
Dhuri is a Town and Tehsil in Sangrur District of Punjab. In India, a tehsil is a sub-division of a district that is responsible for the administration and revenue collection of a particular area within the district. It is an important part of the local governance structure, and plays a crucial role in the development and administration of its local community.

According to census 2011 information the sub-district code of Dhuri Block (CD) is 00270. Total area of dhuri tehsil is 605 km² including 573.25 km² rural area and 32.00 km² urban area. Dhuri tehsil has a population of 2,61,247 peoples, out of which urban population is 55,225 while rural population is 2,06,022. Dhuri has a sex ratio of approximately 885 females for every 1,000 males. Dhuri tehsil has a population density of 432 inhabitants per square kilometre. There are about 51,197 houses in the sub-district, including 11,077 urban houses and 40,120 rural houses.

When it comes to literacy, 64.23% population of dhuri tehsil is literate, out of which 68.51% males and 59.38% females are literate. There are about 97 villages in dhuri tehsil, which you can browse from dhuri tehsil villages list (along with gram panchayat & nearest town information) below.

List of Villages in Dhuri Tehsil

#Village NameGram PanchayatNearest Town
1Alal Alal Dhuri
2Alipur Khalsa Alipur Khalsa Malerkotla
3Babanpur Babanpur Dhuri
4Badshahpur Badsahapur Dhuri
5Balamgarh Balamgarh Dhuri
6Balian Balian Dhuri
7Bamal Bamal Dhuri
8Banbhori Banbhauri Malerkotla
9Banganwali Banganwali Dhuri
10Bararwal Bardwal Dhuri
11Bari Bari Barnala
12Batuha Batuha Dhuri
13Belewal Balewal Malerkotla
14Benra Benra Dhuri
15Bhadalwadh Bhadalwad Dhuri
16Bhagwanpura Bhagwanpura Barnala
17Bhalwan Bhalwan Dhuri
18Bhasaur Bhasaur Dhuri
19Bhojowali Bhojowali Dhuri
20Bhullarheri Bhullarheri Dhuri
21Buggra Bugra Dhuri
22Burj Gohra Burj Gohra Dhuri
23Burj Seda Burj Sedha Dhuri
24Changli Changli Dhuri
25Cheema Cheema Dhuri
26Daulatpur Daulatpur Dhuri
27Dhadogal Dhadhogal Malerkotla
28Dhandiwal Dhandiwal Dhuri
29Dhandra Dhandra Dhuri
30Dhura Dhura Dhuri
31Dhuri Dhuri Rural Dhuri
32Didargarh Didargarh Dhuri
33Dohla Dohla Dhuri
34Fatehgarh Fathegarh Panjgarian Malerkotla
35Ghanaur Kalan Ghanouri Khurd Dhuri
36Ghanaur Khurd Ghanour Kallan Dhuri
37Ghanauri Kalan Ghanouri Khalan Dhuri
38Ghanauri Khurd Ghanour Khurd Dhuri
39Gobindpura Gobindpura Barnala
40Gurbaxpura Gurbakshpura Dhuri
41Harchandpur Harchandpur Dhuri
42Hassanpur Hussanpur Dhuri
43Herike Herike Dhuri
44Ina Bajwa Innabajwa Barnala
45Isra Issra Malerkotla
46Issapur Issapur Malerkotla
47Issi Issi Dhuri
48Jahangir Jahangir Dhuri
49Jainpur Jainpur Malerkotla
50Jakhlan Jakhlan Dhuri
51Jati Majra Jatti Majra Dhuri
52Kaheru Kaheru Dhuri
53Kakarwal Kakarwal Dhuri
54Kalabula Kalabula Dhuri
55Kaleran Kaleran Malerkotla
56Kandhargarh Kandhargarh Dhuri
57Kanjla Kanjla Dhuri
58Kanjli Kanjli Dhuri
59Katron Katron Dhuri
60Kaulseri Kaulseri Dhuri
61Kheri Chahalan Kheri Chehlan Barnala
62Kheri Jattan Kheri Jattan Dhuri
63Kheri Khurd Kheri Khurd Barnala
64Kumbarwal Kumbarwal Barnala
65Kuram Hathan Malerkotla (10 km)
66Ladda Lada Dhuri
67Lohar Majra Lohar Majra Dhuri
68Malu Majra Malu Majra Dhuri
69Manah Manna Dhuri
70Manwala Manwala Dhuri
71Meerheri Mirheri Dhuri
72Mehdudpur Urf Dugni Dugni Dhuri
73Mimsa Meemsa Dhuri
74Mohamadpur Mahmadpur Malerkotla
75Mulowal Mullowal Dhuri
76Natt Natt Dhuri
77Palasaur Palasaur Dhuri
78Patti Khalil Patti Khalil Dhuri
79Pedni Kalan Pedni Kalan Dhuri
80Pharwahi Pharwahi Malerkotla
81Punnawal Punawal Dhuri
82Qila Hakiman Kila Hakima Dhuri
83Rajinder Puri Rajindra Puri Dhuri
84Rajo Majra Rajo Majra Dhuri
85Ramgarh Katron Dhuri (18 km)
86Ramnagar Chhanna Ram Nagar Chhana Barnala
87Rangian Rangian Barnala
88Ranike Ranike Dhuri
89Ruldu Singhwala Ruldu Singh Wala Dhuri
90Rurgarh Rurgarh Dhuri
91Salempur Salempur Dhuri
92Samundgarh Samundgarh Dhuri
93Sherpur Sherpur Dhuri
94Sherpur Sodhian Sherpur Sodhian Dhuri
95Sultanpur Sultanpur Dhuri
96Tibba Tibba Dhuri
97Wazirpur Wazidpur Badeshe Malerkotla

Population of Dhuri Tehsil

Particulars Rural Urban Total
Total Population 2,06,022 55,225 2,61,247
Male Population 1,09,346 29,231 1,38,577
Female Population 96,676 25,994 1,22,670
Population Density 359 / km² 1,726 / km² 432 / km²

Households in Dhuri Tehsil

Rural Households
Urban Households
Total Households

Sub-District Overview
Sub-District (Hindi) : Dhuri
District : Sangrur
State / UT : Punjab
Total Area : 605 km²
Sex Ratio (2011): 885
Total Population (2011) : 2,61,247
Density : 432/km²
Total Villages : 97
Total Population Villages in Dhuri Tehsil
less Than 200 N/A
200 - 499 3
500 - 999 14
1000 - 1999 34
2000 - 4999 40
5000 - 9999 4
10000 and above N/A

Related Pages
List of Tehsils in Sangrur
List of Districts in Punjab

* All survey data is based on Office of the Registrar General & Census Commissioner, Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India, 2015 ( Open Government Data Platform India.