
Dalu is a Town and Subdivision in West Garo Hills District of Meghalaya. In India, a subdivision is a sub-division of a district that is responsible for the administration and revenue collection of a particular area within the district. It is an important part of the local governance structure, and plays a crucial role in the development and administration of its local community.

According to census 2011 information the sub-district code of Dalu Block (CD) is 01969. Total area of dalu subdivision is 599 km². Dalu subdivision has a population of 54,095 peoples. Dalu subdivision has a population density of 90.31 inhabitants per square kilometre. There are about 10,169 houses in the sub-district.

When it comes to literacy, 58.11% population of dalu subdivision is literate, out of which 62.43% males and 53.69% females are literate. There are about 195 villages in dalu subdivision, which you can browse from dalu subdivision villages list (along with gram panchayat & nearest town information) below.

List of Villages in Dalu Subdivision

#Village NameGram PanchayatNearest Town
1Abeagre N/A Dalu
2Adanggre N/A Dalu
3Adugachol N/A Dalu
4Agalgre N/A Dalu
5Ajugre N/A Dalu
6Akinpara N/A Dalu
7Akipara Agitok N/A Dalu
8Akipara Mrong N/A Dalu
9Among Nokat N/A Dalu
10Amongpara N/A Dalu
11Anangpara N/A Dalu
12Angalanggre N/A Dalu
13Asimgre N/A Dalu
14Asiragre N/A Dalu
15Asurigre N/A Dalu
16Awalgre N/A Dalu
17Babelapara N/A Dalu
18Baburambil N/A Dalu
19Baguapara N/A Dalu
20Bagugre N/A Dalu
21Baladinggre N/A Dalu
22Balihati N/A Dalu
23Balijhora N/A Dalu
24Bandra Cherengpara N/A Dalu
25Bangsitolagre N/A Dalu
26Barengapara N/A Dalu
27Barongpara N/A Dalu
28Baruapara N/A Dalu
29Basulpara N/A Dalu
30Belabor N/A Dalu
31Bengkagittim N/A Dalu
32Bengpara N/A Dalu
33Bhatua Gaon N/A Dalu
34Bidapara N/A Dalu
35Bondukosa N/A Dalu
36Borjhora N/A Dalu
37Boro Bollang N/A Dalu
38Boruagre N/A Dalu
39Chaipani A N/A Dalu
40Chaipani B N/A Dalu
41Chanapara N/A Dalu
42Chandabhoi A N/A Dalu
43Chandapara N/A Dalu
44Chandobhoi B N/A Dalu
45Chasinpara N/A Dalu
46Chellipara N/A Dalu
47Chigitchakgre N/A Dalu
48Chimanpara N/A Dalu
49Chollongpara N/A Dalu
50Chongnapara N/A Dalu
51Chongpot Dopogre N/A Dalu
52Chongpot Mrong N/A Dalu
53Chotto Bolang N/A Dalu
54Dalamgre N/A Dalu
55Dalugaon N/A Dalu
56Damal Onthapara N/A Dalu
57Dapgiri N/A Dalu
58Darengagre N/A Dalu
59Darenggre N/A Dalu
60Darong Adu N/A Dalu
61Dewaliggre N/A Dalu
62Didokgre N/A Dalu
63Dimagre N/A Dalu
64Dingkajhora N/A Dalu
65Dobakura A N/A Dalu
66Dobakura B N/A Dalu
67Dobokgre N/A Dalu
68Dolbapara N/A Dalu
69Dolddengagre N/A Dalu
70Dombagre Dopo N/A Dalu
71Dombagre Mrong N/A Dalu
72Dopananggre N/A Dalu
73Dupakura N/A Dalu
74Duriapara N/A Dalu
75Dusinggre N/A Dalu
76Gangbanga N/A Dalu
77Ganipara N/A Dalu
78Garamgre N/A Dalu
79Genapara N/A Dalu
80Gilmatdamgre N/A Dalu
81Gobindapara N/A Dalu
82Godagre N/A Dalu
83Gonangpara N/A Dalu
84Gonchudaregre N/A Dalu
85Gopagre N/A Dalu
86Gopramgre N/A Dalu
87Halchati N/A Dalu
88Hatimara N/A Dalu
89Jarangkona N/A Dalu
90Jarangpara N/A Dalu
91Jijikapara N/A Dalu
92Jonangpara N/A Dalu
93Josipara Christian N/A Dalu
94Josipara Sangsarek N/A Dalu
95Josipara Songma N/A Dalu
96Karonggre N/A Dalu
97Khasipara N/A Dalu
98Kherapara Alda N/A Dalu
99Kherapara Nokat N/A Dalu
100Kherapara Songma N/A Dalu
101Killapara East A N/A Dalu
102Killapara East B N/A Dalu
103Killlapara West N/A Dalu
104Koinabhoi A N/A Dalu
105Koinabhoi B N/A Dalu
106Koinabhoi C N/A Dalu
107Koinadubi N/A Dalu
108Kongtokpara N/A Dalu
109Korapara N/A Dalu
110Kotchu Adok N/A Dalu
111Kujikura N/A Dalu
112Lokhikura N/A Dalu
113Lokkipara N/A Dalu
114Lower Bamonpara N/A Dalu
115Machangpani N/A Dalu
116Madragre N/A Dalu
117Magupara N/A Dalu
118Makalpara N/A Dalu
119Mandagre N/A Dalu
120Mandangre N/A Dalu
121Marapara N/A Dalu
122Matchimpara N/A Dalu
123Matchokpara N/A Dalu
124Medupara N/A Dalu
125Mibon Nokat N/A Dalu
126Molmegre N/A Dalu
127Molmegre Nokat N/A Dalu
128Molongpara N/A Dalu
129Mongolagre N/A Dalu
130Monupara N/A Dalu
131Moropgre N/A Dalu
132Murigre N/A Dalu
133Nabandagre N/A Dalu
134Nakdan Nokat N/A Dalu
135Narongga Songgitcham N/A Dalu
136Naronggre N/A Dalu
137Nekdalgre N/A Dalu
138Nokatgre N/A Dalu
139Nokatgre I N/A Dalu
140Nokdanpara N/A Dalu
141Noksi N/A Dalu
142Onthapara N/A Dalu
143Pattanggre N/A Dalu
144Piljigre N/A Dalu
145Pokasindigre N/A Dalu
146Porakhasia N/A Dalu
147Possenggagre N/A Dalu
148Rangdapara N/A Dalu
149Ranggapara N/A Dalu
150Rangsagre N/A Dalu
151Rengginpara N/A Dalu
152Rengrampara N/A Dalu
153Rengsipara N/A Dalu
154Rimrangpara A N/A Dalu
155Rimrangpara Asim N/A Dalu
156Rimrangpara B N/A Dalu
157Rimrangpara Bajigre N/A Dalu
158Rimthangpara N/A Dalu
159Rohonpara N/A Dalu
160Rongbokgri N/A Dalu
161Ronggittim N/A Dalu
162Rongnadigre N/A Dalu
163Salbaripara N/A Dalu
164Sananggre N/A Dalu
165Sanda Adu N/A Dalu
166Sanda Jarangkona N/A Dalu
167Sandagre Polpola N/A Dalu
168Sandongpara N/A Dalu
169Sanjeng Nokat N/A Dalu
170Sanjengpara N/A Dalu
171Santang Nakatgiri N/A Dalu
172Santangpara N/A Dalu
173Selbalgre N/A Dalu
174Seragre N/A Dalu
175Sesengpara N/A Dalu
176Sonagre N/A Dalu
177Sonajuri N/A Dalu
178Songjelpara N/A Dalu
179Songmagre N/A Dalu
180Soropagre N/A Dalu
181Sosotpara N/A Dalu
182Surunanggre N/A Dalu
183Tekmanpara Christian N/A Dalu
184Tekmanpara Sangsarek N/A Dalu
185Terimpara N/A Dalu
186Thibapara N/A Dalu
187Tibapara N/A Dalu
188Tibapara A N/A Dalu
189Tibapara B N/A Dalu
190Tokpara N/A Dalu
191Upper Bamonpara N/A Dalu
192Upper Lokhipara N/A Dalu
193Upper Mibonpara N/A Dalu
194Wagegitok N/A Dalu
195Wakmedamgre N/A Dalu

Population of Dalu Subdivision

Particulars Rural Urban Total
Total Population 54,095 N/A 54,095
Male Population 27,351 N/A 27,351
Female Population 26,744 N/A 26,744
Population Density 90 / km² N/A 90 / km²

Households in Dalu Subdivision

Rural Households
Urban Households
Total Households

Sub-District Overview
Sub-District (Hindi) : Dalu
District : West Garo Hills
State / UT : Meghalaya
Total Area : 599 km²
Sex Ratio (2011): 977
Total Population (2011) : 54,095
Density : 90/km²
Total Villages : 195
Total Population Villages in Dalu Subdivision
less Than 200 81
200 - 499 76
500 - 999 31
1000 - 1999 N/A
2000 - 4999 N/A
5000 - 9999 N/A
10000 and above N/A

Related Pages
List of Subdivisions in West Garo Hills
List of Districts in Meghalaya

* All survey data is based on Office of the Registrar General & Census Commissioner, Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India, 2015 ( Open Government Data Platform India.