
Payal is a Town and Tehsil in Ludhiana District of Punjab. In India, a tehsil is a sub-division of a district that is responsible for the administration and revenue collection of a particular area within the district. It is an important part of the local governance structure, and plays a crucial role in the development and administration of its local community.

According to census 2011 information the sub-district code of Payal Block (CD) is 00226. Total area of payal tehsil is 429 km² including 407.45 km² rural area and 21.53 km² urban area. Payal tehsil has a population of 2,13,545 peoples, out of which urban population is 40,914 while rural population is 1,72,631. Payal has a sex ratio of approximately 876 females for every 1,000 males. Payal tehsil has a population density of 498 inhabitants per square kilometre. There are about 41,643 houses in the sub-district, including 8,316 urban houses and 33,327 rural houses.

When it comes to literacy, 71.43% population of payal tehsil is literate, out of which 74.95% males and 67.41% females are literate. There are about 111 villages in payal tehsil, which you can browse from payal tehsil villages list (along with gram panchayat & nearest town information) below.

List of Villages in Payal Tehsil

#Village NameGram PanchayatNearest Town
1Afzullapur Afzulapur Payal
2Ajnaud Ajnaud Doraha
3Alampur Urf Chapra Maloud Payal
4Aluna Miana Aluna Miana Payal
5Aluna Pallah Aluna Palla Payal
6Aluna Tolla Aluna Tola Payal
7Babarpur Babarpur Maloud
8Balaspur Bilaspur Doraha
9Barmalipur Barmalipur Payal
10Begowal Begowal Doraha
11Ber Kalan N/A Maloud
12Ber Khurd Ber Khurd Maloud
13Bharthala Randhawa Bhartharla Randhawa Payal
14Bhathal Bhathal Doraha
15Bhikhi Khutra Bhikhi Khattra Maloud
16Bir Katahri Katahri Doraha (12 km)
17Bishanpura Bishanpura Payal
18Bouiani Bowani Doraha
19Burkara Burkara Maloud
20Chak Slhandaud Sihandaud Maloud (6 km)
21Chan Koian Khurd Chankoian Khurd Doraha
22Chankoian Kalan Chankoian Kalan Doraha
23Chapra N/A Payal
24Chima Chima Payal
25Chomon N/A Maloud
26Daulatpur Daulatpur Maloud
27Daumajra Dau Majra Payal
28Deep Nagar Deep Nagar Doraha
29Deva Khosa Deeva Khosa Payal
30Deva Mander Diva Mander Payal
31Devinagar Urf Malakpur Malakpur K Payal
32Devipur Chima Jallaha Payal (3 km)
33Dhamot Bhadewal Abadi Payal
34Dhaul Kalan Dhaul Kalan Maloud
35Dhaul Khurd Dhaul Khurd Maloud
36Doburji Doburji Doraha
37Dudhal Dudhal Maloud
38Dugri Dugri Doraha
39Ferozepur Dhamot Kalan Payal
40Ghaloti Ghaloti Payal
41Ghangas Ghangas Payal
42Ghudani Kalan Ghudani Kalan Payal
43Ghudani Khurd Ghudani Khurd Payal
44Ghurala Ghurala Payal
45Gidri Gidri Doraha
46Gobindpur Gobindpura Payal
47Gosal N/A Maloud
48Gurditpura Gurditpura Doraha
49Hans Hans Maloud
50Haraichan Araichan Doraha
51Jahagir Jahangir Doraha
52Jaipura Jaipura Doraha
53Jallah Jallaha Payal
54Jandali N/A Payal
55Jarg Jarg Payal
56Jargari Jargari Payal
57Jhamat Jhammat Maloud
58Jogi Majra Jogi Majra Maloud
59Kaddon Kaddon Doraha
60Karoundian Karodian Payal
61Kartarpur N/A Maloud
62Katahri Katahri Payal
63Katana Katana Doraha
64Kishanpur Kishanpura Maloud
65Kotla Afgana Kotla Afgana Payal
66Kuhli Kalan Kulhi Kalan Maloud
67Kuhli Khurd Kulhi Khurd Maloud
68Kulahr N/A Maloud
69Landha Landha Doraha
70Lapran Lapran Doraha
71Lasara Lakhowas N/A Maloud
72Lasara Pohlewas N/A Maloud
73Lehal Lehal Maloud
74Madnipur N/A Maloud
75Mahpur Mahanpur Payal
76Majri Majri Payal
77Maksudra Maksudra Payal
78Malhipur Malhipur Doraha
79Malo Daud Malodaud Maloud
80Mangewal N/A Maloud
81Mullanpur Mullanpur Payal
82Nanakpur Jagera N/A Maloud
83Nizampur N/A Payal
84Pandher Kheri N/A Maloud
85Patti Mangewal Sihora Maloud
86Payal N/A Payal (4 km)
87Rabon Nichi Rabbon Nichi Maloud
88Rabon Unchi Rabbon Uchi Maloud
89Rajgarh Rajgarh Doraha
90Ram Nagar Jarg Payal (15 km)
91Ramgarh Sardaran Ramgarh Sardaran Maloud
92Rampur Rampur Doraha
93Ranwan Rano Payal
94Rara Rara Payal
95Raul Raul Doraha
96Rauni Rauni Payal
97Rosiana Rosiana Maloud
98Saharan Majra N/A Maloud
99Sekha Sekha Maloud
100Shahpur Shahpur Doraha
101Siarh Sihar Maloud
102Sihan Daud Sihandaud Maloud
103Sihaura Sihora Payal
104Sirthala N/A Payal
105Sohian Sohian Maloud
106Theh Bhaini Gosal Maloud (5 km)
107Theh Loharan Gosal Maloud
108Timbarwal Timberwal Maloud
109Uksi Uksi Maloud
110Unchi Daud Uchi Daud Maloud
111Zirakh Zirakh Maloud

Population of Payal Tehsil

Particulars Rural Urban Total
Total Population 1,72,631 40,914 2,13,545
Male Population 91,242 22,561 1,13,803
Female Population 81,389 18,353 99,742
Population Density 424 / km² 1,900 / km² 498 / km²

Households in Payal Tehsil

Rural Households
Urban Households
Total Households

Sub-District Overview
Sub-District (Hindi) : Payal
District : Ludhiana
State / UT : Punjab
Total Area : 429 km²
Sex Ratio (2011): 876
Total Population (2011) : 2,13,545
Density : 498/km²
Total Villages : 111
Total Population Villages in Payal Tehsil
less Than 200 1
200 - 499 7
500 - 999 26
1000 - 1999 45
2000 - 4999 23
5000 - 9999 3
10000 and above N/A

Related Pages
List of Tehsils in Ludhiana
List of Districts in Punjab

* All survey data is based on Office of the Registrar General & Census Commissioner, Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India, 2015 ( Open Government Data Platform India.