
Veepangandla is a Town and Mandal in Mahbubnagar District of Telangana. In India, a mandal is a sub-division of a district that is responsible for the administration and revenue collection of a particular area within the district. It is an important part of the local governance structure, and plays a crucial role in the development and administration of its local community.

According to census 2011 information the sub-district code of Veepangandla Block (CD) is 04608. Total area of veepangandla mandal is 306 km². Veepangandla mandal has a population of 51,336 peoples. Veepangandla mandal has a population density of 167.9 inhabitants per square kilometre. There are about 12,077 houses in the sub-district.

When it comes to literacy, 50.94% population of veepangandla mandal is literate, out of which 60.32% males and 41.06% females are literate. There are about 26 villages in veepangandla mandal, which you can browse from veepangandla mandal villages list (along with gram panchayat & nearest town information) below.

List of Villages in Veepangandla Mandal

#Village NameGram PanchayatNearest Town
1Ammaipalle Dagadapally Wanaparthy (54 km)
2Ayyavaripalle Ayyawari Pally Wanaparthy (50 km)
3Bekkam Bekkem Wanaparthy (53 km)
4Chellepahad Chellepad Wanaparthy (60 km)
5Chinnamarur Chinnamaroor Wanaparthy (50 km)
6Dagada N/A Wanaparthy (60 km)
7Dagadapalle Dagadapally Wanaparthy (55 km)
8Gaddabaswapuram Bekkem Wanaparthy (53 km)
9Gopalapuram Gopulapur Wanaparthy (67 km)
10Govardhangiri Govardhanagiri Wanaparthy (35 km)
11Jataprole Jatprole Wanaparthy (48 km)
12Kalloor Kaloor Wanaparthy (60 km)
13Konduru Kondoor Wanaparthy (63 km)
14Koppunur Koppunoor Wanaparthy (45 km)
15Lakshmipalle Laxmipally Wanaparthy (46 km)
16Lingasanipalle Chellepad Wanaparthy (60 km)
17Miyapuram Miyapoor Wanaparthy (35 km)
18Peddamarur Pedda Maroor Wanaparthy (45 km)
19Sampatraopalle Sampathraopally Wanaparthy (62 km)
20Sanginepalle Sanginenipally Wanaparthy (40 km)
21Singavaram Kondoor Wanaparthy (65 km)
22Solipuram Kaloor Wanaparthy (60 km)
23Toomkunta Thoomukunta Wanaparthy (54 km)
24Veepangandla Weepanagandla Wanaparthy (46 km)
25Velgonda Velgonda Wanaparthy (40 km)
26Vellatur Veltoor Wanaparthy (58 km)

Population of Veepangandla Mandal

Particulars Rural Urban Total
Total Population 51,336 N/A 51,336
Male Population 26,338 N/A 26,338
Female Population 24,998 N/A 24,998
Population Density 168 / km² N/A 168 / km²

Households in Veepangandla Mandal

Particulars Households
Rural Households 12,077
Urban Households N/A
Total Households 12,077