
Gandoh is a Town and Tehsil in Doda District of Jammu & Kashmir. In India, a tehsil is a sub-division of a district that is responsible for the administration and revenue collection of a particular area within the district. It is an important part of the local governance structure, and plays a crucial role in the development and administration of its local community.

According to census 2011 information the sub-district code of Gandoh Block (CD) is 00064. Total area of gandoh tehsil is 105 km². Gandoh tehsil has a population of 71,889 peoples. Gandoh tehsil has a population density of 684 inhabitants per square kilometre. There are about 13,216 houses in the sub-district.

When it comes to literacy, 46.17% population of gandoh tehsil is literate, out of which 59.05% males and 32.71% females are literate. There are about 66 villages in gandoh tehsil, which you can browse from gandoh tehsil villages list (along with gram panchayat & nearest town information) below.

List of Villages in Gandoh Tehsil

#Village NameGram PanchayatNearest Town
1Achher Achhair Doda (30 km)
2Almigangota Alnigungota A Doda (72 km)
3Amar Singh Pora Shengani Doda (80 km)
4Amarsingh Pora Thalorn Doda (74 km)
5Amrit Pora Chanyas Doda (73 km)
6Angnol Darie Doda (78 km)
7Batara Batara Doda (70 km)
8Batmas Chantibala Doda (90 km)
9Beli Chinalra Jakyas A Doda (69 km)
10Bhargi Bharghi Doda (70 km)
11Bharti Barthi Doda (72 km)
12Bhatoli Bhatoli Doda (763 km)
13Bhatyas Bhatyas Doda (68 km)
14Bheja Darie Doda (79 km)
15Budhli Budhli Doda (68 km)
16Chalri Challer Kishtiwad (3 km)
17Champal Champal Doda (70 km)
18Changa Changa A Doda (60 km)
19Chanias Chanyas Doda (71 km)
20Chansar Chaner Doda (80 km)
21Chanti Bala Chantibala Doda (70 km)
22Chanti Pain Chantibala Doda (75 km)
23Chillebala Chilibala Doda (74 km)
24Chillepain Chilli Pain Doda (72 km)
25Chochlu Chaner Doda (76 km)
26Chounri Chonwery Doda (80 km)
27Dalain Sinoo Doda (78 km)
28Darai Darie Doda (69 km)
29Dhadkahi Dhadkhie A Doda (73 km)
30Dharyari Dherwari B Doda (69 km)
31Dhonsa Dohassa Doda (69 km)
32Dudwar Dudwar Doda (66 km)
33Forest Block N/A Gandoh
34Gando Gondow A Doda (69 km)
35Gawari Gawari Doda (66 km)
36Ghan Shanana Chantibala Doda (74 km)
37Ghil Gondoh Doda (74 km)
38Gurekra Gurekhra Doda (70 km)
39Gwalo Shengani Doda (72 km)
40Hadal Haddel Doda (81 km)
41Halor Gawari Doda (68 km)
42Inharra Inharra Doda (76 km)
43Jakias Jakyas A Doda (68 km)
44Kahal Jagesar Kalijugasar Doda; (92 km)
45Kako Batara Doda (73 km)
46Kandolu Kandolu Doda (70 km)
47Kharangal Kharangal Doda (75 km)
48Kilotran Kilhotran Doda (68 km)
49Kunan Gondoh Doda (72 km)
50Luddu Chonwery Doda (82 km)
51Mandhan Chaner Doda (70 km)
52Mano Manoo A Doda (82 km)
53Muksias Mukhsyas Doda (69 km)
54Pora Bala Porapain Doda (72 km)
55Pora Pain Porapain Doda (70 km)
56Raj Pura Chonwery Doda (85 km)
57Rela Sinoo Doda (74 km)
58Samai Samai Doda (69 km)
59Sanwara Sanwara Doda (70 km)
60Shingni Shengani Doda (73 km)
61Sinoodalari Sinoo Doda (76 km)
62Taloogarh Tilogra Doda (60 km)
63Tantali Tantli Doda (70 km)
64Tendala Tilogra Doda (68 km)
65Thaloran Thalorn Doda (71 km)
66Trithlu Trithloo Doda (67 km)

Population of Gandoh Tehsil

Particulars Rural Urban Total
Total Population 71,889 N/A 71,889
Male Population 36,754 N/A 36,754
Female Population 35,135 N/A 35,135
Population Density 684 / km² N/A 684 / km²

Households in Gandoh Tehsil

Rural Households
Urban Households
Total Households

Sub-District Overview
Sub-District (Hindi) : Gandoh
District : Doda
State / UT : Jammu & Kashmir
Total Area : 105 km²
Sex Ratio (2011): 955
Total Population (2011) : 71,889
Density : 684/km²
Total Villages : 66
Total Population Villages in Gandoh Tehsil
less Than 200 5
200 - 499 9
500 - 999 22
1000 - 1999 23
2000 - 4999 7
5000 - 9999 N/A
10000 and above N/A

Related Pages
List of Tehsils in Doda
List of Districts in Jammu & Kashmir

* All survey data is based on Office of the Registrar General & Census Commissioner, Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India, 2015 ( Open Government Data Platform India.