
Chokpot is a Town and Subdivision in South Garo Hills District of Meghalaya. In India, a subdivision is a sub-division of a district that is responsible for the administration and revenue collection of a particular area within the district. It is an important part of the local governance structure, and plays a crucial role in the development and administration of its local community.

According to census 2011 information the sub-district code of Chokpot Block (CD) is 01975. Total area of chokpot subdivision is 438 km². Chokpot subdivision has a population of 40,478 peoples. Chokpot subdivision has a population density of 92.42 inhabitants per square kilometre. There are about 6,938 houses in the sub-district.

When it comes to literacy, 57.34% population of chokpot subdivision is literate, out of which 60.45% males and 54.09% females are literate. There are about 301 villages in chokpot subdivision, which you can browse from chokpot subdivision villages list (along with gram panchayat & nearest town information) below.

List of Villages in Chokpot Subdivision

#Village NameGram PanchayatNearest Town
1Abanda N/A Chokpot
2Adanggiri N/A Chokpot
3Adilmagiri N/A Chokpot
4Adugre N/A Chokpot
5Agalgre N/A Chokpot
6Agittinggre N/A Chokpot
7Akoksigiri N/A Chokpot
8Ala Rongpakgiri N/A Chokpot
9Alagiri N/A Chokpot
10Alagre Nokatagiri N/A Chokpot
11Alekapara N/A Chokpot
12Anchenggre N/A Chokpot
13Anchigre N/A Chokpot
14Anegre N/A Chokpot
15Anigre N/A Chokpot
16Asimdikgiri N/A Chokpot
17Asimgiri N/A Chokpot
18Asinangre N/A Chokpot
19Asugiri N/A Chokpot
20Awegiri N/A Chokpot
21Babilbanda N/A Chokpot
22Bakatagre N/A Chokpot
23Bakwenanggre N/A Chokpot
24Balsiragre N/A Chokpot
25Balwat Rongchong N/A Chokpot
26Balwatgre N/A Chokpot
27Bandarigre N/A Chokpot
28Bangguagre N/A Chokpot
29Betramgre N/A Chokpot
30Bibragiri N/A Chokpot
31Bikinggiri N/A Chokpot
32Bilgre N/A Chokpot
33Block Head Qtr N/A Chokpot
34Bolasinggre N/A Chokpot
35Bolchim Songgital N/A Chokpot
36Bolchimda Songitcham N/A Chokpot
37Bolchimdagre N/A Chokpot
38Bolchugre N/A Chokpot
39Boldam Sangkni N/A Chokpot
40Boldamgre N/A Chokpot
41Bolkongpara N/A Chokpot
42Bolma Chiringgre N/A Chokpot
43Bolsal Ading N/A Chokpot
44Bramagiri N/A Chokpot
45Bremgre N/A Chokpot
46Budigre N/A Chokpot
47Budu Asimgre N/A Chokpot
48Budu Watregiri N/A Chokpot
49Bugakolgre N/A Chokpot
50Bugigiri N/A Chokpot
51Chambuagiri N/A Chokpot
52Chandi Rongdigiri N/A Chokpot
53Chandigiri N/A Chokpot
54Chianggalgre N/A Chokpot
55Chibokgre N/A Chokpot
56Chidabetgre N/A Chokpot
57Chigisimgiri N/A Chokpot
58Chigitchakgiri N/A Chokpot
59Chigranggiri N/A Chokpot
60Chiringmagiri N/A Chokpot
61Chisrengre N/A Chokpot
62Chitimgre N/A Chokpot
63Chokpot Bazar N/A Chokpot
64Chokpotgiri N/A Chokpot
65Dabanggre N/A Chokpot
66Dabolgre N/A Chokpot
67Dadinggiri N/A Chokpot
68Dagal Asimgre N/A Chokpot
69Dagal Gopgre N/A Chokpot
70Dagal Gopre N/A Chokpot
71Dagal Nokatgiri N/A Chokpot
72Dagal Songgital N/A Chokpot
73Dagal Songmong N/A Chokpot
74Dagalgiri N/A Chokpot
75Dagalgre N/A Chokpot
76Dajegre N/A Chokpot
77Daji Adugre N/A Chokpot
78Daji Badima N/A Chokpot
79Daji Boldakgre N/A Chokpot
80Daji Rongbinggre N/A Chokpot
81Daji Rongkuakgre N/A Chokpot
82Daji Teksragre N/A Chokpot
83Dajinggre N/A Chokpot
84Daldogre N/A Chokpot
85Damalgre N/A Chokpot
86Damet Bugakolgre N/A Chokpot
87Dametgre N/A Chokpot
88Dametrongsnagiri N/A Chokpot
89Damikchigre N/A Chokpot
90Damit Bugakolgiri N/A Chokpot
91Dana Adugiri N/A Chokpot
92Danggilgiri N/A Chokpot
93Dangjingre N/A Chokpot
94Dangkipara N/A Chokpot
95Dap Asakgre N/A Chokpot
96Dapgiri N/A Chokpot
97Daramgre N/A Chokpot
98Darengiri N/A Chokpot
99Darengsagiri N/A Chokpot
100Darinanggiri N/A Chokpot
101Daringgre N/A Chokpot
102Darit Banajuri N/A Chokpot
103Dasamgiri N/A Chokpot
104Dasol Chigitchak N/A Chokpot
105Dasolgiri N/A Chokpot
106Dawagiri N/A Chokpot
107Debaigre N/A Chokpot
108Debandagre N/A Chokpot
109Dekigre N/A Chokpot
110Deku Bazar N/A Chokpot
111Dendamgiri N/A Chokpot
112Depotagre N/A Chokpot
113Digranggre N/A Chokpot
114Dindigre N/A Chokpot
115Dingbinggre N/A Chokpot
116Dobagiri N/A Chokpot
117Dobagre N/A Chokpot
118Dokananggiri N/A Chokpot
119Dopananggre N/A Chokpot
120Dorangre N/A Chokpot
121Dorek Asim N/A Chokpot
122Duchinggiri N/A Chokpot
123Dumindigiri N/A Chokpot
124Dumingre N/A Chokpot
125Dura Asimgiri N/A Chokpot
126Dura Dobagre N/A Chokpot
127Durabanda Agitok N/A Chokpot
128Durabanda Chambugong N/A Chokpot
129Duragiri N/A Chokpot
130Duragre N/A Chokpot
131Eldimiramgre N/A Chokpot
132Emandurabangda N/A Chokpot
133Emrangre N/A Chokpot
134Gaduagiri N/A Chokpot
135Gagagre N/A Chokpot
136Galwanggitok N/A Chokpot
137Galwanggre N/A Chokpot
138Ganchi Rondigre N/A Chokpot
139Ganchigre N/A Chokpot
140Gandak Nawepilgiri N/A Chokpot
141Gandinanggiri N/A Chokpot
142Gangchikalak N/A Chokpot
143Ganggugiri N/A Chokpot
144Gaturagre N/A Chokpot
145Gilmatkolgre N/A Chokpot
146Gongganggre N/A Chokpot
147Gopgiri N/A Chokpot
148Guripatal N/A Chokpot
149Jallegre N/A Chokpot
150Janiagiri N/A Chokpot
151Jetragiri N/A Chokpot
152Jongkolgiri N/A Chokpot
153Kakijagiri N/A Chokpot
154Kalbang Rongbilbanggre N/A Chokpot
155Kalbanggiri N/A Chokpot
156Kalsimpara N/A Chokpot
157Kalupara N/A Chokpot
158Kama Minchi Chiringgre N/A Chokpot
159Kantasigre N/A Chokpot
160Karijhoragre N/A Chokpot
161Kemranggiri N/A Chokpot
162Kene Anchenggiri N/A Chokpot
163Kene Badimagiri N/A Chokpot
164Kene Chania N/A Chokpot
165Kenegre N/A Chokpot
166Kilbolma Asimgre N/A Chokpot
167Kilbolma Damalgre N/A Chokpot
168Kilbolmagre N/A Chokpot
169Kimdegonggre N/A Chokpot
170Kokigre N/A Chokpot
171Magapagre N/A Chokpot
172Makbilkolgre N/A Chokpot
173Mandang Redinggre N/A Chokpot
174Marakapara N/A Chokpot
175Megapgre N/A Chokpot
176Mekalpagiri N/A Chokpot
177Mekragiri N/A Chokpot
178Mibonpara N/A Chokpot
179Mikadogre N/A Chokpot
180Minchi Chiringgre N/A Chokpot
181Mitap Bodola N/A Chokpot
182Mitap Megapgiri N/A Chokpot
183Mitap Songmong N/A Chokpot
184Mon Adanggre N/A Chokpot
185Mon Bangamgre N/A Chokpot
186Mon Dobakolgre N/A Chokpot
187Mon Rongsnagre N/A Chokpot
188Mon Songmong N/A Chokpot
189Nachi Adugiri N/A Chokpot
190Nanil Songgittal N/A Chokpot
191Nanil Songmong N/A Chokpot
192Narongkolgre N/A Chokpot
193Nodonggiri N/A Chokpot
194Nokatgiri N/A Chokpot
195Nokatgre N/A Chokpot
196Noranggiri N/A Chokpot
197Palwalgiri N/A Chokpot
198Papa Asakgre N/A Chokpot
199Papa Dajinggre N/A Chokpot
200Papa Songgital N/A Chokpot
201Papa Songmong N/A Chokpot
202Paromgre N/A Chokpot
203Radigre N/A Chokpot
204Raja Ronggat N/A Chokpot
205Ramigiri N/A Chokpot
206Rampragre N/A Chokpot
207Rebodotgiri N/A Chokpot
208Redingsi Songgital N/A Chokpot
209Rekonanggre N/A Chokpot
210Reni Adinggre N/A Chokpot
211Reni Badima N/A Chokpot
212Rimrang Adinggiri N/A Chokpot
213Rimrang Asimgre N/A Chokpot
214Ringkap Sonawari N/A Chokpot
215Ringkap Songgital N/A Chokpot
216Ringkap Songmong N/A Chokpot
217Romba Songgitalgre N/A Chokpot
218Rombagiri N/A Chokpot
219Rompagiri N/A Chokpot
220Ronganggre N/A Chokpot
221Rongasigre N/A Chokpot
222Rongbilbanggre N/A Chokpot
223Rongbinggre N/A Chokpot
224Rongchanggiri N/A Chokpot
225Rongdenggre N/A Chokpot
226Rongdi Adinggre N/A Chokpot
227Rongdi Anchenggiri N/A Chokpot
228Rongdi Anchigre N/A Chokpot
229Rongdigiri N/A Chokpot
230Rongjajonggre N/A Chokpot
231Rongkeragre N/A Chokpot
232Rongkongittim N/A Chokpot
233Rongkugiri N/A Chokpot
234Rongma Paromgiri N/A Chokpot
235Rongma Rekmangiri N/A Chokpot
236Rongmigiri N/A Chokpot
237Rongpakgre N/A Chokpot
238Rongra Kakiagre N/A Chokpot
239Rongrak Asimgre N/A Chokpot
240Rongrak Teksragre N/A Chokpot
241Rongrakgre N/A Chokpot
242Rongrikimgre N/A Chokpot
243Rongru Asim N/A Chokpot
244Rongru Watregiri N/A Chokpot
245Rongsigre N/A Chokpot
246Rongsimagiri N/A Chokpot
247Rongtrakusik N/A Chokpot
248Rontragiri N/A Chokpot
249Roriagre N/A Chokpot
250Rotonggiri N/A Chokpot
251Ruabanggagiri N/A Chokpot
252Sabiagre N/A Chokpot
253Samakagre N/A Chokpot
254Sandong N/A Chokpot
255Sangknigiri N/A Chokpot
256Sasatgiri N/A Chokpot
257Satilokgiri N/A Chokpot
258Sembu Jakinggittim N/A Chokpot
259Sembu Jibanggittim N/A Chokpot
260Sembu Jingjanggitim N/A Chokpot
261Sembu Nokatgiri N/A Chokpot
262Sembu Rongsnagiri N/A Chokpot
263Sembu Rongtolgittim N/A Chokpot
264Sembu Singronggittim N/A Chokpot
265Seminanggiri N/A Chokpot
266Silki Achakchiring N/A Chokpot
267Silki Ampangdamgiri N/A Chokpot
268Silki Betagiri N/A Chokpot
269Silki Christiangittim N/A Chokpot
270Silki Rongsibogre N/A Chokpot
271Silkigiri N/A Chokpot
272Simbu Raongkiragiri N/A Chokpot
273Simkalanggiri N/A Chokpot
274Soksomarenggre N/A Chokpot
275Sonaramgre N/A Chokpot
276Sonawarigre N/A Chokpot
277Songangre N/A Chokpot
278Songgotagiri N/A Chokpot
279Songma Matchokgre N/A Chokpot
280Songsak Nokatgiri N/A Chokpot
281Tebilgiri N/A Chokpot
282Tejagre N/A Chokpot
283Tengki Badimagiri N/A Chokpot
284Tengki Songmong N/A Chokpot
285Tepantogre N/A Chokpot
286Tepotagiri N/A Chokpot
287Tokrok Anchenggre N/A Chokpot
288Wagebokgiri N/A Chokpot
289Wagi Chiringgiri N/A Chokpot
290Waidagiri N/A Chokpot
291Wainabenggre N/A Chokpot
292Wakjapakre N/A Chokpot
293Wangmagre Darinanggre N/A Chokpot
294Warima Chokela N/A Chokpot
295Warima Dooldu N/A Chokpot
296Warima Duragre N/A Chokpot
297Warimagiri N/A Chokpot
298Waro Songgital N/A Chokpot
299Waro Songgitcham N/A Chokpot
300Watibokgre N/A Chokpot
301Watregiri N/A Chokpot

Population of Chokpot Subdivision

Particulars Rural Urban Total
Total Population 40,478 N/A 40,478
Male Population 20,647 N/A 20,647
Female Population 19,831 N/A 19,831
Population Density 92 / km² N/A 92 / km²

Households in Chokpot Subdivision

Rural Households
Urban Households
Total Households

Sub-District Overview
Sub-District (Hindi) : Chokpot
District : South Garo Hills
State / UT : Meghalaya
Total Area : 438 km²
Sex Ratio (2011): 960
Total Population (2011) : 40,478
Density : 92/km²
Total Villages : 301
Total Population Villages in Chokpot Subdivision
less Than 200 219
200 - 499 54
500 - 999 5
1000 - 1999 1
2000 - 4999 N/A
5000 - 9999 N/A
10000 and above N/A

Related Pages
List of Subdivisions in South Garo Hills
List of Districts in Meghalaya

* All survey data is based on Office of the Registrar General & Census Commissioner, Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India, 2015 ( Open Government Data Platform India.