
Chandvad is a Town and Tehsil in Nashik District of Maharashtra. In India, a tehsil is a sub-division of a district that is responsible for the administration and revenue collection of a particular area within the district. It is an important part of the local governance structure, and plays a crucial role in the development and administration of its local community.

According to census 2011 information the sub-district code of Chandvad Block (CD) is 04148. Total area of chandvad tehsil is 953 km² including 916.13 km² rural area and 36.93 km² urban area. Chandvad tehsil has a population of 2,35,849 peoples, out of which urban population is 25,341 while rural population is 2,10,508. Chandvad has a sex ratio of approximately 931 females for every 1,000 males. Chandvad tehsil has a population density of 247.5 inhabitants per square kilometre. There are about 45,140 houses in the sub-district, including 4,945 urban houses and 40,195 rural houses.

When it comes to literacy, 71.26% population of chandvad tehsil is literate, out of which 76.67% males and 65.45% females are literate. There are about 112 villages in chandvad tehsil, which you can browse from chandvad tehsil villages list (along with gram panchayat & nearest town information) below.

List of Villages in Chandvad Tehsil

#Village NameGram PanchayatNearest Town
1Adgaon Adgon Manmad (32 km)
2Ahirkhede Ahirkhede Manmad (15 km)
3Asarkhede Asarkhede Manmad (31 km)
4Bahaduri Bahaduri Nashik (53 km)
5Bhadane Bhadane Manmad (9 km)
6Bharvir Mangrul Manmad (28 km)
7Bhatgaon Bhatgaon Manmad (38 km)
8Bhayale Bhayale Nashik (48 km)
9Bhoyegaon Bhoyegaon Manmad (38 km)
10Bhutyane Bhutyane Satana (38 km)
11Bopane Bopane Manmad (36 km)
12Borale Borale Nashik (55 km)
13Chandvad Chandwad Chandvad
14Chikhalambe Chikhalambe Nashik (55 km)
15Chinchole Chinchole Manmad (33 km)
16Dahegaon Manmad Dahegaon M Manmad (2 km)
17Dahiwad Dahivad Manmad (22 km)
18Dahyane Dahyane Nashik (60 km)
19Daregaon Daregaon Manmad (13 km)
20Deogaon Mangrul Manmad (35 km)
21Devergaon Devargaon Manmad (35 km)
22Dhodambe Dhodambe Nashik (55 km)
23Dhondgavhan Dhondgavhan Nashik (4 km)
24Dhotarkhede Khadak Jamb Nashik (25 km)
25Dighwad Dighwat Nashik (21 km)
26Dongaon Dongaon Manmad (8 km)
27Dongargaon Dongargaon Manmad (10 km)
28Dudhkhede Dudh Khede Nashik (66 km)
29Dugaon Dugaon Manmad (25 km)
30Ekrukhe Dhodambe Nashik (65 km)
31Gangave Gangave Manmad (18 km)
32Ganur Ganur Manmad (29 km)
33Goharan Goharan Nashik (54 km)
34Gurhale Khadakozer Manmad (45 km)
35Harnul Harnul Manmad (20 km)
36Harsul Harnul Manmad (20 km)
37Hatti Hatti Manmad (40 km)
38Hirapur Hirapur Manmad (36 km)
39Hivarkhede Hiwarkhede Manmad (26 km)
40Indira Nagar Paregaon Nashik (49 km)
41Indraiwadi Rajderwadi Manmad (30 km)
42Jaitapur Hatti Nashik (65 km)
43Jambutke Dahyane Nashik (52 km)
44Jopul Jopul Manmad (35 km)
45Kalamdare Kalamdare Manmad (20 km)
46Kalkhode Kalkhode Manmad (36 km)
47Kanadgaon Kanadgaon Manmad (11 km)
48Kanmandale Kanmandale Nashik (40 km)
49Katarwadi Katarwadi Manmad (6 km)
50Kazisangvi Kaji Sangvi Manmad (25 km)
51Khadakjamb Khadak Jamb Nashik (40 km)
52Khadakozar Khadakozer Manmad (41 km)
53Kheldari Kheldari Satana (40 km)
54Kokankhede Kokankhede Manmad (12 km)
55Koltek Pate Manmad (22 km)
56Kundalgaon Kundalgaon Manmad (7 km)
57Kundane Kanmandale Manmad (40 km)
58Malsane Malsane Satana (32 km)
59Mangrul Mangrul Manmad (28 km)
60Mesankhede Bk Mesankhede Kd Manmad (8 km)
61Mesankhede Kh Mesankhede Kd Manmad (7 km)
62Nandurtek Nandurtek Manmad (28 km)
63Narayangaon Narayangaon Manmad (40 km)
64Narayankhede Wahegaonsal Manmad (18 km)
65Nawapur Dudh Khede Nashik (51 km)
66Nhanave Nanhave Manmad (30 km)
67Nimbale Nimbale Manmad (14 km)
68Nimgavhan Nimgavhan Manmad (28 km)
69Nimon Nimon Manmad (5 km)
70Panhale Panhale Manmad (30 km)
71Paregaon Paregaon Nashik (67 km)
72Parsul Parsul Manmad (34 km)
73Pate Pate Manmad (22 km)
74Pathar Shembe Patharshembe Manmad (27 km)
75Pimpalgaon Dhabli Ahirkhede Manmad (12 km)
76Pimpalnare Pimpalnare Nashik (53 km)
77Pimplad Pimplad Manmad (40 km)
78Puri Puri Satana (15 km)
79Rahod Rahud Manmad (28 km)
80Rajderwadi Rajderwadi Manmad (36 km)
81Rapali Waghdardi Manmad (5 km)
82Raypur Raypur Manmad (9 km)
83Redgaon Kh Redgaon Kh Manmad (16 km)
84Salsane Salsane Manmad (15 km)
85Shelu Shelu Satana (35 km)
86Sherisalaiban Kanmandale Nashik (40 km)
87Shinde Shinde Nashik (50 km)
88Shingve Shingave Manmad (6 km)
89Shirsane Shirsane Manmad (35 km)
90Shirur Shirur Manmad (33 km)
91Shivajinagar Mangrul Manmad (32 km)
92Shivare Shivare Nashik (60 km)
93Sogras Sogras Satana (35 km)
94Soni Sangvi Sonisangavi Manmad (25 km)
95Sutarkhede Sutarkhede Manmad (20 km)
96Talegaon Rohi Talegoan Rohi Manmad (24 km)
97Talwade Talwade Manmad (30 km)
98Tisgaon Tisgaon Manmad (32 km)
99Urdhul Urdhul Manmad (23 km)
100Uswad Uswad Manmad (35 km)
101Vad Wad Manmad (13 km)
102Vadalibhoi Vadalibhoi Nashik (48 km)
103Vadbare Vadbare Manmad (25 km)
104Vadgaon Pangu Vadgaonpangu Manmad (7 km)
105Vadner Bhairao Vadner Bhairav Nashik (45 km)
106Vahegaonsal Wahegaonsal Manmad (18 km)
107Vaki Bk Waki Bk Manmad (26 km)
108Vaki Kh Waki Kd Manmad (20 km)
109Varadi Wad Manmad (10 km)
110Vijaynagar Dhodambe Nashik (65 km)
111Vitave Vitave Manmad (16 km)
112Wagdardi Waghdardi Manmad (6 km)

Population of Chandvad Tehsil

Particulars Rural Urban Total
Total Population 2,10,508 25,341 2,35,849
Male Population 1,08,814 13,284 1,22,098
Female Population 1,01,694 12,057 1,13,751
Population Density 230 / km² 686 / km² 248 / km²

Households in Chandvad Tehsil

Particulars Households
Rural Households 40,195
Urban Households 4,945
Total Households 45,140