
Ganaur is a Town and Tehsil in Sonipat District of Haryana. In India, a tehsil is a sub-division of a district that is responsible for the administration and revenue collection of a particular area within the district. It is an important part of the local governance structure, and plays a crucial role in the development and administration of its local community.

According to census 2011 information the sub-district code of Ganaur Block (CD) is 00379. Total area of ganaur tehsil is 302 km² including 292.73 km² rural area and 9.06 km² urban area. Ganaur tehsil has a population of 2,06,889 peoples, out of which urban population is 35,603 while rural population is 1,71,286. Ganaur has a sex ratio of approximately 839 females for every 1,000 males. Ganaur tehsil has a population density of 686 inhabitants per square kilometre. There are about 39,138 houses in the sub-district, including 6,863 urban houses and 32,275 rural houses.

When it comes to literacy, 65.64% population of ganaur tehsil is literate, out of which 72.80% males and 57.12% females are literate. There are about 63 villages in ganaur tehsil, which you can browse from ganaur tehsil villages list (along with gram panchayat & nearest town information) below.

List of Villages in Ganaur Tehsil

#Village NameGram PanchayatNearest Town
1Aghwanpur Agwanpur Ganaur
2Ahulana Ahulana Ganaur
3Atail Atail Ganaur
4Bai Bain Ganaur
5Bajana Kalan Bajana Kalan Ganaur
6Bajana Khurd Bajana Khurd Ganaur
7Balli Qutabpur Bali Qutabpur Ganaur
8Baraut Bain Ganaur
9Bari Bari Ganaur
10Begah Bega Ganaur
11Bhagan Bhigan Ganaur
12Bhakharpur Bhakharpur Ganaur
13Bhanwar Bhanwar Ganaur
14Bharet Udeshipur Ganaur
15Bhogipur Bhogipur Ganaur
16Bhora Rasulpur Bhora Rasulpur Ganaur
17Bhuri Bhuri Ganaur
18Bulandpur Bulandpur Ganaur
19Chandauli Pabnera Ganaur
20Chirsami Chirasmi Ganaur
21Dabarpur Dabarpur Ganaur
22Datauli Datauli Ganaur
23Ganaur N/A Ganaur
24Garhi Kesri N/A Ganaur (1 km)
25Ghasoli Ghasauli Ganaur
26Giaspur Pabnera Ganaur
27Gumar Gumar Ganaur
28Jalalabad Khizarur Ahir Ganaur
29Kailana Kailana Ganaur
30Kherigujar Kheri Gujjar Ganaur
31Kheritaga Kheri Taga Ganaur
32Khizarpur Ahir Khizarur Ahir Ganaur
33Khubru Khubru Ganaur
34Lalheri Lalheri Ganaur
35Larsoli Larsauli Ganaur
36Machhrauli Gumar Ganaur (4 km)
37Manak Majra Ahulana Sonipat
38Miana Kheri Gujjar Ganaur (6 km)
39Mohammadpur Majra Mahmudpur Majra Ganaur
40Nayabans Naya Bans Ganaur
41Pabnera Pabnera Ganaur
42Panchi Gujran Garhi Jhajhara Ganaur
43Panchi Jatan Panchi Jatan Ganaur
44Patti Barahmnan Patti Brahmanan Ganaur
45Pipli Khera Pipli Khera Ganaur
46Pogthala Pugthala Ganaur
47Purkhas Dhiran Purkhas Dhiran Ganaur
48Purkhas Rathi Purkhas Rathi Ganaur
49Rajlu Rajlu Garhi Ganaur
50Rajpur Rajpur Ganaur
51Ramnagar Ram Nagar Ganaur
52Rasulpur Mimarpur Ganaur
53Sanpera Sanpera Ganaur
54Sardhana Sardhana Ganaur
55Shahpur Taga Shahpur Taga Ganaur
56Shamashpur Samaspur Ganaur
57Sheikhupura Shekhpura Ganaur
58Siha Khera Sayan Khera Ganaur
59Teha Teha Ganaur
60Teori Tewari Ganaur
61Udesipur Udeshipur Ganaur
62Umedgarh Umedgarh Ganaur
63Zafarpur Zafarpur Ganaur

Population of Ganaur Tehsil

Particulars Rural Urban Total
Total Population 1,71,286 35,603 2,06,889
Male Population 93,456 18,991 1,12,447
Female Population 77,830 16,612 94,442
Population Density 585 / km² 3,930 / km² 686 / km²

Households in Ganaur Tehsil

Rural Households
Urban Households
Total Households

Sub-District Overview
Sub-District (Hindi) : Ganaur
(गन्नौर )
District : Sonipat
State / UT : Haryana
Total Area : 302 km²
Sex Ratio (2011): 839
Total Population (2011) : 2,06,889
Density : 686/km²
Total Villages : 63
Total Population Villages in Ganaur Tehsil
less Than 200 3
200 - 499 1
500 - 999 5
1000 - 1999 11
2000 - 4999 34
5000 - 9999 6
10000 and above N/A

Related Pages
List of Tehsils in Sonipat
List of Districts in Haryana

* All survey data is based on Office of the Registrar General & Census Commissioner, Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India, 2015 ( Open Government Data Platform India.