
Deola is a Town and Tehsil in Nashik District of Maharashtra. In India, a tehsil is a sub-division of a district that is responsible for the administration and revenue collection of a particular area within the district. It is an important part of the local governance structure, and plays a crucial role in the development and administration of its local community.

According to census 2011 information the sub-district code of Deola Block (CD) is 04144. Total area of deola tehsil is 548 km². Deola tehsil has a population of 1,44,522 peoples. Deola tehsil has a population density of 263.9 inhabitants per square kilometre. There are about 28,865 houses in the sub-district.

When it comes to literacy, 70.97% population of deola tehsil is literate, out of which 75.97% males and 65.53% females are literate. There are about 50 villages in deola tehsil, which you can browse from deola tehsil villages list (along with gram panchayat & nearest town information) below.

List of Villages in Deola Tehsil

#Village NameGram PanchayatNearest Town
1Bhaur Bhaur Nashik (80 km)
2Bhavade Kapashi Satana (24 km)
3Bhilwad Wakhari Satana (24 km)
4Chinchave Chinchave Manmad (25 km)
5Dahiwad Dahiwad Satana (30 km)
6Deola Deola Satana (14 km)
7Deopurpada Mahalpatne Satana (18 km)
8Dongargaon Dongargoan Satana (23 km)
9Fulemalwadi Fule Malwadi Satana (15 km)
10Giranare Girnare Manmad (12 km)
11Gunjalnagar Gunjalnager Satana (15 km)
12Hanmantpada Warshi Satana (30 km)
13Kanchane Kankapur Satana (29 km)
14Kankapur Kankapur Satana (27 km)
15Kapashi Kapashi Satana (24 km)
16Khadaktale Khadaktale Satana (25 km)
17Khalap Khalap Satana (12 km)
18Khamkhede Khamkheda Satana (15 km)
19Kharde Kharde W Satana (20 km)
20Khuntewadi Khuntewadi Satana (18 km)
21Kumbharde Kumbharde Manmad (12 km)
22Lohoner Lohoner Satana (5 km)
23Mahalpatane Mahalpatne Satana (20 km)
24Mahatma Fule Nagar M Fulenagar Malegaon (20 km)
25Malwadi Malwadi Satana (13 km)
26Matane Matane Satana (9 km)
27Meshi Meshi Satana (20 km)
28Nimbole Nimbola Satana (25 km)
29Phule Nagar Fulenagar Satana (16 km)
30Pimpalgaon Pimpalgaon W Satana (21 km)
31Rameshwar Rameshvar Satana (20 km)
32Ramnagar Dahiwad Satana (31 km)
33Sangavi Sangavi Malegaon (25 km)
34Satwaichiwadi Satwaiwadi Satana (13 km)
35Savaki Lohoner Savki Lo Satana (12 km)
36Sheri Sheri Lo Satana (30 km)
37Shrirampur Shrirampur Satana (18 km)
38Subhashnagar Subhashnager Satana (21 km)
39Tisgaon Tisgaon Malegaon (25 km)
40Umarane Umarane Malegaon (20 km)
41Varhale Varhale Malegaon (20 km)
42Vasol Vasol Satana (14 km)
43Vijaynagar Vijaynager Satana (17 km)
44Vithewadi Vithewadi Lo Satana (13 km)
45Wadali Wakhari Wajgaon W Satana (24 km)
46Wajgaon Wajgaon W Satana (20 km)
47Wakhari Wakhari Satana (21 km)
48Warshi Warshi Satana (24 km)
49Warwandi Varwandi Satana (17 km)
50Zirepimple Vithewadi Lo Satana (14 km)

Population of Deola Tehsil

Particulars Rural Urban Total
Total Population 1,44,522 N/A 1,44,522
Male Population 75,306 N/A 75,306
Female Population 69,216 N/A 69,216
Population Density 264 / km² N/A 264 / km²

Households in Deola Tehsil

Particulars Households
Rural Households 28,865
Urban Households N/A
Total Households 28,865