
Block / Subdivision → Binpur I

District → Paschim Medinipur

State → West Bengal

About Tarkilata

According to Census 2011 information the location code or village code of Tarkilata village is 336352. Tarkilata village is located in Binpur I subdivision of Paschim Medinipur district in West Bengal, India. It is situated 10.6km away from sub-district headquarter Binpur. Midnapur is the district headquarter of Tarkilata village. As per 2009 stats, Lalgarh is the gram panchayat of Tarkilata village.

The total geographical area of village is 46.69 hectares. Tarkilata has a total population of 211 peoples, out of which male population is 108 while female population is 103. This results in a sex ratio of approximately 953 females for every 1,000 males. Literacy rate of tarkilata village is 59.72% out of which 70.37% males and 48.54% females are literate. There are about 53 houses in tarkilata village. Pincode of tarkilata village locality is 721516.

Jhargram is nearest town to tarkilata village for all major economic activities, which is approximately 26km away.

Google Map of Tarkilata

The Map data on this website is provided by Google Maps, a free online map service one can access and view in a web browser.

Population of Tarkilata

Total Population 211 108 103
Literate Population 126 76 50
Illiterate Population 85 32 53

Connectivity of Tarkilata

Public Bus Service
Available within 10+ km distance
Private Bus Service
Available within 5 - 10 km distance
Railway Station
Available within 10+ km distance

Nearby Villages of Tarkilata

Tarkilata - Village Overview
Gram Panchayat : Lalgarh
Block / Subdivision : Binpur I
District : Paschim Medinipur
State : West Bengal
Pincode : 721516
Area : 46.69 hectares
Sex Ratio (2011): 953
Population (2011): 211
Households : 53
Nearest Town : Jhargram (26 km)
Villages in Lalgarh Gram Panchayat
Amdanga Amlia
Baghakuli Bali Dhuma
Bandhgora Barrapalia
Beldanga Bhangadali
Bhumij Dhansol Bilaspat
Birkanar Chunpara
Daintikri Dolkunda
Dubrajpur Durllabhpur
Galasia Ganganarayanpur
Hanrigara Hariharpur
Jamsol Jangalkhas
Jangal Khas Jangal Khas
Jhitka Kala Baria
Kamar Bandi Kamrangi
Karamsol Khayarasoli
Kodo Danga Krishna Kumari
Kukurmuri Kushumasoli
Lalgarh Lalgarh Jangalkhas
Loya Tikari Netai
Nutandi Padiha
Payarabila Pirrakuli
Purnapani Rangamatia
Rautara Saersahi
Sakhisol Saontal Dhansol
Sauda Shimul Danga
Swarup Narayanpur Tarkilata

Related Pages
List of Villages in Binpur I
List of Subdivisions in Paschim Medinipur
List of Districts in West Bengal

* All survey data is based on Office of the Registrar General & Census Commissioner, Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India, 2015 ( Open Government Data Platform India.