
Kangan is a Town and Tehsil in Ganderbal District of Jammu & Kashmir. In India, a tehsil is a sub-division of a district that is responsible for the administration and revenue collection of a particular area within the district. It is an important part of the local governance structure, and plays a crucial role in the development and administration of its local community.

According to census 2011 information the sub-district code of Kangan Block (CD) is 00046. Total area of kangan tehsil is 90 km². Kangan tehsil has a population of 1,20,934 peoples. Kangan tehsil has a population density of 1337 inhabitants per square kilometre. There are about 18,326 houses in the sub-district.

When it comes to literacy, 42.99% population of kangan tehsil is literate, out of which 51.97% males and 32.66% females are literate. There are about 42 villages in kangan tehsil, which you can browse from kangan tehsil villages list (along with gram panchayat & nearest town information) below.

List of Villages in Kangan Tehsil

#Village NameGram PanchayatNearest Town
1Akhal Akhal A Ganderbal (25 km)
2Anderwan Anderwan A Ganderbal (10 km)
3Ara Hama Arhama A Ganderbal (10 km)
4Arigori Pora Arigoripora Ganderbal (22 km)
5Bamlina N/A Ganderbal (23 km)
6Barwalah Barwulla Ganderbal (21 km)
7Berna Bugh N/A Ganderbal (28 km)
8Chater Gul Chattergul A Babareshi Ganderbal (28 km)
9Cheerwan Cherwan A Ganderbal (25 km)
10Chiner Woussan B Ganderbal (12 km)
11Daraduder N/A Ganderbal (30 km)
12Drag Tanga Preng B Ganderbal (19 km)
13Forest Block N/A Ganderbal (20 km)
14Fraw Haknar Fraw Haknar A Ganderbal (31 km)
15Gund Ari Kachnambal A Ganderbal (22 km)
16Gund Sarsingh Gund Sar Singh A Ganderbal (40 km)
17Hardo Panzin Kijpora Ganderbal (22 km)
18Hari Ganiwan Ganiwan A Ganderbal (28 km)
19Hari Pora Haripora Ganderbal (15 km)
20Hayan Palpora N/A Ganderbal (32 km)
21Kacha Nambal Kachnambal A Ganderbal (22 km)
22Kangan Kangan A Ganderbal (23 km)
23Khanan Khanan Ganderbal (28 km)
24Kij Parah Kijpora Ganderbal (22 km)
25Kolan Kullan A Ganderbal (50 km)
26Lari Preng B Ganderbal (21 km)
27Mamer Mammer A Ganderbal (33 km)
28Mar Gund Margund Ganderbal (22 km)
29Najwan Nilah N/A Ganderbal (22 km)
30Nilagrar Sonamarg A Ganderbal (33 km)
31Palang Preng A Ganderbal (18 km)
32Porajat Gagangir N/A Ganderbal (24 km)
33Rayil Rayil Ganderbal (52 km)
34Satrina Burnabugh Ganderbal (25 km)
35Sonamarg Sonamarg A Ganderbal (25 km)
36Soraf Raw Surfraw A Ganderbal (34 km)
37Sumbal Bala Sumbal Ganderbal (31 km)
38Tangchatir N/A Ganderbal (25 km)
39Thune Thune A Ganderbal (30 km)
40Wangat Wangath A Ganderbal (28 km)
41Wossan Woussan A Ganderbal (15 km)
42Yechi Hama Yachama Ganderbal (30 km)

Population of Kangan Tehsil

Particulars Rural Urban Total
Total Population 1,20,934 N/A 1,20,934
Male Population 64,723 N/A 64,723
Female Population 56,211 N/A 56,211
Population Density 1,337 / km² N/A 1,337 / km²

Households in Kangan Tehsil

Particulars Households
Rural Households 18,326
Urban Households N/A
Total Households 18,326