
Kalwan is a Town and Tehsil in Nashik District of Maharashtra. In India, a tehsil is a sub-division of a district that is responsible for the administration and revenue collection of a particular area within the district. It is an important part of the local governance structure, and plays a crucial role in the development and administration of its local community.

According to census 2011 information the sub-district code of Kalwan Block (CD) is 04143. Total area of kalwan tehsil is 864 km². Kalwan tehsil has a population of 2,08,362 peoples. Kalwan tehsil has a population density of 241.2 inhabitants per square kilometre. There are about 40,072 houses in the sub-district.

When it comes to literacy, 58.33% population of kalwan tehsil is literate, out of which 63.93% males and 52.51% females are literate. There are about 152 villages in kalwan tehsil, which you can browse from kalwan tehsil villages list (along with gram panchayat & nearest town information) below.

List of Villages in Kalwan Tehsil

#Village NameGram PanchayatNearest Town
1Abhona Abhona Nashik (68 km)
2Ambapur Verule Nashik (19 km)
3Ambika Ozar Ojhar Nashik (56 km)
4Amburdi Bk Mohmukh Nashik (75 km)
5Amburdi Kh Mohmukh Nashik (73 km)
6Amdar Lingama Nashik (66 km)
7Asoli Wadi Bk Satana (45 km)
8Athambe Athambe Satana (42 km)
9Babkhede Bapkheda Nashik (70 km)
10Bagadu Bagadu Satana (22 km)
11Balapur Gopalkhadi Nashik (67 km)
12Barde Gosarane Nashik (80 km)
13Bej Juni Bej Satana (30 km)
14Belbare Gosarane Nashik (13 km)
15Bendipada Desgaon Nashik (65 km)
16Bhadvan Bhadwan Satana (42 km)
17Bhagurdi Bhagurdi Nashik (70 km)
18Bhakurde Kosurde Nashik (79 km)
19Bhandane Bhandane Ha Nashik (20 km)
20Bhandane Pimpale Nalid Satana (1 km)
21Bhendi Bhendi Satana (28 km)
22Bhusani Bhusani Satana (36 km)
23Bhutane Bhaitane D Satana (57 km)
24Bijore Visapur Satana (46 km)
25Bilwadi Bilwadi Nashik (66 km)
26Bordaivat Bordaivat Nashik (65 km)
27Chacher Visapur Satana (42 km)
28Chankapur Chankapur Nashik (56 km)
29Chaphapada Virshet Nashik (70 km)
30Chinchore Mohmukh Nashik (86 km)
31Dahyane Nivane Satana (35 km)
32Dahyane Digar Dahyane Digar Satana (50 km)
33Dahyanepale Kalmathe Pa Satana (3 km)
34Dalwat Dalwat Nashik (18 km)
35Dare Bhanagi Darebhangi Satana (48 km)
36Daregaon Hatgad Tatani Nashik (34 km)
37Daregaonwani Mohandari Nashik (54 km)
38Dattanagar Bhagurdi Nashik (72 km)
39Desgaon Desgaon Nashik (66 km)
40Desrane Desarane Satana (42 km)
41Devali Karhad Vadale Ha Nashik (115 km)
42Devaliwani Deovalivani Nashik (65 km)
43Dhaner Digar Darebhangi Satana (44 km)
44Dhanoli Bapkheda Nashik (70 km)
45Dharde Digar Dharde Diger Satana (56 km)
46Dhekale Hingave Nashik (56 km)
47Eklahare Wadi Bk Satana (32 km)
48Gangapur Kanashi K Nashik (20 km)
49Gangavan Bhadwan Satana (49 km)
50Ganore Ganore Satana (47 km)
51Gobapur Gobapur Satana (46 km)
52Golakhal Golakhal Nashik (68 km)
53Gopalkhadi Gopalkhadi Nashik (66 km)
54Gosrane Gosarane Nashik (13 km)
55Hingave Hingave Nashik (65 km)
56Hundyamokh Ganore Satana (48 km)
57Inshi Nalid Satana (50 km)
58Jaidar Jaidar Nashik (90 km)
59Jaipur Jaipur Nashik (20 km)
60Jamale Jamale Vani Nashik (65 km)
61Jamle Kosurde Nashik (33 km)
62Jamle Pale Gopalkhadi Nashik (68 km)
63Jamshet Mohmukh Nashik (65 km)
64Jirwade Bapkheda Nashik (33 km)
65Jirwade Otur Bhusani Satana (39 km)
66Kakane Kakane Satana (38 km)
67Kalamthe Kalmathe Pa Satana (43 km)
68Kalwan Bk Kalwan Bk Satana (32 km)
69Kalwan Kh Kalwan Kd Satana (34 km)
70Kanashi Kanashi K Nashik (70 km)
71Kanherwadi Narul Satana (42 km)
72Karambhel Hatgad Karambhel K Nashik (78 km)
73Karambhel Kanashi Karambhel K Nashik (76 km)
74Karmale Golakhal Nashik (72 km)
75Katalgaon Mohandari Nashik (52 km)
76Kathare Digar Kathare Diger Nashik (85 km)
77Khadaki Khadki Nashik (90 km)
78Khadakwan Khadakvan Nashik (78 km)
79Kharde Digar Kharde Diger Nashik (90 km)
80Khedgaon Khedgaon Satana (36 km)
81Khirad Khirad Nashik (35 km)
82Kosurde Kosurde Nashik (81 km)
83Koswan Koswan Nashik (90 km)
84Kumsadi Bapkheda Nashik (70 km)
85Kundane Kanashi Kundane K Nashik (65 km)
86Kurdane Kundane O Satana (38 km)
87Lakhani Sule Nashik (88 km)
88Lingame Lingama Nashik (30 km)
89Machidhodap Mehedar Satana (45 km)
90Malagaon Bk Malgaon Kh Nashik (53 km)
91Malagaon Kh Malgaon Kh Satana (51 km)
92Manur Manur Satana (35 km)
93Mehadar Mehedar Satana (44 km)
94Mohamukh Mohmukh Nashik (72 km)
95Mohandari Mohandari Nashik (5 km)
96Mohobari Dharde Diger Nashik (52 km)
97Mohpada Palasdar Nashik (31 km)
98Mokbhanagi Mokbhangi Satana (41 km)
99Mulane Mulanevani Satana (47 km)
100Nakode Nakoda Satana (32 km)
101Nalid Nalid Satana (50 km)
102Nanduri Nanduri Nashik (52 km)
103Narul Narul Satana (42 km)
104Navi Bej Navi Bej Satana (28 km)
105Niwane Nivane Satana (30 km)
106Otur Otur Satana (40 km)
107Ozar Ojhar Nashik (56 km)
108Padgan Dharde Diger Satana (2 km)
109Palasdar Palasdar Nashik (80 km)
110Pale Bk Pale Bk Satana (46 km)
111Pale Kh Pale Kd Satana (45 km)
112Patvihir Patvihir Satana (32 km)
113Pilakos Pilkos Satana (20 km)
114Pimple Bk Pimpale Bk Satana (55 km)
115Pimple Kh Dharde Diger Satana (2 km)
116Pimpri Markanda Gobapur Satana (41 km)
117Pimpripale Gobapur Satana (43 km)
118Pratap Nagar Kathare Diger Nashik (88 km)
119Punad Nagar Punadnagar Nashik (92 km)
120Punegaon Jaidar Nashik (90 km)
121Ravalji Ravalji Satana (3 km)
122Sadadvihir Athambe Satana (40 km)
123Sakore Sakore Satana (39 km)
124Sakorepada Sakore Satana (40 km)
125Saptashrungagad Saptashrungi Gad Nashik (60 km)
126Sarale Digar Sarledigar Nashik (62 km)
127Savakipale Savakipale Satana (4 km)
128Savarpada Pimpale Bk Satana (55 km)
129Shepupada Bapkheda Nashik (35 km)
130Sheri Digar Bhaitane D Satana (58 km)
131Shingashi Shingashi Nashik (80 km)
132Shirasamani Shirasmani Satana (37 km)
133Shiv Bhandane Bhandane Ha Satana (20 km)
134Shrungarwadi Tatani Nashik (36 km)
135Sidharthanagar Malgaon Kh Nashik (52 km)
136Sukapur Hatgad Sukapur Nashik (80 km)
137Sule Sule Nashik (27 km)
138Supale Digar Supale Digar Nashik (87 km)
139Tatani Tatani Nashik (35 km)
140Tirhal Bk Tirhal Kh Nashik (94 km)
141Tirhal Kh Tirhal Kh Nashik (92 km)
142Umbardhe Punadnagar Nashik (91 km)
143Vanjari Kundane K Nashik (70 km)
144Verule Verule Nashik (18 km)
145Virshet Virshet Nashik (90 km)
146Visapur Visapur Satana (40 km)
147Vithewadipale Savakipale Satana (3 km)
148Wadale Vadale Ha Nashik (28 km)
149Wadale Wani Vadalevani Satana (42 km)
150Wadi Bk Wadi Bk Satana (35 km)
151Wadpada Sukapur Nashik (80 km)
152Warkhede Khadakvan Nashik (75 km)

Population of Kalwan Tehsil

Particulars Rural Urban Total
Total Population 2,08,362 N/A 2,08,362
Male Population 1,06,130 N/A 1,06,130
Female Population 1,02,232 N/A 1,02,232
Population Density 241 / km² N/A 241 / km²

Households in Kalwan Tehsil

Rural Households
Urban Households
Total Households

Sub-District Overview
Sub-District (Hindi) : Kalwan
District : Nashik
State / UT : Maharashtra
Total Area : 864 km²
Total Population : 2,08,362
Density : 241/km²
Total Villages : 152
Total Population Villages in Kalwan Tehsil
less Than 200 2
200 - 499 19
500 - 999 59
1000 - 1999 48
2000 - 4999 21
5000 - 9999 2
10000 and above 1

Related Pages
List of Tehsils in Nashik
List of Districts in Maharashtra

* All survey data is based on Office of the Registrar General & Census Commissioner, Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India, 2015 ( Open Government Data Platform India.