiya Arnya Depalpur (18 km)
12Badodiya Panth Panth Badodiya Betma (10 km)
13Baghana Baghana Hatod (11 km)
14Bangarda Bada N/A Hatod
15Basandra Basandra Hatod (8 km)
16Budhania Budhaniya Hatod (4 km)
17Dansari Gohan Betma (10 km)
18Fulkaradiya Phool Karadia Hatod (4 km)
19Gohan Gohan Betma (10 km)
20Gulawat Gulawat Hatod (16 km)
21Gurda Khedi Rojdi Hatod (4 km)
22Hasnabad Hasnabad Depalpur (6 km)
23Higonya Khurd Jambudi Hapsi Indore (11 km)
24Jamburdi Hapsi Jambudi Hapsi Indore (10 km)
25Jamburdi Sarwar Jamburdi Sarvar Hatod (10 km)
26Jinda Kheda Jinda Kheda Hatod (1 km)
27Kalmer Badi Badi Kalmer Hatod (7 km)
28Kankariya Bordiya Kankriya Bordiya Hatod (4 km)
29Kankariya Pal Kankriyapal Hatod (8 km)
30Karadiya Karadiya Betma (12 km)
31Khajuriya Khajuriya Hatod (4 km)
32Kharwa Khedi Paliya Hatod (7 km)
33Limbodagari Limbodagari Hatod (7 km)
34Londiya Alias Mohammadpur Gulawat Hatod (15 km)
35Mali Badodia Badi Kalmer Hatod (10 km)
36Mangaliya Arniya Badarkha Hatod (8 km)
37Mata Barodi Mata Barodi Hatod (8 km)
38Merkhedi Baghana Hatod (14 km)
39Mirjapur Ushapura Hatod (10 km)
40Murkheda Murkheda Depalpur (6 km)
41Nahar Kheda Jinda Kheda Hatod (10 km)
42Neori Nevri Hatod (20 km)
43Nogawan Panth Badodiya Betma (12 km)
44Paladi Ahirkhedi Depalpur (14 km)
45Palakhedi Limbodagari Hatod (10 km)
46Palasiya Gulawat Hatod (15 km)
47Paliya Haidar Paliya Hatod (7 km)
48Pipalya Tafa Jambudi Hapsi Indore (10 km)
49Piploda Chatwada Depalpur (9 km)
50Pitawali Paliya Hatod (8 km)
51Puwarda Junarda Paliya Hatod (9 km)
52Rewati N/A Indore (5 km)
53Rojadi Rojdi Hatod (3 km)
54Sagwal Kankriya Bordiya Hatod (4 km)
55Satlana Muradpura Hatod (9 km)
56Sikandari Sikandri Hatod (12 km)
57Singawda Gulawat Hatod (16 km)
58Songir Budhaniya Hatod (3 km)
59Sumatha Sumtha Depalpur (15 km)
60Tigaria Badshah N/A Hatod
61Ushapura Ushapura Hatod (12 km)

Population of Hatod Tehsil

Particulars Rural Urban Total
Total Population 71,152 28,161 99,313
Male Population 36,273 14,449 50,722
Female Population 34,879 13,712 48,591
Population Density 170 / km² 751 / km² 218 / km²

Households in Hatod Tehsil

Rural Households
Urban Households
Total Households

Sub-District Overview
Sub-District (Hindi) : Hatod
District : Indore
State / UT : Madhya Pradesh
Total Area : 456 km²
Sex Ratio (2011): 957
Total Population (2011) : 99,313
Density : 218/km²
Total Villages : 61
Total Population Villages in Hatod Tehsil
less Than 200 1
200 - 499 5
500 - 999 20
1000 - 1999 27
2000 - 4999 6
5000 - 9999 N/A
10000 and above N/A

Related Pages
List of Tehsils in Indore
List of Districts in Madhya Pradesh

* All survey data is based on Office of the Registrar General & Census Commissioner, Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India, 2015 ( Open Government Data Platform India.