
Beerwah is a Town and Tehsil in Badgam District of Jammu & Kashmir. In India, a tehsil is a sub-division of a district that is responsible for the administration and revenue collection of a particular area within the district. It is an important part of the local governance structure, and plays a crucial role in the development and administration of its local community.

According to census 2011 information the sub-district code of Beerwah Block (CD) is 00005. Total area of beerwah tehsil is 134 km² including 126.77 km² rural area and 7.30 km² urban area. Beerwah tehsil has a population of 1,63,333 peoples, out of which urban population is 13,662 while rural population is 1,49,671. Beerwah has a sex ratio of approximately 871 females for every 1,000 males. Beerwah tehsil has a population density of 1218 inhabitants per square kilometre. There are about 20,914 houses in the sub-district, including 1,753 urban houses and 19,161 rural houses.

When it comes to literacy, 43.20% population of beerwah tehsil is literate, out of which 49.39% males and 36.09% females are literate. There are about 105 villages in beerwah tehsil, which you can browse from beerwah tehsil villages list (along with gram panchayat & nearest town information) below.

List of Villages in Beerwah Tehsil

#Village NameGram PanchayatNearest Town
1Adina Watmagam Magam (2 km)
2Alam Guchoo Alamguchoo Beerwah (12 km)
3Aqil Pora Razwan Magam (6 km)
4Ari Panthan Aripanthan A Magam (4 km)
5Arwah Arwaha Beerwah (2 km)
6Atinu Attina Beerwah (5 km)
7Bandagam Bundgam Magam (9 km)
8Basi Pora N/A Beerwah (9 km)
9Bata Pora Kanihama Batpora Magam (3 km)
10Bonahama Bonhama Badgam (13 km)
11Bun Meke Hama Bunmakhama Magam (4 km)
12Buna Zanigam Bonzanigam Beerwah (6 km)
13Bupat Gampora Beerwah (9 km)
14Chair Giun Changune Magam (3 km)
15Chak Danas N/A Beerwah (3 km)
16Chak Dewan Lakhimandass Wanihama Beerwah (6 km)
17Chak Paharthan Paharthan Beerwah (7 km)
18Chanthan Chak Pora C C Pora Beerwah (6 km)
19Charan Gam Charangam Beerwah (10 km)
20Chare Khan Kandoora Beerwah (7 km)
21Chere Har Razwan Magam (7 km)
22Chewdara Chewdara A Beerwah (3 km)
23Churu Mujru Churmujroo Beerwah (7 km)
24Dachan Dasan Beerwah (7 km)
25Daji Malik Gund Bonhama Beerwah (11 km)
26Danash Paharthan Beerwah (7 km)
27Dragar Wanihama Beerwah (7 km)
28Forest Block N/A Beerwah (11 km)
29Gagar Pora Narabal A Magam (7 km)
30Gam Pora Gampora Beerwah (8 km)
31Gamboora Kandhama B Magam (7 km)
32Gori Pora Gooripora Beerwah (3 km)
33Gund Khalil Narabal A Magam (6 km)
34Gund Mumadar Paharthan Beerwah (8 km)
35Gundi Pora Gundipora Beerwah (3 km)
36Gunj Lal Pora Alamguchoo Beerwah (12 km)
37Hanji Buj Peth Kanihama Magam (2 km)
38Hanji Laway Pora Hardumalpora Magam (9 km)
39Haranj Garoo Hanjigaroo Beerwah (14 km)
40Hardu Latinu Hardlatoo Beerwah (5 km)
41Hardu Mala Pora Hardumalpora Magam (10 km)
42Hayat Pora Gundipora Beerwah (2 km)
43Hurdu Waminu Sonorkalipora Magam (6 km)
44Kali Pora Narsingpora Beerwah (16 km)
45Kanda Hama Kandhama A Magam (6 km)
46Kandoora Kandoora Beerwah (5 km)
47Kanih Gund Kanigund Beerwah (5 km)
48Kanihama Kanihama Magam (1 km)
49Kanth Bagh Sonorkalipora Magam (6 km)
50Kawsa Jagir Kawoosa Jagir Magam (6 km)
51Kawsa Khalisa Kawoosa Khalisa A Magam (6 km)
52Lalpora Beeru Lalpora Beerwah (3 km)
53Larabal Hardlatoo Beerwah (6 km)
54Lasi Pora Paharthan Beerwah (7 km)
55Lohar Chak Sonorkalipora Magam (5 km)
56Malpora Sehkanaw Utligam Beerwah (6 km)
57Mamgund Mamgundh Beerwah (12 km)
58Mani Hama Watmagam Magam (1 km)
59Mashun Dasan Beerwah (5 km)
60Mati Pora Changune Magam (5 km)
61Mazehama Kanihama Magam (2 km)
62Miri Pora Meeripora A Magam (7 km)
63Mulashulla Mulshulla Beerwah (13 km)
64Mulemanchi Hama Hardumalpora Magam (10 km)
65Najan Najan Beerwah (3 km)
66Nar Bal Narabal A Magam (7 km)
67Narawarah Meeripora B Beerwah (8 km)
68Narsing Pora Narsingpora Beerwah (18 km)
69Nassoo Narsingpora Beerwah (15 km)
70Nijlu Punchgundh Badgam (12 km)
71Now Pora Pain N/A Magam (5 km)
72Ohangam Ohagam Beerwah (6 km)
73Otilgam Utligam Beerwah (5 km)
74Otter Pora Utterpora Beerwah (7 km)
75Paharthan Paharthan Beerwah (8 km)
76Pakhar Pora Kanigund Beerwah (7 km)
77Panchas Bundgam Magam (8 km)
78Pandow Pora Alamguchoo Beerwah (14 km)
79Pari Pora Peth Kanihama Magam (2 km)
80Path Zani Gam Bonzanigam Beerwah (7 km)
81Peth Kanihama Peth Kanihama Magam (2 km)
82Peth Mekehama Pethmakhama Magam (2 km)
83Pethkoot Pethkoot Beerwah (5 km)
84Poonch Gund Punchgundh Badgam (11 km)
85Rani Pora Suchen Bonnet Beerwah (5 km)
86Rassoo Russo Magam (5 km)
87Rathsun Rathsum Pethpora Magam (4 km)
88Rede Bug Bunmakhama Magam (5 km)
89Renki Pora Utterpora Beerwah (5 km)
90Roshan Abad Batpora Magam (3 km)
91Saihama Gampora Beerwah (9 km)
92Sail Sail Beerwah (4 km)
93Sangram Pora C C Pora Beerwah (6 km)
94Sechin Banet Suchen Bonnet Beerwah (7 km)
95Sehpora Changune Magam (4 km)
96Ship Pora Changune Magam (4 km)
97Shuli Gund Attina Beerwah (3 km)
98Snoor Kali Pora Sonorkalipora Magam (5 km)
99Sone Pah Sonapah Beerwah (1 km)
100Sozeth Gori Pora N/A Magam (8 km)
101Wani Hama Wanihama Beerwah (5 km)
102Wata Magam Watmagam Magam (1 km)
103Watal Pora Banda Pora Russo Magam (7 km)
104Yaru Gund Narabal A Magam (6 km)
105Zabgala Hanjigaroo Beerwah (13 km)

Population of Beerwah Tehsil

Particulars Rural Urban Total
Total Population 1,49,671 13,662 1,63,333
Male Population 80,103 7,174 87,277
Female Population 69,568 6,488 76,056
Population Density 1,181 / km² 1,872 / km² 1,218 / km²

Households in Beerwah Tehsil

Rural Households
Urban Households
Total Households

Sub-District Overview
Sub-District (Hindi) : Beerwah
District : Badgam
State / UT : Jammu & Kashmir
Total Area : 134 km²
Sex Ratio (2011): 871
Total Population (2011) : 1,63,333
Density : 1,218/km²
Total Villages : 105
Total Population Villages in Beerwah Tehsil
less Than 200 6
200 - 499 19
500 - 999 25
1000 - 1999 31
2000 - 4999 17
5000 - 9999 4
10000 and above N/A

Related Pages
List of Tehsils in Badgam
List of Districts in Jammu & Kashmir

* All survey data is based on Office of the Registrar General & Census Commissioner, Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India, 2015 ( Open Government Data Platform India.