
Khandala is a Town and Tehsil in Satara District of Maharashtra. In India, a tehsil is a sub-division of a district that is responsible for the administration and revenue collection of a particular area within the district. It is an important part of the local governance structure, and plays a crucial role in the development and administration of its local community.

According to census 2011 information the sub-district code of Khandala Block (CD) is 04257. Total area of khandala tehsil is 523 km² including 498.37 km² rural area and 24.54 km² urban area. Khandala tehsil has a population of 1,37,418 peoples, out of which urban population is 18,723 while rural population is 1,18,695. Khandala has a sex ratio of approximately 947 females for every 1,000 males. Khandala tehsil has a population density of 262.8 inhabitants per square kilometre. There are about 30,230 houses in the sub-district, including 4,039 urban houses and 26,191 rural houses.

When it comes to literacy, 76.08% population of khandala tehsil is literate, out of which 80.97% males and 70.91% females are literate. There are about 67 villages in khandala tehsil, which you can browse from khandala tehsil villages list (along with gram panchayat & nearest town information) below.

List of Villages in Khandala Tehsil

#Village NameGram PanchayatNearest Town
1Ahire Ahire Wai (35 km)
2Ajnuj Ajnuj Wai (32 km)
3Ambarwadi Ambarwadi Wai (35 km)
4Andori Andori Phaltan (37 km)
5Asawali Asawali Wai (35 km)
6Atit Atit Bhor (15 km)
7Balu Patlachiwadi Balu Patalachiwadi Phaltan (32 km)
8Bavda Bavada Wai (32 km)
9Bavkalwadi Bavakalwadi Phaltan (39 km)
10Bhadavade Bhadavade Wai (35 km)
11Bhade Bhade Phaltan (56 km)
12Bhatghar Bhatghar Bhor (2 km)
13Bholi Bholi Wai (35 km)
14Bori Bori Phaltan (30 km)
15Dhangarwadi Dhanagarwadi Bhor (16 km)
16Dhawadwadi Dhavadwadi Wai (33 km)
17Ghadgewadi Ghadagewadi Bhor (25 km)
18Ghatdare Ghatdare Wai (33 km)
19Guthalwadi Guthalwadi Bhor (8 km)
20Harali Harali Wai (33 km)
21Hartali Rajewadi Bhor (5 km)
22Javale Javale Wai (48 km)
23Kanhavadi Kanhavadi Bhor (5 km)
24Kanheri Kanheri Wai (40 km)
25Karadwadi Karadwadi Phaltan (37 km)
26Karnavadi Karnvadi Bhor (22 km)
27Kavathe Kavathe Wai (46 km)
28Kesurdi Kesurdi Wai (26 km)
29Khandala Khandala Wai (30 km)
30Khed Bk Khed Bk Phaltan (34 km)
31Koparde Koparde Phaltan (12 km)
32Limachiwadi Limbachiwadi Bhor (27 km)
33Lohom Lohom Bhor (25 km)
34Lonand Lonand Khandala
35Loni Loni Bhor (35 km)
36Mane Colony Bholi Wai (40 km)
37Mariachiwadi Mariaichiwadi Phaltan (32 km)
38Mhavashi Mhavashi Wai (30 km)
39Mirje Miraje Bhor (25 km)
40Moh Tarf Shirwal Shirwal Khandala
41Morve Morve Wai (35 km)
42Naigaon Naigaon Bhor (26 km)
43Nimbodi Nimbodi Phaltan (36 km)
44Padali Padali Phaltan (37 km)
45Padegaon Padegaon Phaltan (38 km)
46Palashi Palashi Bhor (15 km)
47Pargaon Pargaon Wai (20 km)
48Pimpare Bk Pimpare Bk Phaltan (43 km)
49Pisalwadi Pisalwadi Bhor (16 km)
50Rajewadi Rajewadi Bhor (5 km)
51Rui Andori Phaltan (38 km)
52Sangvi Sangavi Bhor (25 km)
53Shedgewadi Shedagewadi Phaltan (44 km)
54Shekhmirwadi Shekhmirwadi Wai (26 km)
55Shindewadi Shindewadi Bhor (17 km)
56Shirwal Shirwal Bhor (17 km)
57Shivajinagar Shivajinagar Wai (35 km)
58Sukhed Sukhed Phaltan (36 km)
59Tondal Tondal Bhor (30 km)
60Vadgaon Wadgaon Bhor (27 km)
61Wadwadi Rajewadi Bhor (5 km)
62Waghoshi Waghoshi Phaltan (37 km)
63Wanyachiwadi Wanechiwadi Wai (28 km)
64Wathar Bk Wathar Bk Phaltan (44 km)
65Wing Wing Bhor (7 km)
66Yelewadi Bori Phaltan (33 km)
67Zagalwadi Zagalwadi Bhor (25 km)

Population of Khandala Tehsil

Particulars Rural Urban Total
Total Population 1,18,695 18,723 1,37,418
Male Population 61,005 9,560 70,565
Female Population 57,690 9,163 66,853
Population Density 238 / km² 763 / km² 263 / km²

Households in Khandala Tehsil

Rural Households
Urban Households
Total Households

Sub-District Overview
Sub-District (Hindi) : Khandala
District : Satara
State / UT : Maharashtra
Total Area : 523 km²
Sex Ratio (2011): 947
Total Population (2011) : 1,37,418
Density : 263/km²
Total Villages : 67
Total Population Villages in Khandala Tehsil
less Than 200 N/A
200 - 499 6
500 - 999 17
1000 - 1999 22
2000 - 4999 18
5000 - 9999 1
10000 and above 1

Related Pages
List of Tehsils in Satara
List of Districts in Maharashtra

* All survey data is based on Office of the Registrar General & Census Commissioner, Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India, 2015 ( Open Government Data Platform India.