
Khag is a Town and Tehsil in Badgam District of Jammu & Kashmir. In India, a tehsil is a sub-division of a district that is responsible for the administration and revenue collection of a particular area within the district. It is an important part of the local governance structure, and plays a crucial role in the development and administration of its local community.

According to census 2011 information the sub-district code of Khag Block (CD) is 00004. Total area of khag tehsil is 61 km². Khag tehsil has a population of 67,596 peoples. Khag tehsil has a population density of 1106 inhabitants per square kilometre. There are about 8,799 houses in the sub-district.

When it comes to literacy, 38.31% population of khag tehsil is literate, out of which 44.79% males and 31.58% females are literate. There are about 48 villages in khag tehsil, which you can browse from khag tehsil villages list (along with gram panchayat & nearest town information) below.

List of Villages in Khag Tehsil

#Village NameGram PanchayatNearest Town
1Abandar Malpora Magam (21 km)
2Alam Nag Dalwash Magam (9 km)
3Awan Pora Khag B Magam (22 km)
4Badran Budran Magam (3 km)
5Bamurad Palpora Magam (6 km)
6Bata Pora Drang Iskanderpora Beerwah (9 km)
7Buna Sharan N/A Magam (16 km)
8Bunagund N/A Magam (15 km)
9Chaker Pora Lassipora Magam (20 km)
10Chere Haroo Drung Beerwah (22 km)
11Dalwach Khored Dalwash Magam (16 km)
12Drang Drung Beerwah (19 km)
13Habar Daradlasi Pora Shuglipora B Beerwah (18 km)
14Hamchi Pora Hamchipora Beerwah (9 km)
15Hardu Surash Hd Suresh Magam (16 km)
16Ichehama Hd Suresh Beerwah (5 km)
17Iskineder Pora Iskanderpora Beerwah (5 km)
18Kanchati Pora Rawathpora Beerwah (8 km)
19Kangri Pora Iskanderpora Beerwah (16 km)
20Khag Khag A Magam (20 km)
21Khahi Pora Lachmanpora Beerwah (11 km)
22Khan Pora Khanpora Beerwah (9 km)
23Khanday Pora Khanpora Beerwah (9 km)
24Khawja Gund Rawathpora Beerwah (6 km)
25Koker Bagh Kokerbagh Beerwah (7 km)
26Lachman Pora Lachmanpora Magam (12 km)
27Larik Pora N/A Magam (15 km)
28Looki Pora Dalwash Magam (15 km)
29Lowahi Pora Nagbal Magam (16 km)
30Mala Pora Khag Malpora Magam (20 km)
31Nagabal Nagbal Magam (18 km)
32Nasar Pora Nassarpora Magam (11 km)
33Pala Pora Palpora Magam (6 km)
34Parapora Hd Suresh Magam (6 km)
35Peth Saharan Hd Suresh Magam (15 km)
36Poshker Poshker Magam (25 km)
37Punj Yari Nassarpora Magam (17 km)
38Raihan Bag N/A Magam (4 km)
39Ramdar Chakpora Nassarpora Beerwah (18 km)
40Rawat Pora Rawathpora Magam (20 km)
41Shungli Pora Shuglipora A Beerwah (8 km)
42Sita Haran Sitharan A Beerwah (15 km)
43Sochal Pora Sitharan A Beerwah (15 km)
44Sugin Yarinar Sugan Yerinar Magam (22 km)
45Trapay Nagbal Magam (8 km)
46Udar Khodlasi Pora Lassipora Beerwah (15 km)
47Zagi Pora Khanpora Beerwah (8 km)
48Zahid Bag N/A Magam (15 km)

Population of Khag Tehsil

Particulars Rural Urban Total
Total Population 67,596 N/A 67,596
Male Population 34,457 N/A 34,457
Female Population 33,139 N/A 33,139
Population Density 1,106 / km² N/A 1,106 / km²

Households in Khag Tehsil

Rural Households
Urban Households
Total Households

Sub-District Overview
Sub-District (Hindi) : Khag
District : Badgam
State / UT : Jammu & Kashmir
Total Area : 61 km²
Sex Ratio (2011): 961
Total Population (2011) : 67,596
Density : 1,106/km²
Total Villages : 48
Total Population Villages in Khag Tehsil
less Than 200 N/A
200 - 499 14
500 - 999 12
1000 - 1999 12
2000 - 4999 10
5000 - 9999 1
10000 and above N/A

Related Pages
List of Tehsils in Badgam
List of Districts in Jammu & Kashmir

* All survey data is based on Office of the Registrar General & Census Commissioner, Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India, 2015 ( Open Government Data Platform India.