
Gudur is a Town and Mandal in Warangal District of Telangana. In India, a mandal is a sub-division of a district that is responsible for the administration and revenue collection of a particular area within the district. It is an important part of the local governance structure, and plays a crucial role in the development and administration of its local community.

According to census 2011 information the sub-district code of Gudur Block (CD) is 04711. Total area of gudur mandal is 317 km². Gudur mandal has a population of 55,781 peoples. Gudur mandal has a population density of 176.1 inhabitants per square kilometre. There are about 14,289 houses in the sub-district.

When it comes to literacy, 46.43% population of gudur mandal is literate, out of which 55.12% males and 37.53% females are literate. There are about 28 villages in gudur mandal, which you can browse from gudur mandal villages list (along with gram panchayat & nearest town information) below.

List of Villages in Gudur Mandal

#Village NameGram PanchayatNearest Town
1Adivarampet Seethanagaram Warangal (53 km)
2Apparajpalle Apparajpally Warangal (68 km)
3Ayodhyapur Ayodhyapur Warangal (58 km)
4Bhupathipet Bhupathipet Warangal (21 km)
5Boddugonda Boddugonda Warangal (65 km)
6Bollepalle Bollepally Warangal (60 km)
7Chinnayellapur Chinnayellapur Warangal (52 km)
8Damaravancha Dameravancha Warangal (67 km)
9Gajulagattu Gajulaghat Warangal (61 km)
10Govindapur Govindapur Warangal (70 km)
11Gudur Gudur Warangal (55 km)
12Gundenga Gundenga Warangal (71 km)
13Keshavapatnam Chinnayellapur Warangal (49 km)
14Kolhapuram Kollapur Warangal (67 km)
15Kongaragidda Matwada Warangal (70 km)
16Macherla Macharla Warangal (59 km)
17Madanapur Madanapur Warangal (63 km)
18Matwada Matwada Warangal (65 km)
19Naikpalle Naikpallyy Warangal (58 km)
20Neelavancha Matwada Warangal (70 km)
21Ootla Matwada Warangal (62 km)
22Ponugodu Ponugodu Warangal (60 km)
23Rajanpalle Rajanpally Warangal (64 km)
24Seetanagar Seethanagaram Warangal (52 km)
25Teegalveni Theegalaveni Warangal (63 km)
26Thimmapur Matwada Warangal (73 km)
27Veerampet Matwada Warangal (75 km)
28Vengapet Chinnayellapur Warangal (49 km)

Population of Gudur Mandal

Particulars Rural Urban Total
Total Population 55,781 N/A 55,781
Male Population 28,225 N/A 28,225
Female Population 27,556 N/A 27,556
Population Density 176 / km² N/A 176 / km²

Households in Gudur Mandal

Particulars Households
Rural Households 14,289
Urban Households N/A
Total Households 14,289