
Block / Subdivision → Narayangarh

District → Paschim Medinipur

State → West Bengal

About Danmangli

According to Census 2011 information the location code or village code of Danmangli village is 343433. Danmangli village is located in Narayangarh subdivision of Paschim Medinipur district in West Bengal, India. Midnapur and Belda are the district & sub-district headquarters of Danmangli village respectively. As per 2009 stats, Tutranga is the gram panchayat of Danmangli village.

The total geographical area of village is 79 hectares. Danmangli has a total population of 529 peoples, out of which male population is 270 while female population is 259. This results in a sex ratio of approximately 959 females for every 1,000 males. Literacy rate of danmangli village is 59.36% out of which 64.81% males and 53.67% females are literate. There are about 94 houses in danmangli village. Pincode of danmangli village locality is 721445.

Kharagpur is nearest town to danmangli village for all major economic activities, which is approximately 50km away.

Google Map of Danmangli

The Map data on this website is provided by Google Maps, a free online map service one can access and view in a web browser.

Population of Danmangli

Total Population 529 270 259
Literate Population 314 175 139
Illiterate Population 215 95 120

Connectivity of Danmangli

Public Bus Service
Available within 5 - 10 km distance
Private Bus Service
Available within 5 - 10 km distance
Railway Station
Available within 10+ km distance

Nearby Villages of Danmangli

Danmangli - Village Overview
Gram Panchayat : Tutranga
Block / Subdivision : Narayangarh
District : Paschim Medinipur
State : West Bengal
Pincode : 721445
Area : 79 hectares
Sex Ratio (2011): 959
Population (2011): 529
Households : 94
Nearest Town : Kharagpur (50 km)
Villages in Tutranga Gram Panchayat
Amarsia Amdabad
Amuria Asanda
Asde Asti
Baman Sarasha Banamalipur
Banshipur Basutya
Belibasdebpur Beli Pania
Bilsarpa Chak Bali
Chak Jagabandhan Chak Purusottampur
Danmangli Desh Chak
Dwariachak Gholai
Gobinda Chak Ishab Pur
Jagannath Chak Kaji Chak
Karanji Khankurda
Kurkuchya Lal Nagar
Madhabpur Mahammadnagar
Maisha Chak Maishamura
Meidichak Mohanchak
Mulkuria Murar Chak
Naru Chak Nayan Basan
Nonachatui Pachashbetiya
Paharajpur Palasia Chak
Phulgerija Purusottampur
Rama Salim Chak
Tarua Tutranga
Ullash Barbetia Uttaar Mulkuria

Related Pages
List of Villages in Narayangarh
List of Subdivisions in Paschim Medinipur
List of Districts in West Bengal

* All survey data is based on Office of the Registrar General & Census Commissioner, Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India, 2015 ( Open Government Data Platform India.