
Raikot is a Town and Tehsil in Ludhiana District of Punjab. In India, a tehsil is a sub-division of a district that is responsible for the administration and revenue collection of a particular area within the district. It is an important part of the local governance structure, and plays a crucial role in the development and administration of its local community.

According to census 2011 information the sub-district code of Raikot Block (CD) is 00229. Total area of raikot tehsil is 483 km² including 449.15 km² rural area and 33.74 km² urban area. Raikot tehsil has a population of 2,01,451 peoples, out of which urban population is 46,173 while rural population is 1,55,278. Raikot has a sex ratio of approximately 898 females for every 1,000 males. Raikot tehsil has a population density of 417 inhabitants per square kilometre. There are about 39,995 houses in the sub-district, including 9,489 urban houses and 30,506 rural houses.

When it comes to literacy, 71.40% population of raikot tehsil is literate, out of which 74.87% males and 67.53% females are literate. There are about 74 villages in raikot tehsil, which you can browse from raikot tehsil villages list (along with gram panchayat & nearest town information) below.

List of Villages in Raikot Tehsil

#Village NameGram PanchayatNearest Town
1Abuwal Abbuwal Mullanpur Dakha
2Acharwal 171 Achharwal Raikot
3Aitiana Attiana Jagraon
4Akalgarh Akalgarh Raikot
5Andlu Andlu Raikot
6Badhel Budhel Mullanpur Dakha
7Baraich Baraich Jagraon
8Barhampur Barhampur Raikot
9Barmi Barmi Raikot
10Barundi Barundi Raikot
11Basraon Basraon Raikot
12Bassian Bassian Raikot
13Bhaini Baringan Bhani Baringan Raikot
14Bhaini Darera Bhaini Darera Raikot
15Bhaini Rora Bhaini Rora Raikot
16Binjal Binjal Raikot
17Boparai Khurd Boparai Khurd Raikot
18Burj Hakiman Burj Hakima Raikot
19Burj Hari Singh Burj Hari Singh Raikot
20Burj Littan Burj Lattan Raikot
21Burj Naklian Burj Naqlian Raikot
22Chak Bhai Ka Chak Bhaika Raikot
23Chak Chhajawal Siloani Raikot (7 km)
24Dadahur Dadahur Raikot
25Dangon Dhangon Raikot
26Dhalian Dhalian Raikot
27Dhurkot Dhurkot Raikot
28Ghuman Ghuman Mullanpur Dakha
29Gobindgarh Gobindgarh Raikot
30Gondwal Goindwal Raikot
31Halwara Halwara Raikot
32Heran Heran Raikot
33Hisowal Hissowal Mullanpur Dakha
34Jalaldiwal Jalaldiwal Raikot
35Jand Jand Raikot
36Jatpura Jattpura Raikot
37Jhorran Jhoraran Raikot
38Johlan Johlan Raikot
39Kaila Kaile Raikot
40Kalsan Kalsan Raikot
41Kalsian Kalsian Raikot
42Kishangarh Kishangarh Raikot
43Leel Leel Mullanpur Dakha
44Littar Littar Raikot
45Lohat Badi Lohatbaddi Raikot
46Maherna Kalan Maherna Kalan Raikot
47Mohamadpura Mohamdpura Raikot
48Nangal Kalan Nangal Kalan Raikot
49Nangal Khurd Nangal Khurd Raikot
50Nathowal Nathowal Raikot
51Nurpur Nurpura Raikot
52Pakhowal Pakhowal Raikot
53Pheru Raien Pheru Arian Raikot
54Rachhin Rachhin Raikot
55Rajgarh Rajgarh Raikot
56Rajoana Kalan Rajoana Kalan Raikot
57Rajoana Khurd Rajoana Khurd Raikot
58Ramgarh Sibian Ramgarh Sibian Raikot
59Rattowal Rattowal Mullanpur Dakha
60Ruppa Patti Patti Rupa Raikot
61Sakhana Sukhana Raikot
62Sattowal Sattowal Raikot
63Shahidgarh Andlu Raikot (12 km)
64Shahjahanpur Shahjahanpur Raikot
65Shahpur Shahpur Raikot
66Shehbazpura Shehbajpura Raikot
67Siloani Siloani Raikot
68Sudhar Patti Dhaliwal Sudhar Jagraon
69Tajpur Tajpur Raikot
70Talwandi Rai Talwandi Rai Raikot
71Toosa Tussa Raikot
72Tugal Tugal Jagraon
73Tungaheri Tungaheri Raikot
74Umarpura Umarpura Raikot

Population of Raikot Tehsil

Particulars Rural Urban Total
Total Population 1,55,278 46,173 2,01,451
Male Population 81,700 24,384 1,06,084
Female Population 73,578 21,789 95,367
Population Density 346 / km² 1,368 / km² 417 / km²

Households in Raikot Tehsil

Particulars Households
Rural Households 30,506
Urban Households 9,489
Total Households 39,995