
Bagora is a Town and Tehsil in Jalor District of Rajasthan. In India, a tehsil is a sub-division of a district that is responsible for the administration and revenue collection of a particular area within the district. It is an important part of the local governance structure, and plays a crucial role in the development and administration of its local community.

According to census 2011 information the sub-district code of Bagora Block (CD) is 00589. Total area of bagora tehsil is 846 km². Bagora tehsil has a population of 1,51,141 peoples. Bagora tehsil has a population density of 179 inhabitants per square kilometre. There are about 25,032 houses in the sub-district.

When it comes to literacy, 40.49% population of bagora tehsil is literate, out of which 53.77% males and 26.28% females are literate. There are about 58 villages in bagora tehsil, which you can browse from bagora tehsil villages list (along with gram panchayat & nearest town information) below.

List of Villages in Bagora Tehsil

#Village NameGram PanchayatNearest Town
1Arnoo Jeran Bhinmal (13 km)
2Bagawas Lunawas Bhinmal (17 km)
3Bagora Bagoda Bhinmal (40 km)
4Bagoti Chainpura Bhinmal (43 km)
5Bali Bali Bhinmal (50 km)
6Bhalni Bhalni Bhinmal (50 km)
7Bichhawari Chainpura Bhinmal (43 km)
8Bijaliya Rangala Bhinmal (68 km)
9Chainpura Chainpura Bhinmal (43 km)
10Chak Jeran Jeran Bhinmal (15 km)
11Chhajala Rangala Bhinmal (60 km)
12Dabli Rathaoran Rah Bhinmal (30 km)
13Daman Kaleti Bhinmal (35 km)
14Deoda Ka Goliya Morseem Bhinmal (44 km)
15Dhumbariya Dhumbariya Bhinmal (32 km)
16Doongarwa Doongarwa Bhinmal (33 km)
17Gaonri Lakhni Bhinmal (48 km)
18Goojarwara Chainpura Bhinmal (44 km)
19Hapu Ki Dhani Bhalni Bhinmal (50 km)
20Jaisawas Jaisawas Bhinmal (52 km)
21Jaitoo Kawatra Bhinmal (77 km)
22Janiyon Ki Dhani Doongarwa Bhinmal (30 km)
23Jeran Jeran Bhinmal (17 km)
24Kaleti Kaleti Bhinmal (35 km)
25Kawtara Kawatra Bhinmal (13 km)
26Kharwa Naya Morseem Bhinmal (46 km)
27Kherapuriya Kooka Bhinmal (34 km)
28Khokha Khokha Bhinmal (52 km)
29Kooka Kooka Jalor
30Kori Dhavecha Jaisawas Bhinmal (57 km)
31Kura Dhavecha Jaisawas Bhinmal (43 km)
32Lakhni Lakhni Bhinmal (45 km)
33Loombaram Bata Ki Dhani Rangala Bhinmal (65 km)
34Loonawas Lunawas Bhinmal (30 km)
35Maiya Ki Dhani Rangala Bhinmal (65 km)
36Meda Brahmnan Kooka Bhinmal (33 km)
37Meerganj Khokha Bhinmal (58 km)
38Meerpura Kawatra Bhinmal (7 km)
39Mindawas Lunawas Bhinmal (20 km)
40Morseem Morseem Bhinmal (40 km)
41Nai Bali Ka Goliya Bali Bhinmal (56 km)
42Naibali Bali Bhinmal (55 km)
43Nandiya Nandiya Bhinmal (51 km)
44Narsana Narsana Bhinmal (29 km)
45Nawapura Dhavecha Rauta Bhinmal (55 km)
46Naya Chainpura Chainpura Bhinmal (45 km)
47Naya Morseem Naya Morseem Bhinmal (60 km)
48Pata Ki Dhani Lakhni Bhinmal (50 km)
49Rah Rah Bhinmal (29 km)
50Rangala Rangala Bhinmal (62 km)
51Rauta Rauta Bhinmal (48 km)
52Rupa Ki Dhani Bhalni Bhinmal (45 km)
53Sewari Sewari Bhinmal (23 km)
54Sobrawas Rangala Bhinmal (68 km)
55Vada Bharvi Vada Bhadvi Bhinmal (27 km)
56Vada Naya Doongarwa Bhinmal (28 km)
57Vatera Rauta Bhinmal (51 km)
58Vishnu Nagar Vada Bhadvi Bhinmal (29 km)

Population of Bagora Tehsil

Particulars Rural Urban Total
Total Population 1,51,141 N/A 1,51,141
Male Population 78,110 N/A 78,110
Female Population 73,031 N/A 73,031
Population Density 179 / km² N/A 179 / km²

Households in Bagora Tehsil

Particulars Households
Rural Households 25,032
Urban Households N/A
Total Households 25,032