
Pataudi is a Town and Tehsil in Gurgaon District of Haryana. In India, a tehsil is a sub-division of a district that is responsible for the administration and revenue collection of a particular area within the district. It is an important part of the local governance structure, and plays a crucial role in the development and administration of its local community.

According to census 2011 information the sub-district code of Pataudi Block (CD) is 00416. Total area of pataudi tehsil is 177 km² including 147.67 km² rural area and 29.78 km² urban area. Pataudi tehsil has a population of 1,20,012 peoples, out of which urban population is 41,324 while rural population is 78,688. Pataudi has a sex ratio of approximately 910 females for every 1,000 males. Pataudi tehsil has a population density of 676 inhabitants per square kilometre. There are about 22,576 houses in the sub-district, including 7,454 urban houses and 15,122 rural houses.

When it comes to literacy, 69.41% population of pataudi tehsil is literate, out of which 76.98% males and 61.11% females are literate. There are about 60 villages in pataudi tehsil, which you can browse from pataudi tehsil villages list (along with gram panchayat & nearest town information) below.

List of Villages in Pataudi Tehsil

#Village NameGram PanchayatNearest Town
1Ahmdpur Mahniawas Pataudi (11 km)
2Bahmanwas Brahmanwas Haleymandi
3Balewa Balewa Pataudi
4Bapas Bapas Pataudi
5Barheri Rehnwa Barahari Rehnawa Pataudi
6Bas Padamka Baspadamka Pataudi
7Bastpur Basatpur P;ataudi
8Bhogpuri Balewa Pataudi (11 km)
9Bir Khurd Narhera Pataudi (1 km)
10Brijpura Brijpura Pataudi
11Chhawan Chhawan Pataudi
12Chhilarki Chhilraki Pataudi
13Dadawas Dadawas Pataudi
14Darapur Darapur Pataudi
15Daultabad Daulatabad Pataudi
16Dewlawas Devla Was Pataudi
17Gadaipur Gadai Pur Pataudi
18Gagli Bapas Pataudi (11 km)
19Ghilnawas Ghilnawas Pataudi
20Ghudana Gudana Haleymandi
21Goriawas Goriawas Pataudi
22Haliaki Haliaaki Haelymandi
23Hansaka Khor Pataudi (7 km)
24Haqdarpur Hakdarpur Pataudi
25Hera Heri Herahedi Pataudi
26Husainka Hussainka Haleymandi
27Inchhapuri Inchha Puri Haleymandi
28Jasat Jasat Pataudi
29Khalilpur Khalilpur Pataudi
30Khanpur Khanpur Pataudi
31Khetiawas Khetiawas Pataudi
32Khor Khor Pataudi
33Lohaka Herahedi Pataudi (5 km)
34Lohchap Lohchab Pataudi
35Lokra Lokara Pataudi
36Lokri Lokari Pataudi
37Mangwaki Managwaki Haelymandi
38Mao Mau Pataudi
39Mehaniawas Mahniawas Pataudi
40Milakpur Milakpur Pataudi
41Mirzapur Mirzapur Pataudi
42Mozamabad Maujabad Pataudi
43Mubarikpur N/A Pataudi (5 km)
44Mumtajpur Mumtaj Pur Pataudi
45Muzaphara Alias Mandpura Mujphara Haleymandi
46Nanu Khurd Nanukhurd Pataudi
47Nanukalan Nanukalan Pataudi
48Narhera Narhera Pataudi
49Nurgarh Noorgarh Haelymandi
50Pahari Pahari Pataudi
51Rajpura Rajpura Haleymandi
52Rampur Rampura Pataudi
53Ransika Ransika Pataudi
54Said Shahpur Sayed Shahapur Pataudi
55Sapedar Nagar Rampura Pataudi
56Shahpur Jat Shahpur Jat Haleymandi
57Sherpur Sherpur Pataudi
58Telpuri Telpuri Pataudi
59Turkapur Turkapur Pataudi
60Uncha Majra Ucha Majara Pataudi

Population of Pataudi Tehsil

Particulars Rural Urban Total
Total Population 78,688 41,324 1,20,012
Male Population 41,060 21,745 62,805
Female Population 37,628 19,579 57,207
Population Density 533 / km² 1,388 / km² 676 / km²

Households in Pataudi Tehsil

Rural Households
Urban Households
Total Households

Sub-District Overview
Sub-District (Hindi) : Pataudi
(पटौदी )
District : Gurgaon
State / UT : Haryana
Total Area : 177 km²
Sex Ratio (2011): 910
Total Population (2011) : 1,20,012
Density : 676/km²
Total Villages : 60
Total Population Villages in Pataudi Tehsil
less Than 200 N/A
200 - 499 4
500 - 999 19
1000 - 1999 17
2000 - 4999 13
5000 - 9999 N/A
10000 and above N/A

Related Pages
List of Tehsils in Gurgaon
List of Districts in Haryana

* All survey data is based on Office of the Registrar General & Census Commissioner, Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India, 2015 ( Open Government Data Platform India.