Tola Charaka Pathar

Block / Subdivision → Katoria

District → Banka

State → Bihar

About Tola Charaka Pathar

According to Census 2011 information the location code or village code of Tola Charaka Pathar village is 242229. Tola Charaka Pathar village is located in Katoria subdivision of Banka district in Bihar, India. It is situated 60km away from sub-district headquarter Katoria (tehsildar office) and 60km away from district headquarter Banka. As per 2009 stats, Katiyari is the gram panchayat of Tola Charaka Pathar village.

The total geographical area of village is 57.9 hectares. Tola Charaka Pathar has a total population of 111 peoples, out of which male population is 60 while female population is 51. Literacy rate of tola charaka pathar village is 53.15% out of which 65.00% males and 39.22% females are literate. There are about 30 houses in tola charaka pathar village.

Deoghar(jharkhand) is nearest town to tola charaka pathar village for all major economic activities, which is approximately 28km away.

Google Map of Tola Charaka Pathar

The Map data on this website is provided by Google Maps, a free online map service one can access and view in a web browser.

Population of Tola Charaka Pathar

Total Population 111 60 51
Literate Population 59 39 20
Illiterate Population 52 21 31

Connectivity of Tola Charaka Pathar

Public Bus Service
Available within 5 - 10 km distance
Private Bus Service
Available within village
Railway Station
Available within 10+ km distance

Nearby Villages of Tola Charaka Pathar

Tola Charaka Pathar - Village Overview
Gram Panchayat : Katiyari
Block / Subdivision : Katoria
District : Banka
State : Bihar
Pincode : N/A
Area : 57.9 hectares
Population : 111
Households : 30
Nearest Town : Deoghar(jharkhand) (28 km)
Villages in Katiyari Gram Panchayat
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Tola Barakol Tola Baran
Tola Bathnabaran Bagjaura Tola Beltikri
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Tola Dharwa Tola Duma
Tola Dunwa Tola Gidhmarwa
Tola Gobinddih Tola Gobinddih
Tola Hariamarni Tola Hethmaria
Tola Indodih Tola Jamunia
Tola Jaruadih Tola Jhagrahi
Tola Kajradih Tola Karipahni
Tola Kari Pahri Kalan Tola Karumahdar
Tola Karwamarni Tola Katiari
Tola Kauabasar Tola Kodar Khosa
Tola Kulharia Tola Kumhar Bank
Tola Kurjor Tola Laludih
Tola Leta Tola Letwajangal Pura
Tola Lilabaran Tola Lilabaran
Tola Lokaidih Tola Maganmahdar
Tola Mahthasar Tola Majhidih
Tola Majhidih Tola Majhiladanr
Tola Malandih Tola Mananwar
Tola Manbodhtari Tola Mararbathan
Tola Marartari Tola Pokharia
Tola Rupdesar Tola Sikatbarna
Tola Siruraidih Tola Siruraidih
Tola Sonabaran Tola Tetaria
Tola Tulsidih Tola Uparchakmaria

Related Pages
List of Villages in Katoria
List of Subdivisions in Banka
List of Districts in Bihar

* All survey data is based on Office of the Registrar General & Census Commissioner, Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India, 2015 ( Open Government Data Platform India.