
Barddhaman is a district in the West Bengal State of India. Total area of Barddhaman is 7,024 km² including 6,095.98 km² rural area and 928.02 km² urban area. As per 2011 stats, Barddhaman has a population of 77,17,563 peoples, out of which urban population is 30,78,299 while rural population is 46,39,264. Barddhaman has a sex ratio of approximately 945 females for every 1,000 males. The district has a population density of 1099 inhabitants per square kilometre. There are about 17,30,927 houses in the district, including 6,59,366 urban houses and 10,71,561 rural houses. When it comes to villages, there are about 2,418 villages in barddhaman district.

The Barddhaman district is further divided in to Subdivisions / Blocks / PS / Community Development Blocks (C.D.Blocks) for administrative purposes. In India, the Block or C.D.Block is often the next level of administrative division after the tehsil. It is important to note that, In some states of India C.D.Blocks are equal to tehsils.

For those who don't know, the C.D.Block is a rural area earmarked for administration and development in India. The area is administered by a BDO (Block Development Officer). A C.D.Block covers several gram panchayats, local administrative unit at the village level.

There are 31 subdivisions in Barddhaman district. Here is the list of all Barddhaman Subdivisions / Blocks / C.D.Blocks along with area & population information.

List of CD Blocks / Subdivisions in Barddhaman District

#Subdivision (CD Block)Area (km²)Population (2011)
1Ausgram I2211,19,363
2Ausgram II3581,50,896
5Burdwan I2482,15,943
6Burdwan II1881,52,939
7Faridpur Durgapur1841,15,924
8Galsi I2641,87,588
9Galsi II2231,47,177
12Kalna I1772,06,945
13Kalna II1821,67,335
15Katwa I1791,73,087
16Katwa II1551,36,708
17Ketugram I2031,65,408
18Ketugram II1651,18,567
22Memari I1862,18,425
23Memari II2011,50,252
26Purbasthali I1552,06,977
27Purbasthali II2042,12,355
28Raina I2731,80,952
29Raina II2301,51,401

Population of Barddhaman District

Particulars Rural Urban Total
Total Population 46,39,264 30,78,299 77,17,563
Male Population 23,73,787 15,93,102 39,66,889
Female Population 22,65,477 14,85,197 37,50,674
Population Density 761 / km² 3,317 / km² 1,099 / km²

Households in Barddhaman District

Particulars Households
Rural Households 10,71,561
Urban Households 6,59,366
Total Households 17,30,927