Block / Tehsil → Shahpura
District → Bhilwara
State → Rajasthan
According to Census 2011 information the location code or village code of Ganpatiya Khera village is 094872. Ganpatiya Khera village is located in Shahpura tehsil of Bhilwara district in Rajasthan, India. It is situated 33km away from sub-district headquarter Shahpura (tehsildar office) and 88km away from district headquarter Bhilwara. As per 2009 stats, Sangari is the gram panchayat of Ganpatiya Khera village.
The total geographical area of village is 685 hectares. Ganpatiya Khera has a total population of 997 peoples, out of which male population is 506 while female population is 491. Literacy rate of ganpatiya khera village is 48.04% out of which 58.89% males and 36.86% females are literate. There are about 219 houses in ganpatiya khera village. Pincode of ganpatiya khera village locality is 311407.
Shahpura is nearest town to ganpatiya khera village for all major economic activities, which is approximately 33km away.
Particulars | Total | Male | Female |
Total Population | 997 | 506 | 491 |
Literate Population | 479 | 298 | 181 |
Illiterate Population | 518 | 208 | 310 |
Ganpatiya Khera - Village Overview | |
Village (Hindi) : | Ganpatiya Khera (गणपतिया खेडा) |
Gram Panchayat : | Sangari |
Block / Tehsil : | Shahpura |
District : | Bhilwara |
State : | Rajasthan |
Pincode : | 311407 |
Area : | 685 hectares |
Population : | 997 |
Households : | 219 |
Nearest Town : | Shahpura (33 km) |
Villages in Sangari Gram Panchayat | |
Chandma | Ganpatiya Khera |
Khera Hetam | Rampura |
Sangari |
Related Pages |
List of Villages in Shahpura |
List of Tehsils in Bhilwara |
List of Districts in Rajasthan |
* All survey data is based on Office of the Registrar General & Census Commissioner, Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India, 2015 ( Open Government Data Platform India.