Pathalipam 10 7 80 83 33 161 3

Block / Subdivision → Kadam

District → Lakhimpur

State → Assam

About Pathalipam 10 7 80 83 33 161 3

According to Census 2011 information the location code or village code of Pathalipam 10 7 80 83 33 161 3 village is 287928. Pathalipam 10 7 80 83 33 161 3 village is located in Kadam subdivision of Lakhimpur district in Assam, India. It is situated 28km away from district headquarter Boginodi. Boginodi is the sub-district headquarter of Pathalipam 10 7 80 83 33 161 3 village. As per 2009 stats, Chauldhowa is the gram panchayat of Pathalipam 10 7 80 83 33 161 3 village.

The total geographical area of village is 412.1 hectares. Pathalipam 10 7 80 83 33 161 3 has a total population of 791 peoples, out of which male population is 401 while female population is 390. Literacy rate of pathalipam 10 7 80 83 33 161 3 village is 39.44% out of which 44.39% males and 34.36% females are literate. There are about 174 houses in pathalipam 10 7 80 83 33 161 3 village.

North Lakhimpur is nearest town to pathalipam 10 7 80 83 33 161 3 village for all major economic activities, which is approximately 28km away.

Google Map of Pathalipam 10 7 80 83 33 161 3

The Map data on this website is provided by Google Maps, a free online map service one can access and view in a web browser.

Population of Pathalipam 10 7 80 83 33 161 3

Total Population 791 401 390
Literate Population 312 178 134
Illiterate Population 479 223 256

Connectivity of Pathalipam 10 7 80 83 33 161 3

Public Bus Service
Available within 5 - 10 km distance
Private Bus Service
Available within village
Railway Station

Nearby Villages of Pathalipam 10 7 80 83 33 161 3

Pathalipam 10 7 80 83 33 161 3 - Village Overview
Gram Panchayat : Chauldhowa
Block / Subdivision : Kadam
District : Lakhimpur
State : Assam
Pincode : N/A
Area : 412.1 hectares
Population : 791
Households : 174
Nearest Town : North Lakhimpur (28 km)
Villages in Chauldhowa Gram Panchayat
Ananda Bagan Balijan Bangali
Dhal Basti Garoeria
Katari Chapari No 1 Katari Chapari No 2
Katari Chapari No 3 Kathalguri
Khagari Latai Jan
No 1 Dakhin Rupahi No 2 Dakhin Rupahi
No 4 Katari Chapari No 5 Katori Chapari
Pathalipam 10 7 80 83 33 161 3 Pathali Pam Grant 314 51
Purana Parghat Rupahi
Thakaraguri N C Thekeraguri
Uriamguri Baligaon Uriamguri Jorhatia
Uriamguri N C Uriumguri
Uttar Rupahi

Related Pages
List of Villages in Kadam
List of Subdivisions in Lakhimpur
List of Districts in Assam

* All survey data is based on Office of the Registrar General & Census Commissioner, Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India, 2015 ( Open Government Data Platform India.