
Chomu is a Town and Tehsil in Jaipur District of Rajasthan. In India, a tehsil is a sub-division of a district that is responsible for the administration and revenue collection of a particular area within the district. It is an important part of the local governance structure, and plays a crucial role in the development and administration of its local community.

According to census 2011 information the sub-district code of Chomu Block (CD) is 00541. Total area of chomu tehsil is 681 km² including 651.62 km² rural area and 29.15 km² urban area. Chomu tehsil has a population of 3,95,009 peoples, out of which urban population is 72,152 while rural population is 3,22,857. Chomu has a sex ratio of approximately 920 females for every 1,000 males. Chomu tehsil has a population density of 580 inhabitants per square kilometre. There are about 60,737 houses in the sub-district, including 11,252 urban houses and 49,485 rural houses.

When it comes to literacy, 62.18% population of chomu tehsil is literate, out of which 73.36% males and 50.04% females are literate. There are about 115 villages in chomu tehsil, which you can browse from chomu tehsil villages list (along with gram panchayat & nearest town information) below.

List of Villages in Chomu Tehsil

#Village NameGram PanchayatNearest Town
1Adagela Tankarda Chomu (4 km)
2Aleesar Aalisar Chomu (25 km)
3Amarpura Amarpura Chomu (16 km)
4Anantpura Anantpura Jet Chomu (8 km)
5Anatpura Anatpura Chi Chomu (11 km)
6Asti Kalan Aashti Kalan Reengus (18 km)
7Asti Khurd Aashti Kalan Chomu (31 km)
8Badh Abhayakaranpura Vimalpura Chomu (18 km)
9Badh Devthala Devthala Chomu (15 km)
10Baga Ka Bas Aalisar Chomu (25 km)
11Bagri Nangal Govind Reengus (6 km)
12Bagron Ka Bas Aashti Kalan Reengus (15 km)
13Bai Ka Bas Dola Ka Bas Chomu (19 km)
14Balekhan Anatpura Chi Chomu (12 km)
15Barhawali Dhani Dhodhsar Chomu (20 km)
16Barwara Amarpura Chomu (18 km)
17Bawari Gopinath Dola Ka Bas Chomu (27 km)
18Bhopawas Hathanoda Chomu (6 km)
19Bhutera Bhutera Chomu (26 km)
20Bishanpura Charanwas Amarpura Chomu (14 km)
21Chak Charanwas Dhoblai Chomu (19 km)
22Chak Dalelpura Nagal Koju Chomu (20 km)
23Chak Laddu Nagal Koju Chomu (18 km)
24Chak Tankarda Tankarda Chomu (4 km)
25Charanwas Aalisar Chomu (25 km)
26Cheethwari Chithwadi Chomu (10 km)
27Cheta Ka Bas Bhutera Chomu (26 km)
28Chhota Gudha Gudliya Chomu (26 km)
29Chimanpura Anatpura Chi Chomu (12 km)
30Dahara Tankarda Tankarda Chomu (4 km)
31Damba Ka Bas Aalisar Chomu (25 km)
32Daulatpura Manda Bhinda Chomu (18 km)
33Dehra Jatawali Chomu (12 km)
34Devpura Jaisinghpura Chomu (5 km)
35Devthala Devthala Chomu (15 km)
36Dhana Ka Bas Sandarsar Chomu (15 km)
37Dhani Gogoriya Chithwadi Chomu (8 km)
38Dhani Nijharna Ghinoi Chomu (24 km)
39Dhobolai Dhoblai Chomu (17 km)
40Dhodhsar Dhodhsar Chomu (18 km)
41Dola Ka Bas Dola Ka Bas Chomu (22 km)
42Fatehpura Fatehpura Chomu (13 km)
43Geeda Ka Bas Aashti Kalan Chomu (34 km)
44Ghinoi Ghinoi Chomu (19 km)
45Gori Ka Bas Dola Ka Bas Chomu (25 km)
46Govindgarh Govindgarh Chomu
47Guwardi Jaisinghpura Chomu (8 km)
48Haboo Ka Bas Bhutera Chomu (26 km)
49Harad Rampura Khejroli Chomu (24 km)
50Harota Harota Chomu (4 km)
51Hasteda Hastera Chomu (24 km)
52Hathnoda Hathanoda Chomu (5 km)
53Heera Ka Bas Bhutera Chomu (22 km)
54Itawa Bhopji Itawa Bhopji Chomu (11 km)
55Jaisinghpura Nathawatan Jaisinghpura Chomu (7 km)
56Jaitpura Jaitpura Chomu (6 km)
57Jalim Singh Ka Bas Vimalpura Chomu (21 km)
58Jatanwali Jatawali Chomu (14 km)
59Jheera Vijaya Singh Pura Chomu (15 km)
60Jodhpura Tankarda Chomu (4 km)
61Kaladera Kaladera Chomu (10 km)
62Kaloo Ka Bas Tigariya Chomu (19 km)
63Kalu Ka Bas Shyam Nagar Dhoblai Chomu (13 km)
64Kanarpura Vimalpura Chomu (15 km)
65Kanpura Mahar Kala Chomu (13 km)
66Kanwarpura Nagal Koju Chomu (20 km)
67Khanni Pura Sandarsar Chomu (16 km)
68Khejroli Khejroli Chomu (21 km)
69Kirat Singh Ka Bas Gudliya Chomu (21 km)
70Kishanpura Kishanpura Reengus (10 km)
71Kumbha Ka Bas Aalisar Chomu (25 km)
72Kumbhpuriya Nagal Koju Chomu (20 km)
73Kushalpura Kushalpura Chomu (13 km)
74Lalpura Hastera Chomu (27 km)
75Loharwara Loharwara Chomu (5 km)
76Madho Ka Bas Bhutera Chomu (24 km)
77Mahar Kalan Mahar Kala Chomu (11 km)
78Malera Jatawali Chomu (14 km)
79Malikpur Malikpur Chomu (14 km)
80Mandha Bhinda Manda Bhinda Chomu (22 km)
81Morija Morija Chomu (4 km)
82Nadiya Singod Khurd Chomu (22 km)
83Nangal Bharda Nagal Bharada Chomu (9 km)
84Nangal Govind Nangal Govind Reengus (7 km)
85Nangal Kalan Nangal Kalan Chomu (20 km)
86Nangal Koju Nagal Koju Chomu (20 km)
87Narsinghpura Malikpur Chomu (12 km)
88Naya Bas Tankarda Chomu (4 km)
89Nindola Khejroli Chomu (15 km)
90Niwana Niwana Chomu (15 km)
91Nopura Hastera Chomu (27 km)
92Pragati Naya Bas Manda Bhinda Chomu (21 km)
93Raisingh Ka Bas Nangal Kalan Chomu (14 km)
94Ranjeetpura Nangal Govind Reengus (8 km)
95Sabalpura Ghinoi Chomu (22 km)
96Samarpura Vijaya Singh Pura Chomu (13 km)
97Samod Samod Chomu (10 km)
98Sandarsar Sandarsar Chomu (18 km)
99Shimbhupura Mahar Kala Chomu (13 km)
100Singod Kalan Singod Klan Chomu (25 km)
101Singod Khurd Singod Khurd Chomu (23 km)
102Sirsa Nangal Govind Reengus (6 km)
103Sitaram Pura Malikpur Chomu (18 km)
104Sultanpura Fatehpura Chomu (13 km)
105Syaoo Dhoblai Chomu (17 km)
106Tankarda Tankarda Chomu (4 km)
107Tigariya Tigariya Chomu (20 km)
108Udaipuriya Udaipuriya Chomu (7 km)
109Udgwar Gudalya Gudliya Chomu (26 km)
110Ugariyawas Malikpur Chomu (16 km)
111Utgadha Khejroli Chomu (21 km)
112Vijay Nagar Hastera Chomu (27 km)
113Vijaysinghpura Vijaya Singh Pura Chomu (13 km)
114Vikash Nagar Govindgarh Chomu (15 km)
115Vimalpura Vimalpura Chomu (17 km)

Population of Chomu Tehsil

Particulars Rural Urban Total
Total Population 3,22,857 72,152 3,95,009
Male Population 1,67,857 37,810 2,05,667
Female Population 1,55,000 34,342 1,89,342
Population Density 495 / km² 2,475 / km² 580 / km²

Households in Chomu Tehsil

Rural Households
Urban Households
Total Households

Sub-District Overview
Sub-District (Hindi) : Chomu
District : Jaipur
State / UT : Rajasthan
Total Area : 681 km²
Sex Ratio (2011): 920
Total Population (2011) : 3,95,009
Density : 580/km²
Total Villages : 115
Total Population Villages in Chomu Tehsil
less Than 200 4
200 - 499 5
500 - 999 19
1000 - 1999 36
2000 - 4999 33
5000 - 9999 13
10000 and above 4

Related Pages
List of Tehsils in Jaipur
List of Districts in Rajasthan

* All survey data is based on Office of the Registrar General & Census Commissioner, Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India, 2015 ( Open Government Data Platform India.