
Doraguda is a Town and Tehsil in Rayagada District of Odisha. In India, a tehsil is a sub-division of a district that is responsible for the administration and revenue collection of a particular area within the district. It is an important part of the local governance structure, and plays a crucial role in the development and administration of its local community.

According to census 2011 information the sub-district code of Doraguda Block (CD) is 03180. Total area of doraguda tehsil is 194 km². Doraguda tehsil has a population of 19,457 peoples. Doraguda tehsil has a population density of 100.4 inhabitants per square kilometre. There are about 4,780 houses in the sub-district.

When it comes to literacy, 25.84% population of doraguda tehsil is literate, out of which 33.90% males and 18.45% females are literate. There are about 57 villages in doraguda tehsil, which you can browse from doraguda tehsil villages list (along with gram panchayat & nearest town information) below.

List of Villages in Doraguda Tehsil

#Village NameGram PanchayatNearest Town
1Anagar Dongasil Rayagada (75 km)
2Bagirijhola Hadiguda Rayagada (74 km)
3Bamanaput Dongasil Rayagada (84 km)
4Bandadar Dongasil Rayagada (78 km)
5Belagachhatunda Dongasil Rayagada (75 km)
6Bhejapadar Kodipari Rayagada (77 km)
7Bhendiajodi Dongasil Rayagada (90 km)
8Bhitaraguma Dongasil Rayagada (70 km)
9Bodel Jharan Dongasil Rayagada (79 km)
10Dangasilbhata Dongasil Rayagada (73 km)
11Dhodapas Dongasil Rayagada (80 km)
12Dimundi Hadiguda Rayagada (70 km)
13Doliamba Tikiri Rayagada (60 km)
14Durukhalmanasapadar Kucheipadar Rayagada (90 km)
15Gadagadajodi Kucheipadar Rayagada (84 km)
16Ghatiguda Dongasil Rayagada (78 km)
17Ghuguna Dongasil Rayagada (85 km)
18Ghumundimandi Dongasil Rayagada (96 km)
19Gujuri Amba Panjara Dongasil Rayagada (85 km)
20Gulumijhola Dongasil Rayagada (70 km)
21Gumamurka Dongasil Rayagada (82 km)
22Hatimunda Tikiri Kodipari Rayagada (82 km)
23Jabapadar Kucheipadar Rayagada (85 km)
24Jhola Kumuli Dongasil Rayagada (90 km)
25Kadalikhol Dongasil Rayagada (85 km)
26Kampar Kucheipadar Rayagada (60 km)
27Kantabanjhi Dongasil Rayagada (75 km)
28Karli Hadiguda Rayagada (60 km)
29Kashadar Dongasil Rayagada (81 km)
30Khambapadara Dongasil Rayagada (92 km)
31Khotalapadar Dongasil Rayagada (77 km)
32Kiraambapadar Kucheipadar Rayagada (70 km)
33Koditikhala Dongasil Rayagada (84 km)
34Koral Kucheipadar Rayagada (65 km)
35Kucheipadar Kucheipadar Rayagada (65 km)
36Kucher Kucheipadar Rayagada (75 km)
37Kudeipadar Dongasil Rayagada (85 km)
38Kukudakata Dongasil Rayagada (77 km)
39Kukudisemi Dongasil Rayagada (90 km)
40Kundurusila Dongasil Rayagada (77 km)
41Makapadara Podapadi Rayagada (60 km)
42Malamba Kucheipadar Rayagada (80 km)
43Maskakana Hadiguda Rayagada (58 km)
44Pandakamari Dongasil Rayagada (79 km)
45Pandakapadar Dongasil Rayagada (84 km)
46Patiasil Tunda Dongasil Rayagada (75 km)
47Pukesh Kucheipadar Rayagada (70 km)
48Raimachhapurunapadar Dongasil Rayagada (75 km)
49Ramibeda Hadiguda Rayagada (70 km)
50Shishupasa Dongasil Rayagada (85 km)
51Siadimala Dongasil Rayagada (90 km)
52Tentulipadar Dongasil Rayagada (90 km)
53Thorali Dongasil Rayagada (75 km)
54Tikara Panjara Dongasil Rayagada (95 km)
55Tikarapada Hadiguda Rayagada (75 km)
56Tujer Dongasil Rayagada (80 km)
57Tureighati Kucheipadar Rayagada (84 km)

Population of Doraguda Tehsil

Particulars Rural Urban Total
Total Population 19,457 N/A 19,457
Male Population 9,307 N/A 9,307
Female Population 10,150 N/A 10,150
Population Density 100 / km² N/A 100 / km²

Households in Doraguda Tehsil

Rural Households
Urban Households
Total Households

Sub-District Overview
Sub-District (Hindi) : Doraguda
District : Rayagada
State / UT : Odisha
Total Area : 194 km²
Sex Ratio (2011): 1090
Total Population (2011) : 19,457
Density : 100/km²
Total Villages : 57
Total Population Villages in Doraguda Tehsil
less Than 200 25
200 - 499 17
500 - 999 6
1000 - 1999 5
2000 - 4999 N/A
5000 - 9999 N/A
10000 and above N/A

Related Pages
List of Tehsils in Rayagada
List of Districts in Odisha

* All survey data is based on Office of the Registrar General & Census Commissioner, Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India, 2015 ( Open Government Data Platform India.