
Bhulath is a Town and Tehsil in Kapurthala District of Punjab. In India, a tehsil is a sub-division of a district that is responsible for the administration and revenue collection of a particular area within the district. It is an important part of the local governance structure, and plays a crucial role in the development and administration of its local community.

According to census 2011 information the sub-district code of Bhulath Block (CD) is 00205. Total area of bhulath tehsil is 235 km² including 217.81 km² rural area and 17.18 km² urban area. Bhulath tehsil has a population of 1,04,354 peoples, out of which urban population is 20,664 while rural population is 83,690. Bhulath has a sex ratio of approximately 973 females for every 1,000 males. Bhulath tehsil has a population density of 444 inhabitants per square kilometre. There are about 22,689 houses in the sub-district, including 4,601 urban houses and 18,088 rural houses.

When it comes to literacy, 70.34% population of bhulath tehsil is literate, out of which 73.10% males and 67.51% females are literate. There are about 101 villages in bhulath tehsil, which you can browse from bhulath tehsil villages list (along with gram panchayat & nearest town information) below.

List of Villages in Bhulath Tehsil

#Village NameGram PanchayatNearest Town
1Akala Akala Bhulath
2Akbarpur Akbarpur Begowal
3Awan Awan Begowal
4Bagrian Bagarian Bhulath
5Bagwanpur Bagwanpur Begowal
6Bajaj Bajaj Bhulath
7Bakarpur Bakarpur Bhulath
8Ballo Chak Ballo Chak Begowal
9Baryar Bariyar Begowal
10Bassi Bassi Begowal
11Bhadas Bhadas Begowal
12Bhagwanpur Bhagwanpur Bhulath
13Bhakuwal Bhakuwal Bhulath
14Bhatnura Kalan Bhatnura Kalan Begowal
15Bhatnura Khurd Bhatnura Khurd Begowal
16Billpur N/A Bhulath
17Boparai Boparai Bhulath
18Bulewal Bulewal Bhulath
19Chak Dom Mand Kulla Bhulath
20Chak Purana Fatehgarh Sikri Begowal
21Chak Shah Kala Damulian Bhulath
22Chak Som Miani Bhagupurian Bhulath
23Chakshah Alladin Rai Pur Rajputtana Bhulath
24Chogawan Chagawan Bhulath
25Dabulian Damulian Bhulath
26Dala Dalla Bhulath
27Daulowal Daulowal Begowal
28Dhakran Dhakran Begowal
29Fatehgarh Sikri Fatehgarh Sikri Begowal
30Fatehpur Fatehpur Begowal
31Feroz Sangowal Froz Sangowal Begowal
32Habibwal Habibwal Bhulath
33Hassuwal Hassuwal Bhulath
34Husewal Hussewal Bhulath
35Hussainpur Nangal Lubana Begowal
36Ibrahimwal Taraf Gulam Nabi Khan Ibrahimwal Bhulath
37Ibrahimwal Tarf Arshad Khan N/A Bhulath
38Inowal Innowal Begowal
39Isbucha Is Bucha Begowal
40Jabbowal Jabbowal Begowal
41Jaid Jaid Begowal
42Jhall Bajaj Bajaj Bhulath
43Kaluwal Kaluwal Begowal
44Kamalpur Kamalpur Begowal
45Karnail Ganj Karnail Ganj Begowal
46Khalil Khalil Bhulath
47Khassan Khassan Bhulath
48Lamman Lamme Begowal
49Lit Lit Bhulath
50Mana Talwandi Mana Talwandi Bhulath
51Mand Ahmedwala Mand Ibrahimwal Tarf Arshad Khan Begowal
52Mand Allahabad Mand Talwandi Kuka Begowal
53Mand Aslampur Nangal Lubana Bhulath
54Mand Dhakran Dhakran Begowal
55Mand Dograwala Mand Talwandi Kuka Begowal
56Mand Faridkot Nangal Lubana Begowal
57Mand Gurdaspur Nangal Lubana Begowal
58Mand Hussainpur Nangal Lubana Begowal
59Mand Ibrahimwal Tarf Arshad Khan Mand Ibrahimwal Tarf Arshad Khan Begowal
60Mand Ibrahimwal Tarf Gulam Nabi Khan Ibrahimwal Begowal
61Mand Kamalpur Kamalpur Bhulath
62Mand Kulla Mand Kulla Begowal
63Mand Maini Bhagu Purian Miani Bhagupurian Begowal
64Mand Miani Jhadduwala Mand Talwandi Kuka Begowal
65Mand Nangal Lubana Nangal Lubana Begowal
66Mand Raipur Araian Rai Pur Arian Bhulath
67Mand Rawan Rawan Bhulath
68Mand Sandhi Khanwala Nangal Lubana Begowal
69Mand Sardar Sahibwala Talwandi Kuka Begowal
70Mand Talwandi Kuka Mand Talwandi Kuka Bhulath
71Mandi Mand Kulla Mand Kulla Begowal
72Mandi Road Mundi Road Begowal
73Maqsudpur Maqsudpur Begowal
74Mehmadpur Mehmadpur Bhulath
75Metlan Khairabad Metle Kherabad Bhulath
76Miani Bhagu Purian Miani Bhagupurian Begowal
77Miranpur Bakarpur Bhulath
78Mubarakpur Mubarakpur Bhulath
79Musa Khail Musa Khel Bhulath
80Nadala N/A Bhulath
81Nadali Nadali Begowal
82Nangal Lubana Nangal Lubana Begowal
83Naurangpur Narangpur Begowal
84Pandori Pandori Arian Bhulath
85Passiewal Passiewal Bhulath
86Raipur Araian Rai Pur Arian Bhulath
87Raipur Peerbakhshwala Rai Pur Pir Bux Wala Bhulath
88Raipur Rajputan Rai Pur Rajputtana Bhulath
89Ramgarh Ramgarh Bhulath
90Rawan Rawan Begowal
91Saitpur Saintpur Bhulath
92Sarupwal Sarupwal Begowal
93Shadipur Mehmadpur Bhulath
94Sher Singhwala Sher Singh Wala Bhulath
95Sheruwal Sheruwal Bhulath
96Sidhwan Bet N/A Bhulath
97Surak Surkhan Bhulath
98Talwandi Koka Talwandi Kuka Begowal
99Talwandi Purdil Talwandi Purdal Bhulath
100Talwara Talwara Bhulath
101Tandi Tandi Dakhli Begowal

Population of Bhulath Tehsil

Particulars Rural Urban Total
Total Population 83,690 20,664 1,04,354
Male Population 42,391 10,490 52,881
Female Population 41,299 10,174 51,473
Population Density 384 / km² 1,203 / km² 444 / km²

Households in Bhulath Tehsil

Rural Households
Urban Households
Total Households

Sub-District Overview
Sub-District (Hindi) : Bhulath
District : Kapurthala
State / UT : Punjab
Total Area : 235 km²
Sex Ratio (2011): 973
Total Population (2011) : 1,04,354
Density : 444/km²
Total Villages : 101
Total Population Villages in Bhulath Tehsil
less Than 200 22
200 - 499 25
500 - 999 16
1000 - 1999 19
2000 - 4999 11
5000 - 9999 1
10000 and above N/A

Related Pages
List of Tehsils in Kapurthala
List of Districts in Punjab

* All survey data is based on Office of the Registrar General & Census Commissioner, Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India, 2015 ( Open Government Data Platform India.