
Chandaka is a Town and Tehsil in Khordha District of Odisha. In India, a tehsil is a sub-division of a district that is responsible for the administration and revenue collection of a particular area within the district. It is an important part of the local governance structure, and plays a crucial role in the development and administration of its local community.

According to census 2011 information the sub-district code of Chandaka Block (CD) is 03038. Total area of chandaka tehsil is 221 km². Chandaka tehsil has a population of 55,468 peoples. Chandaka tehsil has a population density of 251.4 inhabitants per square kilometre. There are about 11,380 houses in the sub-district.

When it comes to literacy, 72.07% population of chandaka tehsil is literate, out of which 78.50% males and 65.34% females are literate. There are about 51 villages in chandaka tehsil, which you can browse from chandaka tehsil villages list (along with gram panchayat & nearest town information) below.

List of Villages in Chandaka Tehsil

#Village NameGram PanchayatNearest Town
1Andharua Andhrua Bhubaneswar (15 km)
2Angarpada Angarapada Khordha (9 km)
3Anlapatana Chandaka Bhubaneswar (28 km)
4Barapita Mendhasala Bhubaneswar (23 km)
5Bhagabatipur Kantabnada Bhubaneswar (28 km)
6Bhalunka Daruthenga Bhubaneswar (33 km)
7Bhatakuri Gangapada Khordha (8 km)
8Bhola Kantabnada Khordha (22 km)
9Bhuasuni Daruthenga Bhubaneswar (26 km)
10Bidyadharpur Paikarapur Bhubaneswar (29 km)
11Binjhagiri Chhatabara Bhubaneswar (24 km)
12Chandaka Jogisahi Chandaka Bhubaneswar (25 km)
13Chatabar Chhatabara Bhubaneswar (23 km)
14Chudanga Daruthenga Bhubaneswar (30 km)
15Dalua Kantabnada Khordha (28 km)
16Daruthenga Daruthenga Bhubaneswar (28 km)
17Dasapur Andhrua Bhubaneswar (15 km)
18Fakirpada Angarapada Bhubaneswar (26 km)
19Gamei Gangapada Khordha (10 km)
20Ghangapatna Paikarapur Bhubaneswar (18 km)
21Giringaput Mendhasala Bhubaneswar (22 km)
22Gothapatna Paikarapur Bhubaneswar (12 km)
23Gramadiha Gangapada Khordha (10 km)
24Haridamada Mendhasala Bhubaneswar (27 km)
25Haripur Mendhasala Bhubaneswar (23 km)
26Jagannathprasad Andhrua Bhubaneswar (15 km)
27Jamujhari Chhatabara Khordha (10 km)
28Jujhagada Daruthenga Bhubaneswar (29 km)
29Kadambajhara Angarapada Bhubaneswar (26 km)
30Kantabad Kantabnada Bhubaneswar (25 km)
31Koduamunda Angarapada Bhubaneswar (26 km)
32Krishnamohanpur Angarapada Bhubaneswar (26 km)
33Krushnanagar Daruthenga Bhubaneswar (29 km)
34Kujimahal Chandaka Bhubaneswar (27 km)
35Madhupur Angarapada Bhubaneswar (5 km)
36Mahul Angarapada Bhubaneswar (30 km)
37Majana Angarapada Bhubaneswar (30 km)
38Malipada Paikarapur Bhubaneswar (14 km)
39Managobindapur Paikarapur Bhubaneswar (27 km)
40Mendhasal Mendhasala Bhubaneswar (23 km)
41Minichinipatna Angarapada Bhubaneswar (26 km)
42Nilakanthapur Gangapada Khordha (11 km)
43Nuagan Paikarapur Bhubaneswar (8 km)
44Paikarapur N/A Bhubaneswar (13 km)
45Palasapur Angarapada Khordha (9 km)
46Paniora Angarapada Khordha (8 km)
47Ratanpur Angarapada Khordha (9 km)
48Shyamsundarpur Daruthenga Bhubaneswar (27 km)
49Similipatana Chandaka Bhubaneswar (25 km)
50Sundarpur Chandaka Bhubaneswar (18 km)
51Tulasadeipur Daruthenga Bhubaneswar (27 km)

Population of Chandaka Tehsil

Particulars Rural Urban Total
Total Population 55,468 N/A 55,468
Male Population 28,369 N/A 28,369
Female Population 27,099 N/A 27,099
Population Density 251 / km² N/A 251 / km²

Households in Chandaka Tehsil

Rural Households
Urban Households
Total Households

Sub-District Overview
Sub-District (Hindi) : Chandaka
District : Khordha
State / UT : Odisha
Total Area : 221 km²
Sex Ratio (2011): 955
Total Population (2011) : 55,468
Density : 251/km²
Total Villages : 51
Total Population Villages in Chandaka Tehsil
less Than 200 3
200 - 499 6
500 - 999 10
1000 - 1999 14
2000 - 4999 10
5000 - 9999 N/A
10000 and above N/A

Related Pages
List of Tehsils in Khordha
List of Districts in Odisha

* All survey data is based on Office of the Registrar General & Census Commissioner, Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India, 2015 ( Open Government Data Platform India.