
Budni is a Town and Tehsil in Sehore District of Madhya Pradesh. In India, a tehsil is a sub-division of a district that is responsible for the administration and revenue collection of a particular area within the district. It is an important part of the local governance structure, and plays a crucial role in the development and administration of its local community.

According to census 2011 information the sub-district code of Budni Block (CD) is 03588. Total area of budni tehsil is 615 km² including 592.01 km² rural area and 23.38 km² urban area. Budni tehsil has a population of 91,906 peoples, out of which urban population is 16,808 while rural population is 75,098. Budni tehsil has a population density of 149.3 inhabitants per square kilometre. There are about 19,016 houses in the sub-district, including 3,448 urban houses and 15,568 rural houses.

When it comes to literacy, 63.53% population of budni tehsil is literate, out of which 71.27% males and 54.82% females are literate. There are about 86 villages in budni tehsil, which you can browse from budni tehsil villages list (along with gram panchayat & nearest town information) below.

List of Villages in Budni Tehsil

#Village NameGram PanchayatNearest Town
1Akola Akola Budni (24 km)
2Amon Amon Hoshangabad (45 km)
3Bagwada Joshipur Budni (12 km)
4Baktra Baktra Hoshangabad (58 km)
5Bamhori Nonbhet Budni (56 km)
6Baneta Baneta Budni (25 km)
7Bans Gehan Amon Hoshangabad (45 km)
8Bhimkothi Khanda Bad Budni
9Bineka Dobi Budni (37 km)
10Bisa Khedi Narayanpur Budni (41 km)
11Bodra Jawahar Kheda Hoshangabad (42 km)
12Borna Borna Budni (40 km)
13Chachmau Jahanpur Budni (22 km)
14Chakla Khanda Bad Budni
15Chandla Kalan Khiriya Kurmi Budni (45 km)
16Chikli Chikli Budni
17Dehri Nonbhet Budni (54 km)
18Devgaon Dev Gaon Budni (6 km)
19Dobi Dobi Budni (35 km)
20Dungaria Dungaria Budni (30 km)
21Gadar Gadar Budni (43 km)
22Gonda Kheda Machhwai Budni (40 km)
23Guwadia Mhowkalan Budni (24 km)
24Gwardiya Jawahar Kheda Budni (7 km)
25Hathlewa Pahar Khedi Budni
26Hathnora Hathnora Budni (37 km)
27Hingnasir Borna Budni (38 km)
28Hirani Jahanpur Budni (19 km)
29Hoda Khiriya Kurmi Budni (48 km)
30Holipura Holipura Budni (14 km)
31Isharpur Khabada Budni (41 km)
32Itwar Jawahar Kheda Budni (32 km)
33Jahanpur Jahanpur Budni (15 km)
34Jait Jait Budni (40 km)
35Janwasa Borna Budni (45 km)
36Jawahar Kheda Jawahar Kheda Budni (29 km)
37Jontala Jontala Hoshangabad (58 km)
38Joshipur Joshipur Budni (10 km)
39Karitalai Gadar Budni (45 km)
40Khabada Khabada Budni (38 km)
41Khanda Bad Khanda Bad Budni (12 km)
42Khapa Khurd Khanda Bad Budni
43Khatpura Khatpura Budni (28 km)
44Kheri Silgena Kheri Silgena Budni (40 km)
45Khidiya Kurmi Khiriya Kurmi Budni (46 km)
46Khitwai Sagpur Budni (44 km)
47Khoha Khoha Budni (42 km)
48Kosmi Siya Gahan Budni (46 km)
49Kusam Kheda Kusam Kheda Kusum Kheda Hoshangabad (54 km)
50Machhwai Machhwai Budni (40 km)
51Madhawan Baneta Budni (25 km)
52Makodia Itarsi Budni (25 km)
53Maukala Mhowkalan Budni (6 km)
54Murari Khoha Budni (43 km)
55Naganpur Akola Budni (26 km)
56Nander Nander Budni (45 km)
57Narayanpur Narayanpur Budni (40 km)
58Neem Khedi Sankhedi Budni (40 km)
59Neemtone Dungaria Budni (32 km)
60Nonbhet Nonbhet Budni (51 km)
61Pahar Khedi Pahar Khedi Budni (22 km)
62Panari Dungaria Budni (30 km)
63Pandado Dev Gaon Budni (7 km)
64Paraswada Pahar Khedi Budni (22 km)
65Pilikarar Pili Karar Budni (4 km)
66Pipaliya Kharra Hathnora Budni (33 km)
67Ramnagar Jahanpur Budni (13 km)
68Rampura Jawahar Kheda Budni (45 km)
69Richhoda Chikli Budni (43 km)
70Sagpur Sagpur Budni (40 km)
71Saidganj Khatpura Budni (26 km)
72Samnapur Sankhedi Budni (42 km)
73Sankhedi Sankhedi Budni (41 km)
74Sardar Nagar Sardar Nagar Budni (39 km)
75Satramau Sataramau Hoshangabad (41 km)
76Shahganj N/A Budni (20 km)
77Siya Gahan Siya Gahan Budni (46 km)
78Somalwada Nonbhet Budni (58 km)
79Sudania Hathnora Budni (33 km)
80Sudon Baneta Budni (25 km)
81Talpura Pili Karar Budni (4 km)
82Thikri Kusam Kheda Kusum Kheda Hoshangabad (50 km)
83Tillot Borna Budni (46 km)
84Ukai Akola Budni
85Vikrampur Semri Budni
86Yar Nagar Khanda Bad Budni (24 km)

Population of Budni Tehsil

Particulars Rural Urban Total
Total Population 75,098 16,808 91,906
Male Population 39,688 8,964 48,652
Female Population 35,410 7,844 43,254
Population Density 127 / km² 719 / km² 149 / km²

Households in Budni Tehsil

Rural Households
Urban Households
Total Households

Sub-District Overview
Sub-District (Hindi) : Budni
District : Sehore
State / UT : Madhya Pradesh
Total Area : 615 km²
Total Population : 91,906
Density : 149/km²
Total Villages : 86
Total Population Villages in Budni Tehsil
less Than 200 9
200 - 499 24
500 - 999 27
1000 - 1999 16
2000 - 4999 4
5000 - 9999 2
10000 and above N/A

Related Pages
List of Tehsils in Sehore
List of Districts in Madhya Pradesh

* All survey data is based on Office of the Registrar General & Census Commissioner, Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India, 2015 ( Open Government Data Platform India.