
Waddepalle is a Town and Mandal in Mahbubnagar District of Telangana. In India, a mandal is a sub-division of a district that is responsible for the administration and revenue collection of a particular area within the district. It is an important part of the local governance structure, and plays a crucial role in the development and administration of its local community.

According to census 2011 information the sub-district code of Waddepalle Block (CD) is 04610. Total area of waddepalle mandal is 305 km². Waddepalle mandal has a population of 69,445 peoples. Waddepalle mandal has a population density of 227.4 inhabitants per square kilometre. There are about 15,821 houses in the sub-district.

When it comes to literacy, 45.74% population of waddepalle mandal is literate, out of which 55.10% males and 36.06% females are literate. There are about 20 villages in waddepalle mandal, which you can browse from waddepalle mandal villages list (along with gram panchayat & nearest town information) below.

List of Villages in Waddepalle Mandal

#Village NameGram PanchayatNearest Town
1Budamarsu Budamarsu Kurnool (32 km)
2Chinnadhanwada Chinnadhanwada Kurnool (50 km)
3Jilledudinne Jilleddinne Kurnool (35 km)
4Julakal Julekal Kurnool (40 km)
5Koildinne Koildinne Kurnool (36 km)
6Konkala Konkal Kurnool (40 km)
7Mandoddi Mandoddi Kurnool (49 km)
8Mundladinne Mundladinne Kurnool (43 km)
9Nasnur N/A Kurnool (50 km)
10Padamatigarlapadu Rajoli Kurnool (30 km)
11Paipadu Paipadu Kurnool (30 km)
12Patcharla Pacherla Kurnool (46 km)
13Pedda Thandrapadu Pedda Thandrapad Kurnool (45 km)
14Peddadhanwada Peddadhanwada Kurnool (56 km)
15Rajoli Rajoli Kurnool (25 km)
16Ramapuram Ramapuram Kurnool (37 km)
17Tanagala Tanagala Kurnool (44 km)
18Thummella Thummilla Kurnool (49 km)
19Turpugarlapadu T Garlapadu Kurnool (36 km)
20Waddepalle Waddepally Kurnool (31 km)

Population of Waddepalle Mandal

Particulars Rural Urban Total
Total Population 69,445 N/A 69,445
Male Population 35,293 N/A 35,293
Female Population 34,152 N/A 34,152
Population Density 227 / km² N/A 227 / km²

Households in Waddepalle Mandal

Particulars Households
Rural Households 15,821
Urban Households N/A
Total Households 15,821