
Rongram is a Town and Subdivision in West Garo Hills District of Meghalaya. In India, a subdivision is a sub-division of a district that is responsible for the administration and revenue collection of a particular area within the district. It is an important part of the local governance structure, and plays a crucial role in the development and administration of its local community.

According to census 2011 information the sub-district code of Rongram Block (CD) is 01965. Total area of rongram subdivision is 622 km² including 603.68 km² rural area and 18.32 km² urban area. Rongram subdivision has a population of 1,33,756 peoples, out of which urban population is 74,858 while rural population is 58,898. Rongram has a sex ratio of approximately 992 females for every 1,000 males. Rongram subdivision has a population density of 215 inhabitants per square kilometre. There are about 24,819 houses in the sub-district, including 13,743 urban houses and 11,076 rural houses.

When it comes to literacy, 72.21% population of rongram subdivision is literate, out of which 74.63% males and 69.76% females are literate. There are about 176 villages in rongram subdivision, which you can browse from rongram subdivision villages list (along with gram panchayat & nearest town information) below.

List of Villages in Rongram Subdivision

#Village NameGram PanchayatNearest Town
1Ading Nokatgre N/A Rongram
2Adugre N/A Rongram
3Agalgre N/A Rongram
4Agilanggre N/A Rongram
5Agisimgre N/A Rongram
6Aguragre N/A Rongram
7Alagre N/A Rongram
8Allagre N/A Rongram
9Allotgre N/A Rongram
10Ampanggre N/A Rongram
11Anchenggre N/A Rongram
12Angalgre N/A Rongram
13Anogre N/A Rongram
14Aranggre N/A Rongram
15Arbella Chidekgre N/A Rongram
16Asakgre N/A Rongram
17Asanang N/A Rongram
18Asibra N/A Rongram
19Asigiri N/A Rongram
20Babadam N/A Rongram
21Badagonggegre N/A Rongram
22Baladinggre N/A Rongram
23Baljek Agal N/A Rongram
24Balupara N/A Rongram
25Bangdagre N/A Rongram
26Bawegre N/A Rongram
27Bibragre N/A Rongram
28Bokda Apal N/A Rongram
29Bokmagre N/A Rongram
30Bolbokgre N/A Rongram
31Boldamgre N/A Rongram
32Boldorenggre N/A Rongram
33Bottregre N/A Rongram
34Bugakolgre N/A Rongram
35Buripara N/A Rongram
36Chandigre N/A Rongram
37Chandragre N/A Rongram
38Chasinggre N/A Rongram
39Cherangre N/A Rongram
40Chibasalgre N/A Rongram
41Chibokgre N/A Rongram
42Chibra Agal N/A Rongram
43Chibragre N/A Rongram
44Chidaogre N/A Rongram
45Chidekgre N/A Rongram
46Chidorenggre N/A Rongram
47Chikasingre N/A Rongram
48Chinapgre N/A Rongram
49Chiokgre N/A Rongram
50Chiwatgre N/A Rongram
51Chokagre N/A Rongram
52Dachigre N/A Rongram
53Dachimagre N/A Rongram
54Daldagre N/A Rongram
55Daljagre N/A Rongram
56Dalmagre N/A Rongram
57Damjonggre N/A Rongram
58Danak Dopgre N/A Rongram
59Danak Kongbe N/A Rongram
60Danakgre N/A Rongram
61Danang Bisa N/A Rongram
62Danang Songma N/A Rongram
63Danekgre N/A Rongram
64Darechikgre N/A Rongram
65Digranggre N/A Rongram
66Dijinggro Apal N/A Rongram
67Dingringgre N/A Rongram
68Dipogre N/A Rongram
69Dirikgre N/A Rongram
70Dittegre N/A Rongram
71Dollong Manda N/A Rongram
72Dollonggre N/A Rongram
73Donsimagre N/A Rongram
74Dopananggre N/A Rongram
75Dorenggre N/A Rongram
76Dumindikgre N/A Rongram
77Dura Kalagre N/A Rongram
78Dura Songma N/A Rongram
79Durakalakgre N/A Rongram
80Edenbari N/A Rongram
81Galwang Chinaragre N/A Rongram
82Galwanggre N/A Rongram
83Gambarigre N/A Rongram
84Ganol Apal N/A Rongram
85Ganol Songma N/A Rongram
86Gindopara N/A Rongram
87Goeragre N/A Rongram
88Gondenggre N/A Rongram
89Gongronggre N/A Rongram
90Jendragre N/A Rongram
91Jengjalgre N/A Rongram
92Jongdikgre N/A Rongram
93Kalakgre N/A Rongram
94Kalchengre N/A Rongram
95Kama Dumindikgre N/A Rongram
96Kamagre N/A Rongram
97Kemragre N/A Rongram
98Lower Danakgre N/A Rongram
99Makkragre N/A Rongram
100Manggakgre N/A Rongram
101Marak Dilwanggre N/A Rongram
102Marak Jabretgre N/A Rongram
103Marak Nokatgre N/A Rongram
104Marak Songmagre N/A Rongram
105Marakapara N/A Rongram
106Masumatagre N/A Rongram
107Matchurigre Songgitcham N/A Rongram
108Matchurigre Songgitcham B N/A Rongram
109Megapgre N/A Rongram
110Misimagre N/A Rongram
111Mondagre N/A Rongram
112Mongalgre N/A Rongram
113Mrigre N/A Rongram
114Muriapal N/A Rongram
115Nengkalgre N/A Rongram
116Pagugre N/A Rongram
117Paney Valley N/A Rongram
118Rangwalkamgre N/A Rongram
119Renchagre N/A Rongram
120Renchagre Apal N/A Rongram
121Rengsangre N/A Rongram
122Retegre N/A Rongram
123Ringgegre N/A Rongram
124Ringgigre N/A Rongram
125Robagre N/A Rongram
126Romba Adinggre N/A Rongram
127Rombagre N/A Rongram
128Rombanokatgre N/A Rongram
129Rongbakgre N/A Rongram
130Rongbrakgre N/A Rongram
131Rongchigre N/A Rongram
132Rongdenggre N/A Rongram
133Rongdikgre N/A Rongram
134Rongdokgre N/A Rongram
135Ronggandigre N/A Rongram
136Rongjigre N/A Rongram
137Rongkhenggre N/A Rongram
138Rongkhon Boldamgre N/A Rongram
139Rongkhongre N/A Rongram
140Rongpotgre N/A Rongram
141Rongram Bazar N/A Rongram
142Rongramgre N/A Rongram
143Rongsep Adinggre N/A Rongram
144Sakalgre N/A Rongram
145Samingre N/A Rongram
146Sanchonggre N/A Rongram
147Saringgre N/A Rongram
148Sasatgre N/A Rongram
149Selbal Nokat N/A Rongram
150Selbalgre N/A Rongram
151Silschigre N/A Rongram
152Silsekgre N/A Rongram
153Siltinggre N/A Rongram
154Snarugre N/A Rongram
155Sonanpara N/A Rongram
156Songgitalgre N/A Rongram
157Songkonggre N/A Rongram
158Soragre N/A Rongram
159Srop Adinggre N/A Rongram
160Sropgre N/A Rongram
161Tapragre N/A Rongram
162Tebronggre N/A Rongram
163Teksragre N/A Rongram
164Timbogre N/A Rongram
165Tosekgre N/A Rongram
166Upper Danakgre N/A Rongram
167Urenggre N/A Rongram
168Wadagre N/A Rongram
169Wakantagre N/A Rongram
170Wakringtonggre N/A Rongram
171Waram Dipogre N/A Rongram
172Waram Songma N/A Rongram
173Waramasim N/A Rongram
174Waribokgre N/A Rongram
175Warisepgre N/A Rongram
176Watregre N/A Rongram

Population of Rongram Subdivision

Particulars Rural Urban Total
Total Population 58,898 74,858 1,33,756
Male Population 29,878 37,236 67,114
Female Population 29,020 37,622 66,642
Population Density 98 / km² 4,086 / km² 215 / km²

Households in Rongram Subdivision

Rural Households
Urban Households
Total Households

Sub-District Overview
Sub-District (Hindi) : Rongram
District : West Garo Hills
State / UT : Meghalaya
Total Area : 622 km²
Sex Ratio (2011): 992
Total Population (2011) : 1,33,756
Density : 215/km²
Total Villages : 176
Total Population Villages in Rongram Subdivision
less Than 200 68
200 - 499 69
500 - 999 32
1000 - 1999 3
2000 - 4999 1
5000 - 9999 N/A
10000 and above N/A

Related Pages
List of Subdivisions in West Garo Hills
List of Districts in Meghalaya

* All survey data is based on Office of the Registrar General & Census Commissioner, Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India, 2015 ( Open Government Data Platform India.