
Kaithal is a Town and Tehsil in Kaithal District of Haryana. In India, a tehsil is a sub-division of a district that is responsible for the administration and revenue collection of a particular area within the district. It is an important part of the local governance structure, and plays a crucial role in the development and administration of its local community.

According to census 2011 information the sub-district code of Kaithal Block (CD) is 00368. Total area of kaithal tehsil is 1,280 km² including 1,229.86 km² rural area and 50.24 km² urban area. Kaithal tehsil has a population of 6,41,973 peoples, out of which urban population is 1,63,575 while rural population is 4,78,398. Kaithal has a sex ratio of approximately 875 females for every 1,000 males. Kaithal tehsil has a population density of 502 inhabitants per square kilometre. There are about 1,21,798 houses in the sub-district, including 32,104 urban houses and 89,694 rural houses.

When it comes to literacy, 60.22% population of kaithal tehsil is literate, out of which 67.91% males and 51.43% females are literate. There are about 128 villages in kaithal tehsil, which you can browse from kaithal tehsil villages list (along with gram panchayat & nearest town information) below.

List of Villages in Kaithal Tehsil

#Village NameGram PanchayatNearest Town
1Andhli Andali Kaithal
2Atela Atela Kaithal
3Badsikri Kalan Badsikri Kalan Kalayat
4Badsikri Khurd Badsikri Khurd Kalayat
5Balu Balu Bidhan Patti Kalayat
6Balwanti Balwanti Kaithal
7Barot Barot Kaithal
8Batta Batta Kalayat
9Bhalang Bhalang Kalayat
10Bhamniwala Urf Rajpura Brahmaniwala Kalayat
11Bhanpura Bhanpura Kaithal
12Bheni Majra Bhaini Majra Kaithal
13Bidkhdalwa Matour Kalayat
14Bir Bangran Bir Bangra Kaithal
15Budha Khera Buhda Khera Kaithal
16Chandana Chandana Kaithal
17Chhot Chhot Kaithal
18Chusala Chausala Kalayat
19Dawal Dubbal Kaithal
20Deoban Deoban Kaithal
21Deohera Deohra Kaithal
22Dhodh Kheri Deod Kheri Kaithal
23Dhondhwa Dundwa Kalayat
24Dhos Dhons Kaithal
25Dhunderheri Dundhrehri Kaithal
26Diluwala Dhilon Wali Kaithal
27Dohar Dohar Kaithal
28Dubal Diwal Kalayat
29Dumara Dumara Kalayat
30Fariabad Fariyabad Kaithal
31Farsh Majra Fareshmajra Kaithal
32Ferozepur Firozpur Kaithal
33Franswala Franswala Kaithal
34Garhi Padla Garhi Padla Kaithal
35Geong Geong Kaithal
36Gogh Gogh Kaithal
37Gohran Gohra Kaithal
38Guhna Guhna Kaithal
39Guliana Guliyana Kaithal
40Hari Pura Haripura Kalayat
41Harnola Harnola Kaithal
42Harsola Harsola Kaithal
43Jagdishpura Jagdishpura Kaithal
44Jakholi Jakholi Dabadal Kaithal
45Janedpur Janedpur Kaithal
46Jaswanti Jaswanti Kaithal
47Julani Khera Julanikhera Kalayat
48Kachhana Kichana Kaithal
49Kailram Kailram Kaithal
50Kakot Kakaut Kaithal
51Kala Sher Kalasar Kalayat
52Kalayat N/A Kalayat
53Kamalpur Kamalpur Kalayat
54Kasan Kassan Kaithal
55Kathana Kithana Kaithal
56Kathwar Kathwar Kaithal
57Kawartan Kawaratan Kaithal
58Keorak Keorak Kaithal
59Khanoda Khanoda Kaithal
60Khanpur Khanpur Kaithal
61Kharak Pandwan Khark Pandwa Kalayat
62Kheri Gulamali Kehri Gulamali Kaithal
63Kheri Lamba Kheri Laaba Kalayat
64Kheri Raowali Kheri Rao Wali Kaithal
65Kheri Sherkhan Kheri Sharkhan Kalayat
66Kheri Sheru Kheri Sheru Kaithal
67Kheri Simbalwali Kheri Simbal Wali Kaithal
68Khurana Khurana Kaithal
69Kole Khan Kolekhan Kalayat
70Kotra Kotra Kaithal
71Kultaran Kultaran Kaithal
72Kurar Kurar Kalayat
73Kutabpur Kutabpur Kaithal
74Ladana Baba Baba Ladana Kaithal
75Lander Keema Lenderkima Kaithal
76Lander Peerzada Landerpeerzada Kaithal
77Magho Majri Mago Majri Kaithal
78Mahal Kheri Malkheri Kaithal
79Majra Nand Karan Majra Nand Karan Kaithal
80Majra Rohera Majra Rohera Kaithal
81Malakpur Malikpur Kaithal
82Manas Chak Padla Chhot Kaithal
83Mandhwal 71 Mandwal Kaithal
84Manjhlan Manjhlan Kaithal
85Mator Matour Kalayat
86Mundhri Munarheri Kaithal
87Nagal Nagal Kaithal
88Naina Naina Kaithal
89Nandsinghwala Nandsingh Wala Kaithal
90Narar Narar Kaithal
91Narwal Narval Garh Kaithal
92Nawach Nouch Kaithal
93Padla Padla Kaithal
94Paharpur Pahadpur Kaithal
95Patti Afgan Patti Afgan Kaithal
96Patti Dogran Roherian Kaithal
97Patti Khot Patti Khot Kaithal
98Peoda Peoda Kaithal
99Pinjupura Panjupura Kalayat
100Prabhawat Parbhawat Kaithal
101Rajaund N/A Kaithal
102Ramgarh Pandwan Ramgarh Pandwa Kalayat
103Rohera Rohera Kaithal
104Roherian Roherian Kaithal
105Sajooma Sajuma Kalayat
106Sangatpura Sangatpura Kaithal
107Sanghan Sanghan Kaithal
108Sangri Sangroli Kaithal
109Santokh Majra Santokh Majra Kaithal
110Sapan Kheri Sampan Kheri Kaithal
111Saran Saran Kaithal
112Seend Sinand Kalayat
113Sega Sega Kaithal
114Serhada Serdha Kaithal
115Serta Sirta Kaithal
116Sher Garh Shergarh Kaithal
117Simla Simla Kalayat
118Sisla Sismore Sisla Kaithal
119Siwan Siwan Kaithal
120Songal Songal Kaithal
121Sotha Sotha Kaithal
122Taragarh Taragarh Kaithal
123Teek Teek Kaithal
124Theh Bahri Birthebihari Kaithal
125Titram Titram Kaithal
126Ujana Ujhana Kaithal
127Umedpur Umedpur Kaithal
128Wazir Nagar Wazir Nagar Kalayat

Population of Kaithal Tehsil

Particulars Rural Urban Total
Total Population 4,78,398 1,63,575 6,41,973
Male Population 2,55,597 86,728 3,42,325
Female Population 2,22,801 76,847 2,99,648
Population Density 389 / km² 3,256 / km² 502 / km²

Households in Kaithal Tehsil

Rural Households
Urban Households
Total Households

Sub-District Overview
Sub-District (Hindi) : Kaithal
(कैथल )
District : Kaithal
State / UT : Haryana
Total Area : 1,280 km²
Sex Ratio (2011): 875
Total Population (2011) : 6,41,973
Density : 502/km²
Total Villages : 128
Total Population Villages in Kaithal Tehsil
less Than 200 1
200 - 499 2
500 - 999 12
1000 - 1999 29
2000 - 4999 56
5000 - 9999 22
10000 and above 6

Related Pages
List of Tehsils in Kaithal
List of Districts in Haryana

* All survey data is based on Office of the Registrar General & Census Commissioner, Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India, 2015 ( Open Government Data Platform India.